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In this paper, we study a buyer׳s configuration of flexibility strategies under supply uncertainty. His main supplier׳s production process is uncertain, and he can either choose pricing flexibility (setting prices depending on the available supply) or operational flexibility (requesting a contingent order from a backup supplier). As the buyer may or may not find a suitable contingent supplier ex post, we study two scenarios that the backup supplier׳s supply is infinite, and that this supply is random. We also include the factor that the main supplier may determine the wholesale price. We demonstrate that the adoption of flexibility strategies is controlled by threshold policies in different scenarios whether the main supplier determines the wholesale price or not. We also investigate how the buyer׳s attribute (finding a suitable contingent supplier) affects the configuration of flexibility strategies.  相似文献   
This paper is a response to what Professor Zhang Jiang of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) terms as “imposed interpretation.” In his article “On Imposed Interpretation,” Professor Zhang sees imposed interpretation as a fundamental feature and basic defect of contemporary Western literary criticism. The author analyzes some of the interpretations, as criticized by Professor Zhang, imposed on some literary classics by feminist, eco-critical, psychoanalytical, structuralist and deconstructivist methods. She reviews the sources and the limitations of the so-called “French theory” in cultural studies courses in American universities before raising the critical practice she endorses: a synthesizing critical methodology that is based on the specificity of the text, uses multiple applicable theories in relation to the socio-temporal context in which the work was produced, while bearing in mind the author’s intentions and the reader’s active participation. Through rigorous textual analysis, literary criticism can identify some new perspectives offered by the text which enable construction of the meaning of the text and of life. This can highlight the functions of literary reading in enriching people’s lives and enhancing the role of reality and man’s spiritual realm.  相似文献   
美国对中亚战略的国际关系理论,既有其契合性和确定性,也存在不周延性和逻辑陷阱,即便有些当时合适的理论也可能因时空转换而发生变异。美国在处理与包括中亚国家在内的伊斯兰世界关系方面多次出现失误或错误,机械套用一些学者推演出来的国际关系理论是重要原因之一,从中也可以反映出美国对中亚战略的不确定性一面。  相似文献   
马克思主义本身是一个开放性的系统,各领域新问题的出现都可以从马克思主义系统中挖掘思想精华。在解决气候变化这一全球面临的十大环境之首的问题上,将全球气候变化这一具体性的环境问题和马克思恩格斯自然观中生态哲学思想相结合,从马克思主义自然观哲学意蕴下的本体论、价值论、历史观下的认识论三个维度探析全球气候变化的原因,可以为全球气候变化问题的研究挖掘新的理论层面的路径。  相似文献   
1921年,以马克思主义作为指导思想的中国共产党的诞生,是从根本上改变中国人民历史命运的重大事件。建党90年来,中国共产党始终坚持将马克思主义与中国实际相结合,不断在实践创新进程中推进理论创新,带领中国人民取得了社会主义在中国的伟大胜利,这是中国人民唯一历史选择的胜利,是中国共产党的胜利,是马克思主义在中国的伟大胜利。历史证明,只有马克思主义才能救中国,实现马克思主义的中国化,必须不断推进马克思主义中国化的理论创新,归根到底是党坚持实事求是的思想路线。  相似文献   
随着中国股指期货的推出,股指期货对股票市场流动性的影响又成为一个新的课题。文章运用向量自回归(VAR)模型、Granger因果检验分析了中国股指期货对股票市场的流动性影响,检测了流动性溢价理论在中国股指期货市场的应用。最终得出结论,股票市场的买卖价差和期货现货基差之间存在双向的因果关系,即股票市场的流动性波动对投资股指期货的预期收益变化有重要的作用。  相似文献   
20世纪70年代,美国学者沃勒斯坦创立的世界体系理论在学术界产生了巨大反响。作为历史导向的马克思主义理论,它把世界体系分析与马克思主义结合起来,丰富了对马克思主义理论的理解。由于缺乏一套科学的社会历史理论,沃勒斯坦在重建世界体系的努力中陷入了悲观主义和历史虚无主义的困境。现从沃勒斯坦世界体系理论的思想渊源入手,在唯物史观的视域下审视世界体系理论的当代价值和内在困境,从总体上把握世界体系分析范式的合理内核和内在启示,进而彰显马克思主义理论强大生命力。它为全面认识社会发展问题提供了重要思路,也为全球化背景下探寻适合发展中国家自身的现代化模式提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
王旭 《南亚研究》2011,(1):93-109
毛杜迪是20世纪重要的现代伊斯兰主义思想家,他的伊斯兰国家理论对伊斯兰世界产生了重要的影响。本文详细介绍了毛杜迪伊斯兰国家理论的基本原则、基本概念和具体的政治制度,其核心是真主主权、先知权威和代治权等十项基本原则。这一理论的产生有着深厚的理论基础和深刻的社会历史背景,体现了毛杜迪希望建立理想公正的伊斯兰国家的政治理想,但是在现实政治实践中具有一定的局限性。  相似文献   
中国农村剩余劳动力数量巨大,如何在城市就业空间有限的情况下有效地解决中国农村剩余劳动力的合理转移问题,是推进城镇化和提升农民收入以及实现社会稳定和可持续发展的重要举措之一。在托达罗人口流动模型的基础上,引入"推拉理论",结合中国农村人口流动实际状况,对托达罗人口流动模型进行修正,并以此构建多元回归模式进行逐步回归分析,结果表明:在农村人口流动的过程中应当加快第二、第三产业的发展,加大培训"农民工"专业技能的力度;深化体制改革,消除城乡二元分割的制度壁垒,构建城乡衔接的社会福利制度;加快工业化和城市化进程,建立城乡统一的劳动力市场,从而进一步促进农村劳动力人口向城镇的有效转移。  相似文献   
‘Care’ is a source of critical tension in current social theory, and the policy and practice implications of that tension are evidenced in its current prominence on the political agenda of developed welfare states. This article critically appraises current developments in the theory, policy and practice of care, drawing on interdisciplinary developments in political theory, sociology and social policy. Developing feminist and disability‐rights theories, it explores a critical synthesis of conflicting normative and theoretical positions regarding the giving and receiving of care, and of the ethics and justice of care. It examines case studies of current comparative policy developments across a range of different welfare regimes, including the marketization/commodification and de/re‐familiaization of care, exploring ideological and normative trends in the design of contemporary policies. It discusses the impact of theory and policy on the practice of care, looking particularly at the issue of long‐term care for disabled and older adults. Finally, the authors argue for the development of a citizenship‐based approach to care that decouples it from individualistic and paternalistic paradigms that disempower those who give and receive care.  相似文献   
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