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Sanjoy K. Sinha 《Revue canadienne de statistique》2008,36(2):277-299
The EM algorithm is often used for finding the maximum likelihood estimates in generalized linear models with incomplete data. In this article, the author presents a robust method in the framework of the maximum likelihood estimation for fitting generalized linear models when nonignorable covariates are missing. His robust approach is useful for downweighting any influential observations when estimating the model parameters. To avoid computational problems involving irreducibly high‐dimensional integrals, he adopts a Metropolis‐Hastings algorithm based on a Markov chain sampling method. He carries out simulations to investigate the behaviour of the robust estimates in the presence of outliers and missing covariates; furthermore, he compares these estimates to the classical maximum likelihood estimates. Finally, he illustrates his approach using data on the occurrence of delirium in patients operated on for abdominal aortic aneurysm. 相似文献
The authors provide an overview of optimal scaling results for the Metropolis algorithm with Gaussian proposal distribution. They address in more depth the case of high‐dimensional target distributions formed of independent, but not identically distributed components. They attempt to give an intuitive explanation as to why the well‐known optimal acceptance rate of 0.234 is not always suitable. They show how to find the asymptotically optimal acceptance rate when needed, and they explain why it is sometimes necessary to turn to inhomogeneous proposal distributions. Their results are illustrated with a simple example. 相似文献
服饰图案切割路径规划是服饰图案自动切割技术的关键部分之一。文中用改进的离散人工蜂群算法实现了激光切割系统对异形满版服饰图案的切割工艺路径规划优化。首先,把满版服饰图案激光切割路径规划转化为广义旅行商问题求解,证明了路径规划转化成普通TSP问题比转化成第一类广义TSP问题更为有效,并给出了路径规划中“图案始切割点”的优化选择方法。然后结合部分匹配交叉和启发式变异搜索方法的人工蜂群算法求解TSP问题,证明了与A*算法及遗传算法相比,该方法更为优越。并且该方法已应用于激光切割机切割异形满版服饰图案路径规划的生产实践,运行可靠,比未规划时的工艺路线平均提高效率33.7%。该方法提供了一种解决TSP问题的新方法,具有一定的理论意义和价值 相似文献
针对传统基于继电器控制的稳压电源在带负载工作时,档位切换常常伴随火弧现象的问题,设计了一种可广泛应用于此类稳压电源上的自适应去火弧技术:使用光耦和多级运放完成对零点和电压电流的采样;基于单片机的10量,实现对继电器的驱动和控制;基于RCC自激震荡原理为系统提供稳定电源;设计了稳压器的完整软件系统程序,并在软件中应用自适应去火弧算法。实验结果表明:自适应去火弧技术,能够有效地规避火弧现象的产生,并能够根据条件作出调整。采用自适应去火弧技术的稳压系统达到了设计目标,延长了系统工作寿命。 相似文献
孙佳理 《华南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2015,33(4)
文章研究并设计了一种基于数字图像处理技术( DIP)的纺织物辅助设计模拟系统。该系统通过将极大化思想、K-means聚类以及形态学开闭运算有机结合,成功实现了从实际织物组织图中自动提取组织形态学结构,并提出了一种全新的组织纱线色彩替换算法,将各种组织结构模拟到纺织物设计图样中。实验证明,该系统能够实现很好的组织模拟效果。 相似文献
《Journal of nonparametric statistics》2012,24(2):227-244
We consider a non-parametric model for estimating the effect of a binary treatment on an outcome variable while adjusting for an observed covariate. A naive procedure consists of performing two separate non-parametric regressions of the response on the covariate: one with the treated individuals and the other with the untreated. The treatment effect is then obtained by taking the difference between the two fitted regression functions. This article proposes a backfitting algorithm that uses all the data for the two abovementioned non-parametric regressions. We give finite sample theoretical results showing that the resulting estimator of the treatment effect can have lower variance. This improvement is not necessarily achieved at the cost of a larger bias. In all of the performed simulations, we observe that mean squared error is substantially lower for the proposed backfitting estimator. When more than one covariate is observed, our backfitting estimator can still be applied by using the propensity score (the probability of being treated for a given setup of the covariates). We illustrate the use of the backfitting estimator in a several-covariate situation with data on a training program for individuals having faced social and economic problems. 相似文献
《Journal of nonparametric statistics》2012,24(4):505-518
