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Let K n (a) be the number of observations in the interval (M n ,?a, M n ), where M n is the maximum value in a sequence of size n. We study the asymptotic properties of K n (a) under the F α-scheme and discuss the influence of the associated sequence α n on the limit behaviour of this random variable.  相似文献   
Rongfang Yan  Gaofeng Da 《Statistics》2013,47(5):1128-1140
In this paper, we investigate ordering properties of lifetimes of parallel systems with two independent heterogeneous exponential components with respect to likelihood ratio and hazard rate orders. Two sufficient conditions are provided for likelihood ratio and hazard rate orders to hold between the lifetimes of two parallel systems, respectively. Moreover, we extend the results from exponential case to the proportional hazard rate models. The results established here strength some of the results known in the literature. Finally, some numerical examples are given to illustrate the theoretical results derived here as well.  相似文献   
We establish the upper nonpositive and all the lower bounds on the expectations of generalized order statistics based on a given distribution function with the finite mean and central absolute moment of a fixed order. We also describe the distributions for which the bounds are attained. The methods of deriving the lower nonpositive (upper nonnegative) and lower nonnegative (upper nonpositive) bounds are totally different. The first one, the greatest convex minorant method is the combination of the Moriguti and well-known Hölder inequalities and the latter one is based on the maximization of some norm on the properly chosen convex set. The paper completes the results of Cramer et al. [Evaluations of expected generalized order statistics in various scale units. Appl Math. 2002;29:285–295].  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a consistent method of estimation for the parameters of the three-parameter inverse Gaussian distribution. We then discuss some properties of these estimators and show by means of a Monte Carlo simulation study that the proposed estimators perform better than some other prominent estimators in terms of bias and root mean squared error. Finally, we present two real-life examples to illustrate the method of inference developed here.  相似文献   
A recursive same-sign relation is derived that reduces the probability of occurrence of at least m out of N independent events to the probability of occurrence of at least m out of N ? 1 of these N events.  相似文献   
In robust parameter design, variance effects and mean effects in a factorial experiment are modelled simultaneously. If variance effects are present in a model, correlations are induced among the naive estimators of the mean effects. A simple normal quantile plot of the mean effects may be misleading because the mean effects are no longer iid under the null hypothesis that they are zero. Adjusted quantiles are computed for the case when one variance effect is significant and examples of 8-run and 16-run fractional factorial designs are examined in detail. We find that the usual normal quantiles are similar to adjusted quantiles for all but the largest and smallest ordered effects for which they are conservative. Graphically, the qualitative difference between the two sets of quantiles is negligible (even in the presence of large variance effects) and we conclude that normal probability plots are robust in the presence of variance effects.  相似文献   
We consider a test for the equality of k population medians, θi i=1,2,….,k, when it is believed a priori, that θ i: The observations are subject to right censorhip. The distributions of the censoring variables for each population are assumed to be equal. This test is compared with the general k-sample test proposed by Breslow  相似文献   
The exact properties of the Lawless and Wang Operational Ridge Regression estimator are derived in the context of a misspecified regression equation.  相似文献   
The cosine distribution serves as a very good teaching example for which exact moment properties of extreme order statistics can be expressed in terms of elementary functions. This article presents the limiting joint distribution of the extreme order statistics for the cosine distribution. It is shown that burrows'(1986) result is a special case of the result presented in this article.  相似文献   

The novel Balakrishnan skew-normal distribution introduced in 2008 has received considerable interest. Here, we derive stochastic representations for simulating order statistics of the novel Balakrishnan skew-normal distribution. The resulting algorithms are more efficient than the ordinary sorting algorithm.  相似文献   
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