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Let X 1, X 2,... be iid random variables (rv's) with the support on nonnegative integers and let (W n , n≥0) denote the corresponding sequence of weak record values. We obtain new characterization of geometric and some other discrete distributions based on different forms of partial independence of rv's W n and W n+r —W n for some fixed n≥0 and r≥1. We also prove that rv's W 0 and W n+1 —W n have identical distribution if and only if (iff) the underlying distribution is geometric.  相似文献   
Comparison of different estimation techniques for portfolio selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main problem in applying the mean-variance portfolio selection consists of the fact that the first two moments of the asset returns are unknown. In practice the optimal portfolio weights have to be estimated. This is usually done by replacing the moments by the classical unbiased sample estimators. We provide a comparison of the exact and the asymptotic distributions of the estimated portfolio weights as well as a sensitivity analysis to shifts in the moments of the asset returns. Furthermore we consider several types of shrinkage estimators for the moments. The corresponding estimators of the portfolio weights are compared with each other and with the portfolio weights based on the sample estimators of the moments. We show how the uncertainty about the portfolio weights can be introduced into the performance measurement of trading strategies. The methodology explains the bad out-of-sample performance of the classical Markowitz procedures.  相似文献   
利用生存分析研究寿险退保问题是一个很好的工具,因为可以将寿险保单的持续期(persistency duration)视为生存期长,而将保单的退保或失效看作一个“保单生命”的结束,这其中的保单退保或失效就成为生存研究的目标事件。而导致保单失效的因素会有很多,只有通过利用Cox比例危险模型拟合寿险退保数据以分析影响客户退保的原因,并在对Cox模型的比例危险假设进行检验时,发现部分影响因素并不遵守此前提条件,从而推理得到这些影响因素在不同的时间段对客户退保的影响方式不同。也就是说,其影响有短期效应和长期效应之分。  相似文献   
胡忠 《统计研究》2007,24(2):66-70
摘  要:商业银行无形资产是形成商业银行核心竞争力的基础和产生超额收益的源泉,加强商业银行无形资产统计工作,有利于充分揭示商业银行无形资产基本内容和对核心竞争力的影响。笔者认为,目前我国商业银行无形资产统计指标体系设置不完整,统计制度不健全,统计内容不全面,统计分析不深入,影响经济决策。笔者认为,完善商业银行无形资产统计制度时,应从组织结构类、客户关系类、知识创新类和人力资本类等四个方面对无形资产进行统计,逐步细化统计指标,明确具体的统计内容,建立、健全无形资产价值信息系统,深化无形资产统计分析工作,以此为基础,提出提高商业银行核心竞争力的基本策略。  相似文献   
This paper shows how to construct confidence bands for the difference between two simple linear regression lines. These confidence bands provide directly the information on the magnitude of the difference between the regression lines over an interval of interest and, as a by-product, can be used as a formal test of the difference between the two regression lines. Various different shapes of confidence bands are illustrated, and particular attention is paid towards confidence bands whose construction only involves critical points from standard distributions so that they are consequently easy to construct.  相似文献   
Asymptotic behavior of a log-likelihood ratio statistic for testing a change in a three parameter Weibull distribution is studied. It is shown that if a shape parameter α>2α>2 the law of iterated logarithm for maximum-likelihood estimators is still valid and the log-likelihood testing statistic is asymptotically distributed (after an appropriate normalization) according to a Gumbel distribution.  相似文献   
We establish consistency of posterior distribution when a Gaussian process prior is used as a prior distribution for the unknown binary regression function. Specifically, we take the work of Ghosal and Roy [2006. Posterior consistency of Gaussian process prior for nonparametric binary regression. Ann. Statist. 34, 2413–2429] as our starting point, and then weaken their assumptions on the smoothness of the Gaussian process kernel while retaining a stronger yet applicable condition about design points. Furthermore, we extend their results to multi-dimensional covariates under a weaker smoothness condition on the Gaussian process. Finally, we study the extent to which posterior consistency can be achieved under a general model where, when additional hyperparameters in the covariance function of a Gaussian process are involved.  相似文献   
基于对北京市C救助站的个案调查,以实践社会学为理论指导,比较分析我国救助管理制度的核心理念从"收容"转向"救助"的转变,尤其对实施过程中的实践逻辑进行了深入探究。研究认为,救助管理制度在运行中,其实践逻辑发生了偏误。要完善救助管理制度,不仅要充分调动社会救助主体的积极性,加强部门合作,而且要从理念上升为行动,确保制度的执行。  相似文献   
近年来,“无直接利益冲突”现象在我国似乎形成一种所谓“涟漪效应”,其产生的深层根源在于社会分配的不公平及与之相联系的群体异质不公平感的普遍存在;其次也与利益表达机制的不畅通有关。在其产生的过程中,事件触发与演化的关联性往往是通过驱动机制、认同机制、社会比较与自我展示机制和说服争辩机制交互作用表现出来的。在信息时代,“无直接利益冲突”的这些相关发生机制往往与网络极化效应直接相关,即“无直接利益冲突”极易导致网络极化效应的产生,而网络极化效应也促使了“无直接利益冲突”的扩散。而这种双向互动的过程,正是“无直接利益冲突”网络发生机制的作用过程。由此,应给予充分重视。  相似文献   
书序具有重要的传播作用,以北宋诗文集序为对象考察,书序作者在选择推动传播的因素时,对作品艺术性、知识性等文本因素的关注不如对作家身份、生平轶事等非文本因素普遍。其中原因,从书序作者的操作层面来看,是因为在书序中进行文艺批评是很难把握的;从面对读者的传播效果层面来分析,是因为非文本因素较之文本相关的评论因素可以产生显著的传播效果。于是,非文本因素在文学传播中变成了一位无形的操纵者,虽然它不是长远的传播之道,但却常常起着奇妙的传播作用,从而给书序这一文体增加活力。  相似文献   
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