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资本是现代社会产生的根源,资本逻辑构成现代社会的本质。资本逻辑是为最大限度地获取剩余价值而投入、获得、再投入、再获得的动态逻辑过程,在这一逻辑下,人被彻底异化和物化,沦为商品和资本的奴隶。这是马克思对资本主义社会最重要的发现。随着我国市场经济的进一步发展,人们对物的依赖程度日益增强,对资本的崇拜影响到国民经济、日常生活与意识形态,因此我国在利用好资本的同时应该扬弃资本逻辑,走出资本逻辑带给人的生存与发展困境。马克思通过《1844年经济学哲学手稿》对资本逻辑的揭示与批判对我们思考这一课题具有独到的启示作用。  相似文献   
精神福利是文化自信与文化发展的内在秩序,精神福利的文化价值逻辑及公共性追求就是实现人之根本性的精神生命活力的源泉。在进一步澄明人的生存安全性之公共性本质的基础上,对精神福利的内在认知结构和文化价值的追寻就成为精神文明建设的核心维度。当代中国社会日益呈现出精神生活困顿、心灵迷失与意识形态交叠共融等情形,以精神福利的文化伦理为公共性追求的社会实践,必能造就一个精神福利共享和文化价值共生的美好社会。  相似文献   
贝娄作品的伦理观有如下特点:他对伦理的认识是内在与超越的合一。一方面具体化为内在矛盾的不断展开过程。推动其伦理观不断变化的动力是犹太人在"异域"文化中所遭遇的"生存实践"困境,即同化和反同化的问题。另一方面,他的视野没有局限于犹太人及他们在美国社会中的问题。他在思考该问题时立足"个体-集团-类存在"这一大视野,提出了化解人类矛盾的途径:消弭隔阂、增加信任,进而建立兄弟情谊。为此,他的作品才具有世界性影响。  相似文献   
穆时英是20世纪30年代新感觉派的代表作家。其都市小说通过对都市生活的描绘,展现了大都市的喧嚣、繁华与奢靡,揭示出都市人存在的荒诞与孤独虚无、情绪的悲观失落与茫然无措。同时,他的作品也反映了繁华都市中人们价值尽失的堕落,以及情与欲分离的哀婉。这无不体现出穆时英颓废的美学现代性。  相似文献   
《红楼梦》中的、丫鬟群体生活在等级森严的封建大家族的最底层,毫无人身自由和人格尊严.封建统治者在封建宗法制的保护和纵容下,任意践踏她们的身体和灵魂、随意安排她们的婚姻和未来,并利用月钱、赏钱等经济手段实现掌控其人生的目的.主子间的尔虞我诈、仆妇们的妒忌猜疑,这些复杂的人际关系又随时威胁着丫鬟们的生存安全.  相似文献   
中岛敦的小说看似与现实不相粘连,却始终没有脱离二战期间日本人的生存境遇。他早期的作品对日本人极度膨胀的争夺欲望充满了忧虑,在借鉴欧美现代派文学的基础上深刻地批判了争夺欲的膨胀对人性的异化和戕害,并在一种近乎绝望的状态中探索日本民族的精神出路。终于在其绝笔之作《名人传》中,中岛敦提出了“不射之射”的事功观,认为此种哲学(人生境界)必然会给日本带来淳朴和谐的社会环境。中岛敦的小说不仅是对于个体生命价值形而上的探索,也是对二战期间日本民族精神病症深刻的审视,并通过改编中国道家故事对日本军国主义进行了含蓄的批评,告诫他们真正的强大不是通过竞争、征战和杀戮来获得的,而是和平、无为中抵达的。  相似文献   
The Chinese government is currently endeavouring to establish a new social management system, with the participation of the government and different parties in society, among whom NGO participation in social management is considered the essential approach for social management system innovation. The post-disaster relief and reconstruction of the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 left an indelible mark in the developmental history of Chinese NGOs, and provides an opportunity for us to examine the survival condition of NGOs. For this paper, we use a qualitative research method to trace the four-year relief and reconstruction process of a severely afflicted township in Sichuan Province during the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, and examine the work of NGOs at different stages of the post-disaster operation, the role that NGOs played during the relief and reconstruction process, and the survival conditions of NGOs in China's contemporary social management pattern. By analysing the obstacles that NGOs have encountered in the participation of social management, this paper offers suggestions for the innovation of the social management system.  相似文献   
随着城市化进程的加快,农村剩余劳动力向城市转移,城市中的农民工随迁子女数量大幅增加。近年来,农民工随迁子女在社会融入过程中遇到不少问题,这一群体的教育问题、生存状况、心理健康日益引起公众和媒体的关注。媒体对于这一特殊群体的关注与报道,对于维持社会稳定、促进和谐社会的构建有着重要意义。通过对重庆媒体中对农民工子女的新闻报道进行定量和内容分析,概括了当前报纸对农民工子女生存现状报道的不足,并对农民工子女报道中出现的问题提出了建议。  相似文献   
The model proposed in this paper combines a logistic regression model and a Weibull regression model for the analysis of current-status data. This joint model allows a simultaneous estimation of two sets of effects on the covariates: one on the probability that the event occurs (also known as quantum) and the other on the timing of the event. Thus, the model can be seen either as an extension of a survival-analysis model for use with current-status data where a survival fraction is added in order explicitly to take into account the possibility that the event may never occur, or as an extension of survival analysis with long-term survivors to the analysis of current-status data. As an illustrative application we apply our model to a study of nuptiality in seventeenth-century Italy.  相似文献   
Effects of age shift on the tempo and quantum of non-repeatable demographic events are examined. The purpose is to develop a period index theory based on the survival model and to provide a mathematically consistent interpretation of Bongaarts and Feeney's tempo adjustment arguments. The survival model for non-repeatable events is introduced. In the time-inhomogeneous case, three types of period survival models are considered. McKendrick equation is used to formulate the risk population dynamics. The tempo and quantum indices for three period survival models are computed when the period age shift occurs for the hazard, the incidence, and the survival rates. Bongaarts and Feeney's tempo adjustment arguments are consistently based on the scenario of the period age shift on the survival rate, and they give translation formulae between period indices without referring to cohort. Traditional demographic translation formulae between cohort and period indices are reviewed to clarify differences between cohort- and period-oriented translation procedures.  相似文献   
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