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In vitro permeation tests (IVPT) offer accurate and cost-effective development pathways for locally acting drugs, such as topical dermatological products. For assessment of bioequivalence, the FDA draft guidance on generic acyclovir 5% cream introduces a new experimental design, namely the single-dose, multiple-replicate per treatment group design, as IVPT pivotal study design. We examine the statistical properties of its hypothesis testing method—namely the mixed scaled average bioequivalence (MSABE). Meanwhile, some adaptive design features in clinical trials can help researchers make a decision earlier with fewer subjects or boost power, saving resources, while controlling the impact on family-wise error rate. Therefore, we incorporate MSABE in an adaptive design combining the group sequential design and sample size re-estimation. Simulation studies are conducted to study the passing rates of the proposed methods—both within and outside the average bioequivalence limits. We further consider modifications to the adaptive designs applied for IVPT BE trials, such as Bonferroni's adjustment and conditional power function. Finally, a case study with real data demonstrates the advantages of such adaptive methods.  相似文献   
This note extends some results on homogeneous linear estimators to the general, even nonlinear case.A Sufficient condition for the difference of mean square error matrices of minimum conditional mean square error estimator and minimum average risk linear estimator to be postive definite is derived.  相似文献   
A new S2 control chart is presented for monitoring the process variance by utilizing a repetitive sampling scheme. The double control limits called inner and outer control limits are proposed, whose coefficients are determined by considering the average run length (ARL) and the average sample number when the process is in control. The proposed control chart is compared with the existing Shewhart S2 control chart in terms of the ARLs. The result shows that the proposed control chart is more efficient than the existing control chart in detecting the process shift.  相似文献   
Given a general homogeneous non-stationary autoregressive integrated moving average process ARIMA(p,d,q), the corresponding model for the subseries obtained by a systematic sampling is derived. The article then shows that the sampled subseries approaches approximately to an integrated moving average process IMA(d,l), l≤(d-l), regardless of the autoregressive and moving average structures in the original series. In particular, the sampled subseries from an ARIMA (p,l,q) process approaches approximately to a simple random walk model.  相似文献   
Three tables for selection of single sampling plans with any one of the following combinations of entry parameters are givens.

1) the indifference quality level and the average outgoing quality limit.

2) the indifference quality level with relative slope of the OC curve at that quality leve land.

3) the quality level corresponding to the inflection point with relative slope of the OC curve at that quality level.

A table enabling the transition from one set of parameters to match the OC curve of other similar sets is also given.  相似文献   
This study examines how the social environment of religious congregations affects the spread of contraceptive use in developing contexts, using Mozambique as a case study. Analysis of qualitative data collected in urban areas of that country in 1998-99 and of the data from the 1997 Mozambique Demographic and Health Survey suggests that, in urban areas, the environment of more socioculturally diverse and inclusive Roman Catholic and mission-based Protestant congregations is more propitious to the spread and legitimization of modern contraception than the milieu of smaller, relatively homogeneous, independent churches. In rural areas, however, sociocultural diversity within and across different religious denominations is minimal, and membership in any formal congregation offers an advantage in contraceptive learning.  相似文献   
A provocation?…?the minds of my generation of organizational theorists are haunted by the spectre of scientific discourse, shoehorned into dry genres, bullied by audit regimes that try to wring the passion out of thought. Without gaiety, the science that calls us has no exuberance, it cannot dance. What are the possibilities for writing about organizations that allows the heart's instincts to be followed, the vast possibilities of expression to be explored and enjoyed? I explore this through a form of writing known as fictocriticism – a writing engaged in genre-bending as a literary and theoretical engagement with existence and selfhood. Why import this term into organization studies? Might fictocriticism have some value to ‘us’ who locate ourselves here? I am engaging in a form of romance; a courtship of ideas from elsewhere. What might result from this union is not clear, but it offers hope, excitement and promise.  相似文献   
倪冬梅  赵秋红  李海滨 《管理科学》2013,16(9):44-52+74
准确的预测有助于企业做出有效的决策,包括生产计划、定价和促销决策等,以减少库存、提高客户满意度和企业竞争力. 以快速消费品为研究对象,分析其需求影响因素,建立了时间序列分析与多元回归整合的需求预测综合模型; 将此预测模型引入到库存决策中,构建了基于库存成本最小的需求预测与库存决策集成模型,并借助变邻域搜索算法获得模型的参数值; 最后,选用实际数据,验证了所构建的需求预测综合模型、物流需求预测与库存决策集成模型及其求解方法的有效性.  相似文献   
This paper studies the effects of non-normality and autocorrelation on the performances of various individuals control charts for monitoring the process mean and/or variance. The traditional Shewhart X chart and moving range (MR) chart are investigated as well as several types of exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) charts and combinations of control charts involving these EWMA charts. It is shown that the combination of the X and MR charts will not detect small and moderate parameter shifts as fast as combinations involving the EWMA charts, and that the performana of the X and MR charts is very sensitive to the normality assumption. It is also shown that certain combinations of EWMA charts can be designed to be robust to non-normality and very effective at detecting small and moderate shifts in the process mean and/or variance. Although autocorrelation can have a significant effect on the in-control performances of these combinations of EWMA charts, their relative out-of-control performances under independence are generally maintained for low to moderate levels of autocorrelation.  相似文献   
Monte Carlo methods are used to compare the methods of maximum likelihood and least squares to estimate a cumulative distribution function. When the probabilistic model used is correct or nearly correct, the two methods produce similar results with the MLE usually slightly superior When an incorrect model is used, or when the data is contaminated, the least squares technique often gives substantially superior results.  相似文献   
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