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生态足迹模型可以测度和比较人类活动与自然生态承载力的关系。通过对生态足迹消费和生态承载力的分析,得知长株潭城市群生态系统所提供的生态基础远远不能满足社会生产的需要。在两型社会建设的背景下,区域生态系统应与人口容量相协调。将万元GDP生态足迹应用于长株潭城市群人口容量预测,可以得出2020年长株潭城市群市区的适度人口容量。  相似文献   
为人 处事 是 一个 老 生常 谈的 话题 ,在现 代社 会力 主 张扬 个 性的 年代 ,讨 论这 个 话题 ,对 于现 代 个性 的健 全 完善 尤显 重要和 迫切 。因 为 不少 现代 青 年过 度的 个 性张 扬带 来 人际 关系 紧 张,产生 了诸 多的 社 会问 题 。中国 古 代儒 家 关于 为人 处 事的 “中庸”、“和为 贵 ”思想 博大 精 深,富 含精 华 ,现代 青年 通 过学 习和 借 鉴,以 及日 常 生活 实践 的 努力 修为 ,完 全可 以达 到 现代 个性 适度张 扬与 古 典收 敛个 性 、“和 为贵 ”的 完 美同 一,走出 为人 处 事的 种种 误 区和 困惑 。  相似文献   
政府责任是指行政主体在对国家事务和社会公共事务进行行政立法、执法及监督与救济时应承担的具体职责和作用,是政府运用公权力来调整权利(力)之间的冲突与矛盾时所应尽的一种义务.政府往往通过行政立法对权利(力)进行规则性配置,从而体现其责任承担状况,同时调整由政府所代表的公权力与相对人所代表的私权利之间的权利(力)关系,以期寻求二者之间的最优均衡.但有时立法的实施效果却并不能实现政府的预期目的.针对这一现象,笔者拮取了几个近年来颇受关注的有关行政立法的典型案例,试图运用博弈论的方法对其进行研究与分析.从中我们可以发现,政府责任的规避与承担和权利(力)结构的失衡与均衡有着极为重要的联系,进而引发我们对寻求实现权利(力)结构在行政立法层面的最优均衡问题进行思考与研究,藉此希望能对今后完善我国行政立法有所启迪与裨益.  相似文献   
本文提出以模拟为基础,以氨净值为目标函数,以上绝热层,冷管层,下绝热层高度为调优变量的氨合成塔内件优化设计计算方法,并编制了相应的计算程序,实例表明本法具有简单、可靠、快速等特点。  相似文献   
合成孔径雷达SAR数据率高、数据量大,对SAR原始数据的压缩可以降低对数传和数据存储的要求。文中用SBASAP-SAR原始数据对合成孔径雷达信号统计模型进行了研究,提出了一种2bit自适应量化编码方法,并用SEASAT—SAR原始数据进行了编-译码实验,获得了该2bit量化编码器的性能指标测试结果。  相似文献   
The problem of setting confidence bounds on a central multivariate normal quantile is considered. It is shown that for the setting of exact confidence bounds of specified closeness to the quantile,the required minimum size of a normal sample is large and rises rapidly with the number of variates considered.  相似文献   
Methods for estimating the mixing parameters in a mixture of two exponential distributions are proposed. The estimators proposed are consistent and BAN(best asymptotically normal). The optimal spacings for estimating these mixture parameters are calculated.  相似文献   
There are a large number of different definitions used for sample quantiles in statistical computer packages. Often within the same package one definition will be used to compute a quantile explicitly, while other definitions may be used when producing a boxplot, a probability plot, or a QQ plot. We compare the most commonly implemented sample quantile definitions by writing them in a common notation and investigating their motivation and some of their properties. We argue that there is a need to adopt a standard definition for sample quantiles so that the same answers are produced by different packages and within each package. We conclude by recommending that the median-unbiased estimator be used because it has most of the desirable properties of a quantile estimator and can be defined independently of the underlying distribution.  相似文献   
Common control charts assume normality and known parameters. Quite often, these assumptions are not valid and large relative errors result in the usual performance characteristics such as the false alarm rate or the average run length. A fully nonparametric approach can form an attractive alternative but requires more Phase I observations than usually available. Sufficiently general parametric families then provide realistic intermediate models. In this article, the performance of charts based on such families is considered. Exceedance probabilities of the resulting stochastic performance characteristics during in-control are studied. Corrections are derived to ensure that such probabilities stay within prescribed bounds. Attention is also devoted to the impact of the corrections for an out-of-control process. Simulations are presented both to illustrate and to demonstrate that the approximations obtained are sufficiently accurate for practical usage.  相似文献   
Epstein [Truncated life tests in the exponential case, Ann. Math. Statist. 25 (1954), pp. 555–564] introduced a hybrid censoring scheme (called Type-I hybrid censoring) and Chen and Bhattacharyya [Exact confidence bounds for an exponential parameter under hybrid censoring, Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 17 (1988), pp. 1857–1870] derived the exact distribution of the maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) of the mean of a scaled exponential distribution based on a Type-I hybrid censored sample. Childs et al. [Exact likelihood inference based on Type-I and Type-II hybrid censored samples from the exponential distribution, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 55 (2003), pp. 319–330] provided an alternate simpler expression for this distribution, and also developed analogous results for another hybrid censoring scheme (called Type-II hybrid censoring). The purpose of this paper is to derive the exact bivariate distribution of the MLE of the parameter vector of a two-parameter exponential model based on hybrid censored samples. The marginal distributions are derived and exact confidence bounds for the parameters are obtained. The results are also used to derive the exact distribution of the MLE of the pth quantile, as well as the corresponding confidence bounds. These exact confidence intervals are then compared with parametric bootstrap confidence intervals in terms of coverage probabilities. Finally, we present some numerical examples to illustrate the methods of inference developed here.  相似文献   
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