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摘要:以胡尖山油田长 6、长 4+5 油藏为例,综合应用地质资料、岩芯分析资料、测井资料以及试油资料,开展了长 6和长 4+5 油藏小层划分和对比、单井相分析,建立测井相识别模式,编制小层沉积相平面展布图,进而分析沉积相演化规律;探讨储层砂体展布以及物性分布规律,从而深入认识研究区的储层特征。在此基础上对储层进行流动单元的划分,然后结合试油资料对胡尖山油田长 6、长 4+5 油藏的储层进行有利区域的预测,为油田待开发区域的合理建产开发提供了理论指导  相似文献   
本文采用基于ARMA模型适用于小样本的最优预测的建模方法,来分析政府采购和经济增长之间的因果关系。研究结果表明政府采购和经济增长之间存在非对称、单向因果关系,即政府采购对经济增长的影响不显著,而经济增长对政府采购具有促进作用。因此,从政府采购影响路径的角度分析认为,在后金融危机时代应该采取一些可行的措施扭转政府采购对经济增长的不显著状况。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with independence test in high-dimension. A new test statistic is proposed with two terms: one is based on the modified distance correlation statistic, the other is constructed to enhance the power under sparse alternatives. Asymptotic properties of the test statistic are discussed under some regular conditions. The finite-sample simulations exhibit its superiority over some existing procedures. Finally, a real data example illustrates the proposed test.  相似文献   
外商直接投资(FDI)在拓宽国内资金需求渠道的同时,具有较强的技术溢出效应,迎合了装备制造业资本和技术密集的双重特征。当前,安徽省装备制造业处在资本密集型占主导的发展阶段,对 FDI的偏好性较强。研究表明,安徽省装备制造业与FDI间具有较强的相关性,FDI能够有效促进安徽省装备制造业发展,但安徽省装备制造业对FDI的吸引力较弱,且各具体行业对 FDI依赖程度存在较大差异。据此提出相应的建议,一方面,安徽省应注重装备制造业转型升级,提升行业整体竞争力;另一方面,要优化投资环境,增强安徽省装备制造业对FDI的引致能力。  相似文献   
Single cohort stage‐frequency data are considered when assessing the stage reached by individuals through destructive sampling. For this type of data, when all hazard rates are assumed constant and equal, Laplace transform methods have been applied in the past to estimate the parameters in each stage‐duration distribution and the overall hazard rates. If hazard rates are not all equal, estimating stage‐duration parameters using Laplace transform methods becomes complex. In this paper, two new models are proposed to estimate stage‐dependent maturation parameters using Laplace transform methods where non‐trivial hazard rates apply. The first model encompasses hazard rates that are constant within each stage but vary between stages. The second model encompasses time‐dependent hazard rates within stages. Moreover, this paper introduces a method for estimating the hazard rate in each stage for the stage‐wise constant hazard rates model. This work presents methods that could be used in specific types of laboratory studies, but the main motivation is to explore the relationships between stage maturation parameters that, in future work, could be exploited in applying Bayesian approaches. The application of the methodology in each model is evaluated using simulated data in order to illustrate the structure of these models.  相似文献   
Clinical trials are often designed to compare continuous non‐normal outcomes. The conventional statistical method for such a comparison is a non‐parametric Mann–Whitney test, which provides a P‐value for testing the hypothesis that the distributions of both treatment groups are identical, but does not provide a simple and straightforward estimate of treatment effect. For that, Hodges and Lehmann proposed estimating the shift parameter between two populations and its confidence interval (CI). However, such a shift parameter does not have a straightforward interpretation, and its CI contains zero in some cases when Mann–Whitney test produces a significant result. To overcome the aforementioned problems, we introduce the use of the win ratio for analysing such data. Patients in the new and control treatment are formed into all possible pairs. For each pair, the new treatment patient is labelled a ‘winner’ or a ‘loser’ if it is known who had the more favourable outcome. The win ratio is the total number of winners divided by the total numbers of losers. A 95% CI for the win ratio can be obtained using the bootstrap method. Statistical properties of the win ratio statistic are investigated using two real trial data sets and six simulation studies. Results show that the win ratio method has about the same power as the Mann–Whitney method. We recommend the use of the win ratio method for estimating the treatment effect (and CI) and the Mann–Whitney method for calculating the P‐value for comparing continuous non‐Normal outcomes when the amount of tied pairs is small. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
在研究现有的几种发动机转速测量方法基础上,设计了一种以T型测速方法为原理,以DSPF2812为控制核心的发动机转速测量系统。给出了系统的测量原理以及实现发动机转速测量的软件编程方法和信号调理电路设计,同时应用LabVIEW软件实现对信号的监测和数据存储,最后对该测量系统进行了实验测试,在实际测试中取得了良好的效果。该系统具有测速精度高、测速范围广以及实时性强等特点,为汽车发动机性能研究、故障处理以及后续的分析提供了重要的参考依据,同时该系统还可以应用到电机测速等其它测速领域,具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   
关于上市公司利润操控的相关研究主要是将净利润作为一个事关操控的敏感指标,但在监管与被监管双方努力的博弈下,其可被操纵的潜力已被充分挖掘。从实证角度关注上市公司财务操纵的其他可操作途径,其中就包括一些看似合理的变相财务操纵手段。按照2001年中国证监会公布的《上市公司行业分类指引》,把我国上市企业分为13个行业,对不同行业内企业2003—2013年部分主观可操控的财务指标与其所在行业的平均市盈率进行格兰杰因果检验和回归分析,结果表明,一些行业内企业的部分财务指标与其所在行业的平均市盈率存在领先与滞后关系,并且影响作用显著。  相似文献   
平稳性检验方法的有效性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
平稳性检验是时间序列分析的重要研究内容,现有检验方法的性能缺乏系统的比较分析。文章从样本长度的视角研究平稳性检验方法的性能,采用ADF检验、PP检验、KPSS检验和LMC检验四种方法展开实证研究。仿真实验结果表明:时间序列数据长度会对检验方法的准确率产生明显的影响,数据长度较小时检验准确率偏低;数据长度增大时可以提升检验方法的准确率,但仍未能达到100%的上限值。当样本长度较小时,这些方法的检验统计量的渐进分布难以满足,因此其实际检验效果值得探究。样本长度是有限的,因此渐进分布检验方式的改进空间有限,新的检验方式值得探究。  相似文献   
针对塑件成型过程中体积收缩率对成型塑件尺寸精度的影响,文章选取长条薄壁板件作为研究对象,利用AMI有限元分析软件对长条薄壁板注塑成型过程进行数值模拟,采用多因素交互正交试验的方法获得常用ABS塑料在不同的工艺参数下成型薄壁件的体积收缩率。以体积收缩率为研究目标,对试验结果进行定量分析,对比分析每一个工艺参数对研究目标的贡献率,并计算得到最优的工艺参数组合,依据实验结果优化塑件成型工艺。该方法的应用为注塑成型工艺参数优化提供了定量的数据参考,是一种快速而实用的方法。  相似文献   
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