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LetX1,X2, ..., be real-valued random variables forming a strictly stationary sequence, and satisfying the basic requirement of being either pairwise positively quadrant dependent or pairwise negatively quadrant dependent. LetF^ be the marginal distribution function of theXips, which is estimated by the empirical distribution functionFn and also by a smooth kernel-type estimateFn, by means of the segmentX1, ...,Xn. These estimates are compared on the basis of their mean squared errors (MSE). The main results of this paper are the following. Under certain regularity conditions, the optimal bandwidth (in the MSE sense) is determined, and is found to be the same as that in the independent identically distributed case. It is also shown thatn MSE(Fn(t)) andnMSE (F^n(t)) tend to the same constant, asn→∞ so that one can not discriminate be tween the two estimates on the basis of the MSE. Next, ifi(n) = min {k∈{1, 2, ...}; MSE (Fk(t)) ≤ MSE (Fn(t))}, then it is proved thati(n)/n tends to 1, asn→∞. Thus, once again, one can not choose one estimate over the other in terms of their asymptotic relative efficiency. If, however, the squared bias ofF^n(t) tends to 0 sufficiently fast, or equivalently, the bandwidthhn satisfies the requirement thatnh3n→ 0, asn→∞, it is shown that, for a suitable choice of the kernel, (i(n) ?n)/(nhn) tends to a positive number, asn→∞ It follows that the deficiency ofFn(t) with respect toF^n(t),i(n) ?n, is substantial, and, actually, tends to ∞, asn→∞. In terms of deficiency, the smooth estimateF^n(t) is preferable to the empirical distribution functionFn(t)  相似文献   
The posterior distribution of the likelihood is used to interpret the evidential meaning of P-values, posterior Bayes factors and Akaike's information criterion when comparing point null hypotheses with composite alternatives. Asymptotic arguments lead to simple re-calibrations of these criteria in terms of posterior tail probabilities of the likelihood ratio. (Prior) Bayes factors cannot be calibrated in this way as they are model-specific.  相似文献   
Estimation from Zero-Failure Data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When performing quantitative (or probabilistic) risk assessments, it is often the case that data for many of the potential events in question are sparse or nonexistent. Some of these events may be well-represented by the binomial probability distribution. In this paper, a model for predicting the binomial failure probability, P , from data that include no failures is examined. A review of the literature indicates that the use of this model is currently limited to risk analysis of energetic initiation in the explosives testing field. The basis for the model is discussed, and the behavior of the model relative to other models developed for the same purpose is investigated. It is found that the qualitative behavior of the model is very similar to that of the other models, and for larger values of n (the number of trials), the predicted P values varied by a factor of about eight among the five models examined. Analysis revealed that the estimator is nearly identical to the median of a Bayesian posterior distribution, derived using a uniform prior. An explanation of the application of the estimator in explosives testing is provided, and comments are offered regarding the use of the estimator versus other possible techniques.  相似文献   
异种自由刑数罪并罚是在原有数罪并罚规则基础之上,针对多样化的犯罪现象与司法适用而设置的规则。根据我国现行《刑法》规定的异种自由刑并罚内容,吸收原则与并科原则各自蕴含着合理性依据。然而立足于整体数罪并罚的规则,此种规定却存在二者相互矛盾以及刑罚轻重的冲突,给理论研究与实践适用带来困扰。基于此,通过对域外异种自由刑数罪并罚规则的考察,借鉴其中折抵和限制加重原则的内容,提出我国异种自由刑并罚规则的改进建议:对有期徒刑和拘役刑的并罚采用综合折抵原则与限制加重原则的方式,而对有期徒刑、拘役刑和管制刑的并罚继续采用并科原则,从而更好地实现数罪并罚的适用。  相似文献   
以中国知网数据库2007—2017年收录的题名中含有“员工创新行为”的293篇期刊论文作为数据来源,借助CiteSpace5.0软件绘制可视化知识图谱,对该时间段国内员工创新行为研究的年度发文量、发文机构、文献来源机构、代表性学者及研究热点进行可视化分析。研究结果表明:2007—2010年,员工创新行为研究的载文量较少但呈逐步增长趋势,2010—2017年,员工创新行为发文量增长趋势明显;发文量排名前20的研究机构中有19个为高校;载文量在5篇以上的期刊主要为经济管理类期刊;其研究热点主要集中在员工创新行为主体研究,以及个人特征、领导力、组织文化与氛围等员工创新行为前因变量研究。未来的研究方向为:开发适合中国情境的员工创新行为量表,在整体视角下探讨不同创新主体之间的关联及员工创新行为的结果变量等。  相似文献   
西方资本主义市场制度由早期的自由放任的市场竞争演变为有政府干预的市场竞争,分配领域也由人们之间经济福利水平的两极分化演变为经济福利水平的均等化。造成这种趋势的原因既有马克思主义、社会主义的影响,也是经济效率的需要、经济可持续发展的需要和社会和谐发展的需要。正确认识这种变化趋势对于我国深化经济体制改革有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   
刘清亮  高志勇 《河北学刊》2008,28(1):154-157
中共十七大报告明确表达了通过调整分配关系提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重,"逐步扭转收入分配差距扩大趋势"的良好意愿。这一目标,既契合了马克思主义劳动价值论,又与社会主义"按劳分配"的原则相适应,堪称以马克思主义理论为依据的科学决策。收入分配职能是财政的一项基本职能,发挥财政政策的导向作用,对于贯彻落实初次分配公平的目标,"逐步扭转收入分配差距扩大趋势"有着积极作用。  相似文献   
中国古代农村土地制度研究刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了20世纪80年代以后中国古代农村土地制度的研究状况,从实证研究的角度进行了评议,对土地制度如何研究评价提出了新的见解.  相似文献   
工分、土地和基本口粮是农业合作化时期决定合作社社员可支配收益分配的三个基本要素,三者反映着合作社内不同生产条件农户的利益要求。在从互助组、初级社向高级社转化过程中,土地收益不断降低直到被取消,工分分配和基本口粮分配比例不断上升。这种变化既是合作社内不同阶层"博弈"的结果,也体现着这一时期国家对于乡村控制能力的变化。在合作化进程中,社会主义的根本目标决定了国家始终与占乡村人口最多数的贫农、下中农结合在一起,目的是最大程度地减少社会主义改造的阻力,但后期过高的"口粮分配"比例却造就了越来越严重的平均主义分配模式;过早地取消土地等"要素分配"导致了生产条件较好的农户对于合作社的离心倾向。  相似文献   
土家族长期繁衍生息于湘鄂渝黔边的武陵山区,受这里的自然环境和历史上生产力状况的影响,形成了这个民族在生产中的许多特点。尤其是土家族的传统分配和交换制度在阶级社会中仍然保留着原始民族的一般互惠性分配方式的遗迹,在封建社会的产品交换中仍然表现出浓厚的等价互惠性。但是,由于阶级的出现,传统的分配和交换已打上了阶级压迫的烙印。  相似文献   
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