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We execute an original survey experiment to examine the extent and determinants of support for a nascent policy issue, universal basic income (UBI), in the American public. We explore the effects of how UBI is framed (either in the context of values or the context of policy), finding three key results. First, UBI is primarily a Democratic and liberal policy. Second, negative arguments against UBI move support for UBI more than positive arguments. Third, and surprisingly, respondents are equally affected by both policy-driven and value-driven arguments about UBI. In conclusion, an increase in messaging about UBI is likely to widen existing partisan differences in UBI support. These differences are unlikely to be won over by policy or values arguments.  相似文献   

The Massachusetts Task Force on Human Subject Research has so far been the only serious attempt to investigate radiation experiments on humans. No other federal, state or private agency has looked at a specific experiment in detail. The President's Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) provided an overview of the entire nationwide research project, but without a thorough evaluation of any single experiment. The Massachusetts Task Force examined a group of experiments using institutionalized children at two state facilities, the Fernald and Wrentham schools, from 1943 to 1973. The experiments were performed under supervision by scientists at Harvard and MIT, and were funded by several federal agencies. The Task Force found that these experiments were conducted according to the ethical and protocol standard of their day. This did not prevent the Task Force from judging that the experiments violated human rights, and recommending apology and compensation to the victims.  相似文献   
We propose a bubble game that involves sequential trading of an asset commonly known to be valueless. Because no trader is ever sure to be last in the market sequence, the game allows for a bubble at the Nash equilibrium when there is no cap on the maximum price. We run experiments both with and without a price cap. Structural estimation of behavioral game theory models suggests that quantal responses and analogy‐based expectations are important drivers of speculation.  相似文献   
The sampling distribution of kendall's partial rank correlation coefficient, Jxy?z, is not known for N>4, where N is the number of subjectts. Moran (1951) used a direcr conbinatorial method to obtain the distribution of Jxy?z forN=4; however, ten minor computationa; errors in his Table 2apparently resulted in how erroneous entries for his frequency table. Since the parctial limits of the direct combinatorial approach have been reached once N>4, the first main objective of this paper was to obtain the exact distribution of Jxy?z for N=f, 6, and 7 using an electronic computer. The second was to use the Monte Carlo method to obtain reliable estimates of the quantiles of Jxy?z for N=8,9,...,30  相似文献   
介绍了大学物理实验网络教学平台建立的必性和具备的条件,利用多媒体开发软件及网页制作工具,建构了物理实验网络教学平台。详述了此平台的结构设计,以及各模块的内容和功能,探索网络教学平台在物理实验教学中起的作用。  相似文献   
生物化学实验教学模式的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了通过对生物化学实验教学内容体系的重组,教学方法、教学手段与实验考核方式的改革与探索,如何在生物化学实验教学各环节中实施学生全方位综合素质培养与如何提高学生创新能力的方法和经验.  相似文献   
多媒体支架式教学模式可概括为五环节:“搭脚手架、进入情境、独立探索、协作学习、效果评价”,四要素:“情境、协作、会话、意义建构”,即“五四”模式。经过一年半的应用表明,多媒体支架式教学模式实效性较强,是一种可供选择的英语教学模式。  相似文献   
英语阅读者对所阅读文字的背景文化知识的亲密度会影响到英语阅读者的阅读理解能力,并且是一个重要因素.经过以测试文化亲密度为主题的问卷调查,将学生以文化亲密度高低为标准分为四组进行试验.发现英语阅读者对英语的理解能力与背景文化知识的亲密度之间存在正相关;开展阅读活动对促进阅读理解能力有一定的作用,但起相得益彰作用的还是加强学生对背景文化知识的了解,以加深学生阅读英语的亲近度和亲密度,提高学生阅读英语的能力.  相似文献   
In this article, we develop regression models with cross‐classified responses. Conditional independence structures can be explored/exploited through the selective inclusion/exclusion of terms in a certain functional ANOVA decomposition, and the estimation is done nonparametrically via the penalized likelihood method. A cohort of computational and data analytical tools are presented, which include cross‐validation for smoothing parameter selection, Kullback–Leibler projection for model selection, and Bayesian confidence intervals for odds ratios. Random effects are introduced to model possible correlations such as those found in longitudinal and clustered data. Empirical performances of the methods are explored in simulation studies of limited scales, and a real data example is presented using some eyetracking data from linguistic studies. The techniques are implemented in a suite of R functions, whose usage is briefly described in the appendix. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39: 591–609; 2011. © 2011 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
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