This paper proposes a profile likelihood algorithm to compute the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of a convex hazard function. The maximisation is performed in two steps: First the support reduction algorithm is used to maximise the likelihood over all hazard functions with a given point of minimum (or antimode). Then it is shown that the profile (or partially maximised) likelihood is quasi-concave as a function of the antimode, so that a bisection algorithm can be applied to find the maximum of the profile likelihood, and hence also the global maximum. The new algorithm is illustrated using both artificial and real data, including lifetime data for Canadian males and females. 相似文献
传统的航空客运需求无约束估计方法仅针对平行直达航班中的顾客需求“溢出”和“再 现”问题,未能考虑航空网络中直达和中转联程航班之间的网络替代效应. 基于顾客偏好排序列表定义了航空网络顾客类型集合,建立了考虑顾客策略行为的网络型非参数离散选择模型.考虑到网络环境下历史预售数据的不完备性,站在线上和线下交易平台的角度,分别建立了非截尾和截尾需求情况下的完备数据对数似然函数. 采用 EM 算法对顾客到达率和概率质量函数进行联合估计,并提出了网络环境下的顾客“初始需求”、“再现需求”和“溢出需求”无约束估计计算方法.通过数值模拟验证了所提方法的可行性和有效性,相较于现有方法能准确反映产品间网络替代效应对顾客选择行为影响,从而更加有效地避免对历史顾客“初始需求”的高估问题. 相似文献
王德政 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》2023,29(5):212-225
数字人民币具备不同于私人数字货币、人民币现金和移动支付的诸多特性。我国货币犯罪案件的数量并未因移动支付的广泛运用而降低,相反近年来在整体上呈上升趋势,导致货币犯罪的罪名在整体上的立法和适用价值进一步增加。针对数字人民币,货币犯罪的变革可采用立法修改、刑法解释和理论更新相结合的方案,具体为:停止适用变造货币罪,并根据伪造货币罪来认定变造数字人民币行为;修改关于伪造货币罪的低位阶规范性文件并重新解释相关构成要件要素。适用该罪时应注意:伪造货币罪是行为犯,无须发生进入流通、完成支付等结果即可既遂,这适用于数字人民币。在数字人民币的场合,应在该罪的主观构成要件要素中保留而非删除流通的目的。应对伪造数字人民币的常业犯从重处罚;停止适用持有假币罪和运输假币罪,对持有和运输假数字人民币行为出罪;购买假币罪、出售假币罪和使用假币罪可适用于数字人民币,但应注意:购买假币罪的主观构成要件要素中要有流通的目的,而出售假币罪的主观构成要件要素中无须有该目的。对使用假币罪而言,判断某种行为是否属于使用时,必须紧紧围绕\"进入流通\"来判断。一切导致假币进入流通的行为方式,包括支付对价、偿还债务、作为保证金提供给他人、作为注册资本验资、交换、赠与、存入金融机构、兑换真币等均属于使用,但单纯出示、委托保管不属于使用。判断假数字人民币是否进入流通时,不应使用与有体物紧密相关的\"占有\"一词,而应使用抽象意义更强的\"支配\"一词,具体而言:当他人从行为人处以电子支付方式取得对该假币的支配或破解了该假币的加密数据,并能对其随意支配时,该假币则进入了流通。行为人使用假数字人民币的行为表面上看同时构成使用假币罪和诈骗罪时,二罪的关系不是法条竞合而是想象竞合。根据想象竞合犯从一重罪处断的原则,应当将行为人的行为认定为法定刑较重的使用假币罪。 相似文献
Niklas Bobrovitz Kim Noël Zihan Li Christian Cao Gabriel Deveaux Anabel Selemon David A. Clifton Mercedes Yanes-Lane Tingting Yan Rahul K. Arora 《Research Synthesis Methods》2023,14(3):414-426
Risk of bias (RoB) assessments are a core element of evidence synthesis but can be time consuming and subjective. We aimed to develop a decision rule-based algorithm for RoB assessment of seroprevalence studies. We developed the SeroTracker-RoB algorithm. The algorithm derives seven objective and two subjective critical appraisal items from the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Prevalence studies and implements decision rules that determine study risk of bias based on the items. Decision rules were validated using the SeroTracker seroprevalence study database, which included non-algorithmic RoB judgments from two reviewers. We quantified efficiency as the mean difference in time for the algorithmic and non-algorithmic assessments of 80 randomly selected articles, coverage as the proportion of studies where the decision rules yielded an assessment, and reliability using intraclass correlations comparing algorithmic and non-algorithmic assessments for 2070 articles. A set of decision rules with 61 branches was developed using responses to the nine critical appraisal items. The algorithmic approach was faster than non-algorithmic assessment (mean reduction 2.32 min [SD 1.09] per article), classified 100% (n = 2070) of studies, and had good reliability compared to non-algorithmic assessment (ICC 0.77, 95% CI 0.74–0.80). We built the SeroTracker-RoB Excel Tool, which embeds this algorithm for use by other researchers. The SeroTracker-RoB decision-rule based algorithm was faster than non-algorithmic assessment with complete coverage and good reliability. This algorithm enabled rapid, transparent, and reproducible RoB evaluations of seroprevalence studies and may support evidence synthesis efforts during future disease outbreaks. This decision rule-based approach could be applied to other types of prevalence studies. 相似文献