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文章通过对李立三"左"倾冒险主义错误的产生、发展及结束的全过程的考察,认为李立三"左"倾冒险主义错误产生的根源在于共产国际的错误指导,而其恶性发展膨胀则与李立三本人的错误思想认识有关,其最终的被遏止则又主要归功于共产国际,但同时共产国际对李立三"左"倾错误的纠正又是很不彻底的。  相似文献   
左翼知识分子是延安时期文学艺术活动的主要发起者、组织者、参与者与建构者。1936年底,中日民族矛盾进一步加剧,受中国共产党坚决抗日的政治主张的召唤,大批进步文人与左翼作家奔赴延安革命解放区。初来延安的左翼知识分子按照五四新文艺路径进行文学创作,尖锐批判和深刻揭露解放区存在的不良现象,引起党内干部和战士的极端不满,知识分子与工农干部矛盾日益突出。经过整风、审干、抢救运动,左翼知识分子认识到自己的不足和延安战时环境的特殊性,积极转变立场,主动改造自己,深入群众生活,创作出老百姓喜闻乐见的文艺精品,把延安文艺运动推向高潮。  相似文献   
The relationship between class and voting choices has been the subject of controversy in recent years, especially in connection with the apparent decline of the traditional left. This paper examines class voting in Australia, focusing on three major issues: (1) changes in the overall strength of class voting (2) realignment, or changes in the relative political positions of the classes (3) the connection between the strength of class voting and support for Labor. It finds that (1) there is a decline in 'general' class voting (2) much of this decline involves a realignment of certain middle class groups, but there is no support for the popular idea that class alignments have become more complex (3) there is no connection between the strength of class voting and Labor performance. Our results cast doubt on accounts that regard the electoral difficulties of left parties as a symptom of the decline of class.  相似文献   
大革命时期陈独秀的三次纠“左”皆是无可厚非的。国共两党关系过早的破裂,主要是由于工农运动中的“左”倾错误激化了两党矛盾。而大革命的失败,关键在于共产党没有自己的军队。陈独秀的右倾,不在于对“左”倾现象的纠正,而是不敢组建共产党独立领导的军队。在民主革命时期的国共合作中。只有以军队领导权、统一战线、群众运动为序处理好三者的关系,才能立于不败之地。  相似文献   
用短正合列、相对投射模和相对内射模等同调代数中的概念及其它们的一些基本性质,给出左遗传环的几类等价条件,从而给出左遗传环一种刻画.  相似文献   
Studies of the relationship between class position and political outlooks still only have a limited understanding of the class‐related mechanisms that matter for ideological orientations. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the mechanisms that link class position and left/right and authoritarian/libertarian orientations. Besides main factors such as income, career prospects, job security, education, class origin and class identification, the significance of work‐related factors such as work autonomy, working in a team, a physically demanding job and a mentally demanding job is studied. The findings are based on a survey specifically designed for this purpose and collected in Sweden in 2008/2009. A great deal of the association between class position and left/right orientations is explained by socio‐economic conditions; different classes sympathize with policies that will benefit them economically. Another important factor is class identification. Work‐related factors also have relevance, but the effect of class position on left/right orientations works mainly through the remuneration system. Class position is also related to authoritarian/libertarian orientations. However, this relationship is less explained by socio‐economic position per se, but is rather an effect of the educational system and its allocation of the workforce into different class positions. It also turns out that work‐related factors do not explain the class effects; however, a physically demanding job shows a unique effect. Overall, our findings suggest that besides factors such as class position, income, education and class identification, we need to consider work‐related aspects to derive a more complete understanding of the distribution of ideological orientations in Western societies.  相似文献   
For many diseases, logistic constraints render large incidence studies difficult to carry out. This becomes a drawback, particularly when a new study is needed each time the incidence rate is investigated in a new population. By carrying out a prevalent cohort study with follow‐up it is possible to estimate the incidence rate if it is constant. The authors derive the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the overall incidence rate, λ, as well as age‐specific incidence rates, by exploiting the epidemiologic relationship, (prevalence odds) = (incidence rate) × (mean duration) (P/[1 ? P] = λ × µ). The authors establish the asymptotic distributions of the MLEs and provide approximate confidence intervals for the parameters. Moreover, the MLE of λ is asymptotically most efficient and is the natural estimator obtained by substituting the marginal maximum likelihood estimators for P and µ into P/[1 ? P] = λ × µ. Following‐up the subjects allows the authors to develop these widely applicable procedures. The authors apply their methods to data collected as part of the Canadian Study of Health and Ageing to estimate the incidence rate of dementia amongst elderly Canadians. The Canadian Journal of Statistics © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
20世纪前半叶,韩国被日寇侵占后,韩国反日独立运动大多是在中国境内进行的。金九先生是韩国反日独立运动最杰出的领导人。本文分析了金九与韩国反日独立运动左翼派别的关系,以对这段鲜为人知的历史有更深刻的认识。  相似文献   
写《在医院中》时,丁玲仍是以独立的作家身份和知识分子视角创作的,因而能真实地表现丁玲的莎菲式的主体"困惑"的情况与特点.这种"困惑"也是对"五四"文学精神的自觉认同与回归,是对崇尚科学与民主,追求人的解放的现代意识的一种张扬.  相似文献   
本文基于视觉文化在城市文化建设中的重要性,以城市视觉文化形象的城市建筑为主要问题,首先阐述北京城市视觉文化的历史“余韵”与现代性“崇高”在城市现代化发展过程中所经历的重要转变,在此基础上论述二者之间的紧张关系,然后从视觉文化理论的角度提出自己的看法。  相似文献   
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