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We model a situation where a firm wishes to balance workload requirements by creating a portfolio of recurrent insourcing and outsourcing contracts. We use harmonic analysis to decompose an input workload profile into a portfolio of insourcing and outsourcing contracts using rectangular‐wave basis functions to better achieve some desired constant workload level. However, this initial selection of contracts may result in impractical options. Therefore, we also develop mathematical programs using principles from goal programming and integer programming to refine the portfolio of contracts to more accurately reflect a realistic environment by placing constraints on the available contracts and explicitly considering operational costs. We consider several modeling extensions including the ability to hold limited amounts of inventory and the use of one‐shot contracts to supplement our portfolio of recurrent contracts.  相似文献   
We obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions so that any real function (x) is the conditional expectation E(h(X)/Xx) of a random variable X with continuous distribution function, where h is a given real, continuous and strictly monotonic function.  相似文献   

We propose a family of finite approximations for the departure process of a BMAP/MAP/1 queue. The departure process approximations are derived via an exact aggregate solution technique (called ETAQA) applied to M/G/1-type Markov processes. The proposed approximations are indexed by a parameter n(n > 1), which determines the size of the output model as n + 1 block levels of the M/G/1-type process. This output approximation preserves exactly the marginal distribution of the true departure process and the lag correlations of the interdeparture times up to lag n ? 2. Experimental results support the applicability of the proposed approximation in traffic-based decomposition of queueing networks.  相似文献   
数学核心素养是学生经过数学学习后应具备的关键能力与必备品格。已有大量研究证实数学文化对学生的认知、情感、品格等方面具有积极影响。如何评价数学文化对小学生数学核心素养发展的作用,成为本文的主要研究问题。本文通过文献分析、抽样调查和探索性因素分析等,得出数学文化对小学生数学核心素养发展作用的三个维度:必备品格(X1)、关键能力(X2)、数学情感态度观念(X3),构建测评模型:Y=0.26X1+0.31X2+0.42X3;通过专家咨询、师生调查、课堂观察等方法与验证性因素分析,得出所构建的测评模型拟合度良好。该测评模型为数学文化对学生核心素养发展的作用提供借鉴和测评工具支持。  相似文献   
针对目前在使用质构仪进行食品物性检测时,存在的检测数据准确性较差,操作系统功能单一,测试结果与口感 评价间无关联性分析等缺点,提出了基于六自由度并联机器人的口感预测型仿生检测系统。设计了仿生咀嚼检测平台; 利用数理统计原理和最小二乘法建立了物性检测数据与口感评价之间的数学模型,实现了仿生检测系统的口感预测功 能。实验结果表明,利用数学模型获得的口感预测值与人口感评价结果之间的误差小于9%,满足实际应用的需要,验 证了口感预测数学模型构建的正确性及口感预测功能的可行性。  相似文献   
By means of several historical examples, it is shown that it does not appear to be easy to build bridges between rigorous mathematics and reasonable data-analytic procedures for scientific measurements. After mentioning both some positive and some negative aspects of statistics, a formal framework for statistics is presented which contains the concept formation, derivation of results and interpretation of mathematical statistics as three essential steps. The difficulties especially of interpretation are shown for examples in several areas of statistics, such as asymptotics and robustness. Some problems of statistics in two subject-matter sciences are discussed, and a summary and outlook are given.  相似文献   
吕炳强 《社会》2010,30(4):73-90
本文首先梳理了李普瑟的文本,把其对社会分层的构思阐释为一个最适用于公共行政的“结构-张力论”,  相似文献   
在《简.爱》中,夏洛蒂.勃朗特巧妙地借助色彩丰富的象征意义,通过在人物语言、外貌及环境描写中大量使用红白黑三种色彩意象为人物敷彩设色。这不仅使抽象的人物个性变得具体而丰满,还能引发读者的想像和思考,从而使之从更深的层次理解人物和小说的思想蕴涵。  相似文献   
关于概率论与数理统计教学的几点体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的进步和科学技术的发展,概率统计的思维方式和方法在各个领域越来越受到重视,并被广泛应用。在教学过程中应注意激发学生的学习兴趣;借助多媒体,增加案例教学;加强实践教学,以不断提高教学效果和学生的动手能力。  相似文献   
鲁迅是乡土小说的开拓者,他的作品对乡土作家产生了深远的影响。王鲁彦作为浙东乡土作家群的代表作家,深受鲁迅的影响,他立足于浙东这块热土,从人物形象上承传了鲁迅深刻的文化批判精神,既写出了在外来资本冲击下浙东农村的生活现状,也描绘了在此环境下人物意识形态的变化,大大拓宽了乡土文学的表现范畴。  相似文献   
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