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二三十年代,蒋介石总的战略目标,是在中国建立一个由国民党一党专政的、由他本人实行独裁的、基本上属于资产阶级政体的共和国。为实现这一目标,蒋介石在对外关系上采取了联美、抑日、反苏的战略;在对内方面,则将“攘外必先安内”定为国策。他最早提出的“安内”,是针对国民党政权内部的反蒋派,其后才把主要矛头指向共产党,但也没有放弃讨伐国民党内的反蒋派。1997年2月,台湾开放蒋介石档案即《大溪档案》,它为研究二三十年代蒋介石军事政治战略,提供了十分有价值的史料。  相似文献   
1949年和1960年毛泽东先后为西安电子科技大学前身军委工程学校和中国人民解放军军事电信工程学院题写《全心全意为人民服务》和《艰苦朴素》两个题词。西电科大的最前身是1931年毛泽东在瑞金亲自创建的,是一所经历过万里长征的具有光荣革命传统的学校。现今她已经发展成为以信息和电子学科为主、工理文管多学科结合的全国重点大学。  相似文献   
在军训期间,大学生的心理特征呈现阶段性,主要表现为兴奋期、疲劳期、适应期和结束期。教官和老师要针对每个阶段不同心理特征,帮助其形成积极良好的应对方式。同时,由于环境改变、身体素质较弱,以及人格特质等原因,大学生在军训期间多发适应不良、癔症等心理问题。为此,可以通过强化思想政治教育、普及教官心理学知识、在军训中运用教育心理学原理等方式对这些心理问题进行干预。  相似文献   

This study seeks to empirically derive the patterns of alcohol consumption among military personnel by forming clusters of military personnel with similar alcohol use and sociodemographic characteristics. The empirical work of this study is based on the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Findings suggest that alcohol consumption varies according to marital status, education level, and other demographic characteristics (age, sex, and race). Frequent heavy drinking is concentrated among military personnel who are unmarried, between the ages of 18 and 25, non-Hispanic Whites, and men. Tailoring and customizing delivery approaches to focus on the patterns of alcohol consumption as well as the socioeconomic characteristics of the different segments of military personnel in United States could also be a promising alternative.  相似文献   

Forty-nine nations currently have UAV (unmanned autonomous vehicle, or unmanned aerial vehicle) technology. Autonomous technology could potentially alter both the conduct of warfighting itself as well as our understanding of war as a gendered activity. Using drones or ‘robots’ could affect the activities of war through outsourcing killing to technology and removing the aggressors’ physical bodies from the battlefield. Drones could also affect the gendered construct of war as the traditional dyad of protector/protected is altered: a system in which men have traditionally protected women and children is replaced by a new system in which machines protect humans. Analysts like Haraway might interpret these developments as an important step towards posthumanity where man-machine as well as gender distinctions are overcome. However, traditional gendered concepts of warfare have a long history and it is not inevitable that new technologies will change gendered activities, relations and views of war. Instead, the discourse of new technologies as expressed by US military planners and technology developers currently reinforces rather than downplays gender distinctions. Robots themselves have been constructed as subordinate, as a new type of nature which is dominated or feminized, while ‘cyborg soldiers’ with technological implants are constructed as hypermasculine.  相似文献   
In this paper I argue that it is time to rethink the military within Management and Organization Theory. The starting point for this discussion is a juxtaposition of the (lack of) study of the military within Management and Organization Theory compared with the recent (and sustained) interest in depicting war, the military and the military subject within popular culture. I argue that the military is a gendered and gendering organization that has wider discursive effects on the lived experience of masculinity. Having laid down these conceptual claims, I then argue for the value of film, and popular culture more broadly, as an important source of ‘knowledge’ about organizational life. To elaborate this claim, I conduct a close reading of four films that represent post‐Cold War conflicts and identify three recurring themes that tell particular ‘truths’ of the experiences of the contemporary military organizational subject. I conclude that there is something meaningful and relevant in the contemporary popular culture of war that can help address the limitations of the exploration of the military within Management and Organization Theory.  相似文献   
充军是明朝时期的一种重要刑罚,在当时极为盛行.贵州是明朝充军犯人的主要配地之一,因此大批充军罪犯来到贵州.充军在明朝的广泛实施,除起到惩罚犯罪的作用之外,客观上也对当地产生了诸多积极影响.它不仅补充卫所兵源,加强了贵州的防卫,确保中央与地方联系畅通,保障贵州的稳定,而且还带动了当地经济、文化、教育的进步与发展.  相似文献   
There are very few empirical mental health studies of military Filipino Amerasians, progeny of United States servicemen and Filipina national mothers abandoned during overseas duty. A preliminary finding in a 3-year, multiple-case study focusing primarily on stigmatization-related psychosocial risk and stress and their relationship to core mental health symptomatology showed elevated prevalence (56%) of somatic illness and probable somatization disorder among the sample (N = 16). Somatic complaints were categorized as a mental stress factor in the overall study showing (62.5%) scoring severe levels of anxiety, depression or stress using the Depression, Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21). The unexpected presence of somatic illness is noteworthy and with palliative implications for medical and clinical social workers and allied health professionals. Such practitioners are likely to encounter Amerasian clients who apparently number well over 50,000 throughout the archipelago, and treat Amerasians having experienced racial stigmatization and presenting psychosomatic physical ailments possibly masking somatization complications and psychopathological disorder.  相似文献   
我国军民两用技术产业链延伸研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新的历史条件下,发展军民两用高技术并实现产业化已成为促进国民经济发展、特别是国防科技工业"跨越式"发展的重要战略措施,对促进新型工业化、推进产业升级、提高国家竞争力具有重要意义。目前我国军民融和创新体系中,受原有体制和旧的机制束缚,存在着一些矛盾,本文通过深入分析我国军民两用技术产业化的现状和问题,针对性的提出了我国军民两用技术产业链延伸发展的对策措施。  相似文献   
立足西安工业发展现状及存在的问题,在总结其他副省级工业发展经验的基础上,提出:"十二五"西安工业发展思路应着力于"四化",即"工业结构高度化,军民产业融合化,工业发展集群化,工业布局合理化",重点打造十大主导产业和五大产业发展区域。对应于"四化"目标,西安市工业发展需强调四个方面的发展策略。  相似文献   
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