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提升出口复杂度是科技体制改革的重要目标,然而少有文献关注到金融扭曲和创新抑制对中国各地区出口复杂度的影响.本文借助金融扭曲指数与中国高技术产业省级层面数据,实证考察金融扭曲、创新抑制及其相互作用如何影响了出口复杂度.研究发现,金融扭曲和创新抑制对出口复杂度有显著的抑制作用.金融扭曲加剧了创新抑制对出口复杂度的侵蚀效应,并且金融扭曲跨越特定临界值,创新抑制的这种影响更为凸显.在较低外向度、较小产值规模以及较低技术密集度的高技术企业中,金融扭曲对出口复杂度的抑制效应尤为强烈.扭曲收益、研发抑制和技术锁定是金融扭曲阻碍出口复杂度提升的重要作用渠道.系列稳健性检验证实了上述结论的可靠性.本文为深化金融和科技体制改革,重塑中国产业国际竞争优势提供了全新的研究视角与决策参考.  相似文献   
Abstract. We consider the properties of the local polynomial estimators of a counting process intensity function and its derivatives. By expressing the local polynomial estimators in a kernel smoothing form via effective kernels, we show that the bias and variance of the estimators at boundary points are of the same magnitude as at interior points and therefore the local polynomial estimators in the context of intensity estimation also enjoy the automatic boundary correction property as they do in other contexts such as regression. The asymptotically optimal bandwidths and optimal kernel functions are obtained through the asymptotic expressions of the mean square error of the estimators. For practical purpose, we suggest an effective and easy‐to‐calculate data‐driven bandwidth selector. Simulation studies are carried out to assess the performance of the local polynomial estimators and the proposed bandwidth selector. The estimators and the bandwidth selector are applied to estimate the rate of aftershocks of the Sichuan earthquake and the rate of the Personal Emergency Link calls in Hong Kong.  相似文献   
会计信息的真实性对于微观的企业经营以及宏观的社会经济运行具有重要价值。文章从公司治理结构、会计中介机构、政府部门以及法律法规等方面分析其失真原因,认为纠正违规性会计信息失真应该从完善公司治理结构、加强对中介机构的管理、提高政府部门的监管能力和建立健全法律法规等方面入手,制定相应措施。  相似文献   
We construct approximate optimal designs for minimising absolute covariances between least‐squares estimators of the parameters (or linear functions of the parameters) of a linear model, thereby rendering relevant parameter estimators approximately uncorrelated with each other. In particular, we consider first the case of the covariance between two linear combinations. We also consider the case of two such covariances. For this we first set up a compound optimisation problem which we transform to one of maximising two functions of the design weights simultaneously. The approaches are formulated for a general regression model and are explored through some examples including one practical problem arising in chemistry.  相似文献   
由于会计信息质量状况的好坏对相关利益者产生重要影响,通过对会计信息失真产生的动因,针对现实会计操作中的使用手段,找出治理会计信息失真的措施和办法,尽可能提高会计信息质量。  相似文献   
We propose an estimation method that incorporates the correlation/covariance structure between repeated measurements in covariate-adjusted regression models for distorted longitudinal data. In this distorted data setting, neither the longitudinal response nor (possibly time-varying) predictors are directly observable. The unobserved response and predictors are assumed to be distorted/contaminated by unknown functions of a common observable confounder. The proposed estimation methodology adjusts for the distortion effects both in estimation of the covariance structure and in the regression parameters using generalized least squares. The finite-sample performance of the proposed estimators is studied numerically by means of simulations. The consistency and convergence rates of the proposed estimators are also established. The proposed method is illustrated with an application to data from a longitudinal study of cognitive and social development in children.  相似文献   
会计信息失真的现状、成因及治理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了会计信息失真的性质、内容及表现形式,并从经济学角度分析其主要成因在于会计信息自身的外部性、信息披露成本的制约、激励与约束机制不健全、“内部人”控制等.在此基础上,提出要通过建立健全完善的法律法规惩处机制、科学的契约约束及激励机制、有效的监督约束机制来根本解决会计信息失真这一社会问题.  相似文献   
在世界文学中,"人性"是作家们不断探索的永恒主题.在福克纳与金庸的小说中,有大量的"人性扭曲"描写,两位作家把人的本性与现实融合在一起,从不同的视角、以不同的创作手法和形态对这一文学主题进行着风格各异的描写和阐释,有着某些精神上的联系.  相似文献   
会计信息失真损害了信息使用者的利益,扰乱了资本市场秩序,使人们对会计信息质量产生了信任危机,对会计功能产生了质疑。运用经济学理论和方法对其产生的根源进行剖析,并在此基础上提出治理会计信息失真的对策。  相似文献   
《红楼梦》后四十回的描写,是违背曹雪芹原意的,木石前盟作为《红楼梦》的情节主线,同样是被续作者歪曲了的首先是抽去了木石前盟的思想基础——对传统观念的叛逆,其次是修正了木石前盟的爱情条件——相互尊重和人格平等的知己之爱;其三是改变了爱情主人公矢志不渝的个性特点。从而抹杀了木石前盟所体现的超越时代的积极精神。  相似文献   
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