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The author presents a multivariate location model for cluster correlated observations. He proposes an affine‐invariant multivariate sign statistic for testing the value of the location parameter. His statistic is an adaptation of that proposed by Randles (2000). The author shows, under very mild conditions, that his test statistic is asymptotically distributed as a chi‐squared random variable under the null hypothesis. In particular, the test can be used for skewed populations. In the context of a general multivariate normal model, the author obtains values of his test's Pitman asymptotic efficiency relative to another test based on the overall average. He shows that there is an improvement in the relative performance of the new test as soon as intra‐cluster correlation is present Even in the univariate case, the new test can be very competitive for Gaussian data. Furthermore, the statistic is easy to compute, even for large dimensional data. The author shows through simulations that his test performs well compared to the average‐based test. He illustrates its use with real data.  相似文献   
Many applications of nonparametric tests based on curve estimation involve selecting a smoothing parameter. The author proposes an adaptive test that combines several generalized likelihood ratio tests in order to get power performance nearly equal to whichever of the component tests is best. She derives the asymptotic joint distribution of the component tests and that of the proposed test under the null hypothesis. She also develops a simple method of selecting the smoothing parameters for the proposed test and presents two approximate methods for obtaining its P‐value. Finally, she evaluates the proposed test through simulations and illustrates its application to a set of real data.  相似文献   
The author shows how to find M‐estimators of location whose generating function is monotone and which are optimal or close to optimal. It is easy to identify a consistent sequence of estimators in this class. In addition, it contains simple and efficient approximations in cases where the likelihood function is difficult to obtain. In some neighbourhoods of the normal distribution, the loss of efficiency due to the approximation is quite small. Optimal monotone M‐estimators can also be determined in cases when the underlying distribution is known only up to a certain neighbourhood. The author considers the e‐contamination model and an extension thereof that allows the distributions to be arbitrary outside compact intervals. His results also have implications for distributions with monotone score functions. The author illustrates his methodology using Student and stable distributions.  相似文献   
This paper characterizes the asymptotic behaviour of the likelihood ratio test statistic (LRTS) for testing homogeneity (i.e. no mixture) against gamma mixture alternatives. Under the null hypothesis, the LRTS is shown to be asymptotically equivalent to the square of Davies's Gaussian process test statistic and diverges at a log n rate to infinity in probability. Based on the asymptotic analysis, we propose and demonstrate a computationally efficient method to simulate the null distributions of the LRTS for small to moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   
We re-evaluate Andreu and Spanos's findings in favour of trend stationarity by considering the extended Nelson-Plosser data set. This expanded (to 1988) data set includes a period of rather different behaviour compared with the original Nelson-Plosser data used by Andreou and Spanos. We find that Andreou and Spanos's models (with only minor adjustments) exhibit remarable stability over this extended period, and indicate that their conclusions are more robust than they have shown.  相似文献   
Generalized method of moments (GMM) is used to develop tests for discriminating discrete distributions among the two-parameter family of Katz distributions. Relationships involving moments are exploited to obtain identifying and over-identifying restrictions. The asymptotic relative efficiencies of tests based on GMM are analyzed using the local power approach and the approximate Bahadur efficiency. The paper also gives results of Monte Carlo experiments designed to check the validity of the theoretical findings and to shed light on the small sample properties of the proposed tests. Extensions of the results to compound Poisson alternative hypotheses are discussed.  相似文献   
Several methods exist for the problem of testing the equality of several treatments against the one-sided alternative that the treatments are better than the control. These methods include Dunnett's test, Bartholomew's likelihood-ratio test, the Abelson-Tukey-Schaafsma-Smid optimal-contrast test, and the multiple-contrast test of Mukerjee, Robertson, and Wright. A new test is proposed based on an approximation of the likelihood-ratio test of Bartholomew. This test involves using a circular cone in place of the alternative-hypothesis cone. The circular-cone test has excellent power characteristics similar to those of Bartholomew's test. Moreover, it has the advantages of being simpler to compute and may be used with unequal sample sizes.  相似文献   
In this article, we investigate the relationships among intraday serial correlation, jump-robust volatility, positive and negative jumps based on Shanghai composite index high frequency data. We implement variance ratio test to quantify intraday serial correlation. We also measure the continuous part of realized volatility using jump-robust MedRV estimator and disentangle positive and negative jumps using Realized Downside Risk Measure and Realized Upside Potential Measure proposed by Bi et al., (2013 Bi, T., Zhang, B., Wu, H. (2013). Measuring downside risk using high frequency data–realized downside risk measure. Communications in Statistics–Simulation and Computation 42(4):741754.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We find that intraday serial correlation are positively correlated with jump-robust volatility and negatively correlated with negative jumps which confirm the LeBaron effect.  相似文献   
金华 《统计研究》2008,25(1):98-103
内容提要:诸如疾病分类系统的预后预测和分类方法,常可用于帮助进行临床管理决策。同一疾病总体常可得到多种分类方法,因此有必要比较这些方法以确定最优分类,或者寻找不逊于最优分类的替代方法。本文基于约束平均寿命引入分离度指标来度量分类方法的预后分类效率,这个指标可用来比较以生存时间为结局的两种分类方法的功效,特别是用于非劣性和等效性检验。我们给出了基于配对数据的两个分离度的估计与检验方法。模拟结果提示,检验方法在适当的样本量条件下能够控制第一类错误,两个实例表明在医学临床中的应用。  相似文献   
Minitab's data subsetting lack of fit test (denoted XLOF) is a combination of Burn and Ryan's test and Utts' test for testing lack of fit in linear regression models. As an alternative to the classical or pure error lack of fit test, it does not require replicates of predictor variables. However, due to the uncertainty about its performance, XLOF still remains unfamiliar to regression users while the well-known classical lack of fit test is not applicable to regression data without replicates. So far this procedure has not been mentioned in any textbooks and has not been included in any other software packages. This study assesses the performance of XLOF in detecting lack of fit in linear regressions without replicates by comparing the power with the classic test. The power of XLOF is simulated using Minitab macros for variables with several forms of curvature. These comparisons lead to pragmatic suggestions on the use of XLOF. The performance of XLOF was shown to be superior to the classical test based on the results. It should be noted that the replicates required for the classical test made itself unavailable for most of the regression data while XLOF can still be as powerful as the classic test even without replicates.  相似文献   
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