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T.W.F. Stroud 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(17):2085-2109
For a linear regression model over m populations with separate regression coefficients but a common error variance, a Bayesian model is employed to obtain regression coefficient estimates which are shrunk toward an overall value. The formulation uses Normal priors on the coefficients and diffuse priors on the grand mean vectors, the error variance, and the between-to-error variance ratios. The posterior density of the parameters which were given diffuse priors is obtained. From this the posterior means and variances of regression coefficients and the predictive mean and variance of a future observation are obtained directly by numerical integration in the balanced case, and with the aid of series expansions in the approximately balanced case. An example is presented and worked out for the case of one predictor variable. The method is an extension of Box & Tiao's Bayesian estimation of means in the balanced one-way random effects model. 相似文献
Noura Ait Mohammed 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(15):2382-2389
In this article, the Bayesian analysis of the regression model with errors terms generated by a first-order autoregressive model is considered. Our aim is to study the effect of two kinds of contamination of this model via the posterior distribution of the regression parameter. 相似文献
Joseph Glaz 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(8):2419-2454
In this article we review the major areas of remote sensing in the Russian literature for the period 1976 to 1985 that use statistical methods to analyze the observed data. For each of the areas, the problems that have been studied and the statistical techniques that have been used are briefly described 相似文献
A multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model with dynamic conditional correlations is proposed, in which the individual conditional volatilities follow exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models and the standardized innovations follow a mixture of Gaussian distributions. Inference on the model parameters and prediction of future volatilities are addressed by both maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation methods. Estimation of the Value at Risk of a given portfolio and selection of optimal portfolios under the proposed specification are addressed. The good performance of the proposed methodology is illustrated via Monte Carlo experiments and the analysis of the daily closing prices of the Dow Jones and NASDAQ indexes. 相似文献
This paper considers a class of densities formed by taking the product of nonnegative polynomials and normal densities. These densities provide a rich class of distributions that can be used in modelling when faced with non-normal characteristics such as skewness and multimodality. In this paper we address inferential and computational issues arising in the practical implementation of this parametric family in the context of the linear model. Exact results are recorded for the conditional analysis of location-scale models and an importance sampling algorithm is developed for the implementation of a conditional analysis for the general linear model when using polynomial-normal distributions for the error. 相似文献
The count data model studied in the paper extends the Poisson model by al-lowing for overdispersion and serial correlation. Alternative approaches to esti-mate nuisance parameters, required for the correction of the Poisson maximum likelihood covariance matrix estimator and for a quasi-likelihood estimator, are studied. The estimators are evaluated by finite sample Monte Carlo experi-mentation. It is found that the Poisson maximum likelihood estimator with corrected covariance matrix estimators provide reliable inferences for longer time series. Overdispersion test statistics are wellbehaved, while conventional portmanteau statistics for white noise have too large sizes. Two empirical illustrations are included. 相似文献
In the Bayesian analysis of a multiple-recapture census, different diffuse prior distributions can lead to markedly different inferences about the population size N. Through consideration of the Fisher information matrix it is shown that the number of captures in each sample typically provides little information about N. This suggests that if there is no prior information about capture probabilities, then knowledge of just the sample sizes and not the number of recaptures should leave the distribution of Nunchanged. A prior model that has this property is identified and the posterior distribution is examined. In particular, asymptotic estimates of the posterior mean and variance are derived. Differences between Bayesian and classical point and interval estimators are illustrated through examples. 相似文献
Paul R Rosenbaum 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(11):2687-2698
In many experiments where data have been collected at two points in time (pre-treatment and post-treatment), investigators wish to determine if there is a difference between two treatment groups. In recent years it has been proposed that an appropriate statistical analysis to determine if treatment differences exist is to use the post-treatment values as the primary comparison variables and the pre-treatment values as covariates. When there are several outcome variables, we propose new tests based on residuals as alternatives to existing methods and investigate how the powers of the new and existing tests are affected by various choices of covariates. The limiting distribution of the test statistic of the new test based on residuals is given. Monte Carlo simulations are employed in the power comparisons. 相似文献
In an earlier paper the authors (1997) extended the results of Hayter (1990) to the two parameter exponential probability model. This paper addressee the extention to the scale parameter case under location-scale probability model. Consider k (k≧3) treatments or competing firms such that an observation from with treatment or firm follows a distribution with cumulative distribution function (cdf) Fi(x)=F[(x-μi)/Qi], where F(·) is any absolutely continuous cdf, i=1,…,k. We propose a test to test the null hypothesis H0:θ1=…=θk against the simple ordered alternative H1:θ1≦…≦θk, with at least one strict inequality, using the data Xi,j, i=1,…k; j=1,…,n1. Two methods to compute the critical points of the proposed test have been demonstrated by talking k two parameter exponential distributions. The test procedure also allows us to construct simultaneous one sided confidence intervals (SOCIs) for the ordered pairwise ratios θj/θi, 1≦i<j≦k. Statistical simulation revealed that: 9i) actual sizes of the critical points are almost conservative and (ii) power of the proposed test relative to some existing tests is higher. 相似文献
Koen Jochmans 《商业与经济统计学杂志》2013,31(4):705-713
ABSTRACTWe consider a statistical model for directed network formation that features both node-specific parameters that capture degree heterogeneity and common parameters that reflect homophily among nodes. The goal is to perform statistical inference on the homophily parameters while treating the node-specific parameters as fixed effects. Jointly estimating all parameters leads to incidental-parameter bias and incorrect inference. As an alternative, we develop an approach based on a sufficient statistic that separates inference on the homophily parameters from estimation of the fixed effects. The estimator is easy to compute and can be applied to both dense and sparse networks, and is shown to have desirable asymptotic properties under sequences of growing networks. We illustrate the improvements of this estimator over maximum likelihood and bias-corrected estimation in a series of numerical experiments. The technique is applied to explain the import and export patterns in a dense network of countries and to estimate a more sparse advice network among attorneys in a corporate law firm. 相似文献