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A data set in the form of a 2 × 2 × 2 contingency table is presented and analyzed in detail. For instructional purposes, the analysis of the data can be used to illustrate some basic concepts in the loglinear model approach to the analysis of multidimensional contingency tables.  相似文献   
This paper presents a simple and exact test for detecting a monotonic relation between the mean and variance in linear regression through the origin. This test resulted from utilizing uncorrelated Theil-residuals and the Goldfeld-Quandt peak test. A numerical example is provided to elucidate the method. A simulation experiment was performed to compare the empirical power of this test with those of the existing tests.  相似文献   
The identification of influential observations in logistic regression has drawn a great deal of attention in recent years. Most of the available techniques like Cook's distance and difference of fits (DFFITS) are based on single-case deletion. But there is evidence that these techniques suffer from masking and swamping problems and consequently fail to detect multiple influential observations. In this paper, we have developed a new measure for the identification of multiple influential observations in logistic regression based on a generalized version of DFFITS. The advantage of the proposed method is then investigated through several well-referred data sets and a simulation study.  相似文献   
忠恕是儒家的重要伦理范畴之一,核心含义为"尽己而推己",其关键是一"推"字。《大学》中"忠恕"思想的表现形态有宏观和微观两种。从宏观上看,《大学》中的"忠恕"思想表现为"修齐治平"这样一个"内圣外王"之道;从微观来看,"忠恕"思想则表现为"絜矩之道"。两种形态均体现了儒家"忠恕"思想尽己而推的推衍实质。  相似文献   
A well known method for obtaining conservative simultaneous confidence intervals for the K parameters in a linear regression model, or for K linear contrasts, is based on the percentage points of the Studentized maximum modulus distribution. From an inequality due to Sidak, conservative yet uniformly shorter confidence intervals would be possible if the percentage points of a particular form of the multivariate t distribution were available. The purpose of this paper is to provide the required percentage points. For K<8 the resulting confidence intervals can be substantially shorter.  相似文献   
The composed error of a stochastic frontier (SF) model consists of two random variables, and the identification of the model relies heavily on the distribution assumptions for each of these variables. While the literature has put much effort into applying various SF models to a wide range of empirical problems, little has been done to test the distribution assumptions of these two variables. In this article, by exploiting the specification structures of the SF model, we propose a centered-residuals-based method of moments which can be easily and flexibly applied to testing the distribution assumptions on both of the random variables and to estimating the model parameters. A Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to assess the performance of the proposed method. We also provide two empirical examples to demonstrate the use of the proposed estimator and test using real data.  相似文献   
It is possible to define , for the most general ( i.e .errors are not necessarily additive) non-linear regressions with non-stochastic regressor functions and independent errors, cross-validatory, recursive and partial residuals which at least for large samples and under regularity conditions behave very much as their well-known linear model versions do.  相似文献   
In this paper we examine the properties of four types of residual vectors, arising from fitting a linear regression model to a set of data by least squares. The four types of residuals are (i) the Stepwise residuals (Hedayat and Robson, 1970), (ii) the Recursive residuals (Brown, Durbin, and Evans, 1975), (iii) the Sequentially Adjusted residuals (to be defined herein), and (iv) the BLUS residuals (Theil, 1965, 1971). We also study the relationships among the four residual vectors. It is found that, for any given sequence of observations, (i) the first three sets of residuals are identical, (ii) each of the first three sets, being identical, is a member of Thei’rs (1965, 1971) family of residuals; specifically, they are Linear Unbiased with a Scalar covariance matrix (LUS) but not Best Linear Unbiased with a Scalar covariance matrix (BLUS). We find the explicit form of the transformation matrix and show that the first three sets of residual vectors can be written as an orthogonal transformation of the BLUS residual vector. These and other properties may prove to be useful in the statistical analysis of residuals.  相似文献   
The use of martingale residuals have been proposed for modelchecking and also to get a non-parametric estimate of the effectof an explanatory variable. We apply this approach to an epidemiologicalproblem which presents two characteristics: the data are lefttruncated due to delayed entry in the cohort; the data are groupedinto geographical units (parishes). This grouping suggests anatural way of smoothing the graph of residuals which is to computethe sum of the residuals for each parish. It is also naturalto present a graph with standardized residuals. We derive thevariances of the estimated residuals for left truncated datawhich allows computing the standardized residuals. This methodis applied to the study of dementia in a cohort of old people,and to the possible effect of the concentration of aluminum andsilica in drinking water on the risk of developing dementia.  相似文献   
Data‐analytic tools for models other than the normal linear regression model are relatively rare. Here we develop plots and diagnostic statistics for nonconstant variance for the random‐effects model (REM). REMs for longitudinal data include both within‐ and between‐subject variances. A basic assumption is that the two variance terms are constant across subjects. However, we often find that these variances are functions of covariates, and the data set has what we call explainable heterogeneity, which needs to be allowed for in the model. We characterize several types of heterogeneity of variance in REMs and develop three diagnostic tests using the score statistic: one for each of the two variance terms, and the third for a form of multivariate nonconstant variance. For each test we present an adjusted residual plot which can identify cases that are unusually influential on the outcome of the test.  相似文献   
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