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We propose a new nonparametric multivariate control chart that integrates a novelty score. The proposed control chart uses as its monitoring statistic a hybrid novelty score, calculated based on the distance to local observations as well as on the distance to the convex hull constructed by its neighbors. The control limits of the proposed control chart were established based on a bootstrap method. A rigorous simulation study was conducted to examine the properties of the proposed control chart under various scenarios and compare it with existing multivariate control charts in terms of average run length (ARL) performance. The simulation results showed that the proposed control chart outperformed both the parametric and nonparametric Hotelling's T 2 control charts, especially in nonnormal situations. Moreover, experimental results with real semiconductor data demonstrated the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed control chart. To increase the capability to detect small mean shift, we propose an exponentially weighted hybrid novelty score control chart. Simulation results indicated that exponentially weighted hybrid score charts outperformed the hybrid novelty score based control charts.  相似文献   
In this paper, we study the effect of estimating the vector of means and the variance–covariance matrix on the performance of two of the most widely used multivariate cumulative sum (CUSUM) control charts, the MCUSUM chart proposed by Crosier [Multivariate generalizations of cumulative sum quality-control schemes, Technometrics 30 (1988), pp. 291–303] and the MC1 chart proposed by Pignatiello and Runger [Comparisons of multivariate CUSUM charts, J. Qual. Technol. 22 (1990), pp. 173–186]. Using simulation, we investigate and compare the in-control and out-of-control performances of the competing charts in terms of the average run length measure. The in-control and out-of-control performances of the competing charts deteriorate significantly if the estimated parameters are used with control limits intended for known parameters, especially when only a few Phase I samples are used to estimate the parameters. We recommend the use of the MC1 chart over that of the MCUSUM chart if the parameters are estimated from a small number of Phase I samples.  相似文献   
In this paper we consider the issue of constructing retrospective T 2 control chart limits so as to control the overall probability of a false alarm at a specified value. We describe an exact method for constructing the control limits for retrospective examination. We then consider Bonferroni-adjustments to Alt's control limit and to the standard x 2 control limit as alternatives to the exact limit since it is computationally cumbersome to find the exact limit. We present the results of some simulation experiments that are carried out to compare the performance of these control limits. The results indicate that the Bonferroni-adjusted Alt's control limit performs better that the Bonferroni-adjusted x 2 control limit. Furthermore, it appears that the Bonferroni-adjusted Alt's control limit is more than adequate for controlling the overall false alarm probability at a specified value.  相似文献   
In robust parameter design, variance effects and mean effects in a factorial experiment are modelled simultaneously. If variance effects are present in a model, correlations are induced among the naive estimators of the mean effects. A simple normal quantile plot of the mean effects may be misleading because the mean effects are no longer iid under the null hypothesis that they are zero. Adjusted quantiles are computed for the case when one variance effect is significant and examples of 8-run and 16-run fractional factorial designs are examined in detail. We find that the usual normal quantiles are similar to adjusted quantiles for all but the largest and smallest ordered effects for which they are conservative. Graphically, the qualitative difference between the two sets of quantiles is negligible (even in the presence of large variance effects) and we conclude that normal probability plots are robust in the presence of variance effects.  相似文献   
In this paper we consider a simple linear regression model under heteroscedasticity and nonnormality. A statistical test for testing the regression coefficient is then derived by assuming normality for the random disturbances and by applying Welch's method. Some Monte Carlo studies are generated for assessing robustness of this test. By combining Tiku's robust procedure with the new test, a robust but more powerful test is developed.  相似文献   
In an earlier article (Kulkarni and Paranjape 1984) we proposed a procedure based on Andrews' function plot technique for the quality control of multivariate process. It was shown that this procedure may lead to an erroneous conclusions regarding the status of the process. This article presents an improved method which avoids the above drawback. A heuristic justification is provided to show that the new method is free from the error. Simulation studies are carried out to support the claim. An example is included to illustrate the use of the new technique.  相似文献   
We compare the performance of seven robust estimators for the parameter of an exponential distribution. These include the debiased median and two optimally-weighted one-sided trimmed means. We also introduce four new estimators: the Transform, Bayes, Scaled and Bicube estimators. We make the Monte Carlo comparisons for three sample sizes and six situations. We evaluate the comparisons in terms of a new performance measure, Mean Absolute Differential Error (MADE), and a premium/protection interpretation of MADE. We organize the comparisons to enhance statistical power by making maximal use of common random deviates. The Transform estimator provides the best performance as judged by MADE. The singly-trimmed mean and Transform method define the efficient frontier of premium/protection.  相似文献   
Recently, several new applications of control chart procedures for short production runs have been introduced. Bothe (1989) and Burr (1989) proposed the use of control chart statistics which are obtained by scaling the quality characteristic by target values or process estimates of a location and scale parameter. The performance of these control charts can be significantly affected by the use of incorrect scaling parameters, resulting in either an excessive "false alarm rate," or insensitivity to the detection of moderate shifts in the process. To correct for these deficiencies, Quesenberry (1990, 1991) has developed the Q-Chart which is formed from running process estimates of the sample mean and variance. For the case where both the process mean and variance are unknown, the Q-chaxt statistic is formed from the standard inverse Z-transformation of a t-statistic. Q-charts do not perform correctly, however, in the presence of special cause disturbances at process startup. This has recently been supported by results published by Del Castillo and Montgomery (1992), who recommend the use of an alternative control chart procedure which is based upon a first-order adaptive Kalman filter model Consistent with the recommendations by Castillo and Montgomery, we propose an alternative short run control chart procedure which is based upon the second order dynamic linear model (DLM). The control chart is shown to be useful for the early detection of unwanted process trends. Model and control chart parameters are updated sequentially in a Bayesian estimation framework, providing the greatest degree of flexibility in the level of prior information which is incorporated into the model. The result is a weighted moving average control chart statistic which can be used to provide running estimates of process capability. The average run length performance of the control chart is compared to the optimal performance of the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) chart, as reported by Gan (1991). Using a simulation approach, the second order DLM control chart is shown to provide better overall performance than the EWMA for short production run applications  相似文献   
This is a survey article on known results about analytic solutions and numerical solutions of optimal designs for various regression models for experiments with mixtures. The regression models include polynomial models, models containing homogeneous functions, models containing inverse terms and ratios, log contrast models, models with quantitative variables, and mod els containing the amount of mixture, Optimality criteria considered include D-, A-, E-,φp- and Iλ-Optimalities. Uniform design and uniform optimal design for mixture components, and efficiencies of the {q,2} simplex-controid design are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a version of Hayter and Tsui's statistical test with double sampling for the vector mean of a population under multivariate normal assumption. A study showed that this new test was more or as efficient than the well-known Hotelling's T2 with double sampling. Some nice features of Hayter and Tsui's test are its simplicity of implementation and its capability of identifying the errant variables when the null hypothesis is rejected. Taking that into consideration, a new control chart called HTDS is also introduced as a tool to monitor multivariate process vector mean when using double sampling.  相似文献   
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