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赵晓歌 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》2009,30(3):71-74
环境社会学坚持的生态论思维范式认为当今生态问题具有历史普遍性与时代性、渐进性与突发性、客观性与建构性统一的特征,生态论思维范式应坚持实践性、能动性、主体间性、“两个尺度”辩证统一的原则,超越“经济中心论”和“社会中心论”,增强社会决策的生态导向,调动一切环保力量,保护好我们赖以生存的环境。 相似文献
出生性别比升高与妇女社会边缘化的关联性思考 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
周全德 《中华女子学院学报》2009,21(1):52-55
出生性别比升高是社会转型过程中女性在公共生活领域乃至日常生活领域被某些特异的社会因素推向边缘化的一种自身地位下降或自我和群体价值缺失的显著标志。因此,综合治理出生性别比问题,其关键是要真正地将社会性别意识纳入政府决策主流,大力形成男女平等的社会氛围和道德规范,逐步扭转重男轻女的传统观念,以保证实行有利于女性健康发展的社会政策,改善女性的生存环境及生活条件。 相似文献
1956年《文汇报》发起的一系列以“为什么好的国产片这样少?”为题头的讨论文章,特别是钟惦棐先生的《电影的锣鼓》一文对电影问题的批评,其核心议题均涉及到电影的本质是什么的问题。回顾这一讨论的始末,试图探讨当时电影评论所触及的电影艺术本质问题,并对当下电影评论写作提出一点思考。 相似文献
王瑞芳 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2007,23(4):117-123
在新民主主义革命胜利以后,要经过相当长时期的新民主主义建设,在物质条件、精神条件完全成熟以后,实现从新民主主义向社会主义的过渡,这是毛泽东和中共中央建国前后的最初设想。但随着国民经济恢复任务的完成,毛泽东及中共中央对社会主义过渡问题有了新思考和新认识,提出了"过渡时期总路线"思想。可见,在从新民主主义向社会主义过渡问题上,中共中央在实践中进行了艰苦的探索,在认识上发生了较大的变化。过渡时期总路线的提出,既是迅速发展国营经济和扩大计划经济,顺利实施"一五"计划的客观要求,也是对资本主义工商业实行利用、限制政策发展的必然结果;既是土改后农村经济发展的必然趋势,也是巩固人民民主专政的必要条件。 相似文献
Paul Henman 《Policy Studies》2016,37(6):597-609
ABSTRACTPerformance measurement has an implicit performance theory embedded within its practice; performance measurement perforce performs. Performance measurement has a performative effect on performance. Drawing together and building on the various empirical observations from the preceding papers in this collection, this concluding paper firstly examines the circumstances in which performance measurement performs, that is, when it produces ‘authentic’ performance improvements, compared to when performance measurements misfire. The paper secondly explores several paradoxes of performance measurement – such that performance measurement measures only part of the performance it seeks to be performative on, incentives to perform incentivise poor performance and so on. These paradoxes, contradictions and ironies must be apprehended and appreciated in discovering, discerning and deciphering the diverse dynamics of measuring performance. They also demonstrate that analysing and working with performance measurement requires a perspective that eschews absolutes and clear directions, and embraces the uneasy and potentially destabilising tension of Escher’s performative art. 相似文献
高正兴 《江汉大学学报(人文科学版)》1995,(6)
本文用递推数列的方法研究了一个齐次的有限Markov链(Ehrenfest模型),得出与李政道著“统计力学”相同的结论。但本文表述方式较之准确、简练,推导所用数学工具较之初等、直接。 相似文献
IVANA MARKOVÁ 《Journal for the theory of social behaviour》2008,38(4):461-487
The theory of social representations must be understood in terms of its proper epistemology so that it can accomplish its full potential in social sciences. This is often difficult to achieve because researchers comprehend it in terms of concepts that are part of static and individualistic Newtonian epistemology rather than in terms of dynamic and relational Einsteinian epistemology. This article considers three signposts that Moscovici identifies and analyses in the theory of relativity, namely the relation between epistemology and science, theory and method, and the argument against the explanation of effects by their causes. The following question is posed: are these signposts also characteristic of the theory of social representations? This question is examined focusing on interactional epistemology, theory and method and the diversity of natural thinking and communication. Moscovici's Psychoanalysis shows that natural thinking appears in a plurality of modes according to the situation in which it takes place and according to social groups towards which it is directed. Natural thinking is controversial and communication‐centred. Different professionals, groups and lay people use different kinds of speaking and different communicative genres when they try to resolve “the same” problem. The article suggests that bringing together dialogicality, dialogical linguistics and the theory of social representations may open up new possibilities for theoretical developments in social psychology. 相似文献
英伽登建构文学理论的最初动机源于与胡塞尔关于观念论——实在论的论争。他试图用对文学作品存在论的分析为解决这一问题提供一个可能的答案。其结论是,文学作品是一种非自主存在的纯粹的意向性对象,是一个由语音构造、意义单元、再现的对象、图式化观相和类时间结构这五个层次组成的异质的多层次构造。 相似文献
Jennifer M. Putney Sara Keary Nicholas Hebert Lisa Krinsky Rebekah Halmo 《Journal of gerontological social work》2013,56(8):887-907
Objectives: Older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) adults are a vulnerable yet resilient population who face unique stressors as they foresee health decline. This paper presents the results of a study about community-dwelling LGBT older adults’ anticipated needs and fears related to nursing homes and assisted living. Methods: This qualitative study collected data through seven focus groups. The sample (N = 50) consisted of LGBT-identified adults age 55 and over. We used an inductive, thematic analysis approach to data analysis. Results: Participants seek an inclusive environment where they will be safe and feel connected to a community. They fear dependence on healthcare providers, dementia, mistreatment, and isolation. Importantly, these fears can lead to identity concealment and psychological distress, including suicide ideation. Discussion: This study adds to the existing literature about the worries of older LGBT adults as they anticipate long-term care. The results suggest that older LGBT adults seek LGBT-inclusive residential care settings that encompass two distinct yet related aspects of LGBT-affirmative care: the procedural (e.g. culturally competent skills and knowledge of practitioners) and the implicit (e.g. the values and mission of the organization). This paper identifies implications for practice, policy, and training. 相似文献
李伟 《佳木斯大学社会科学学报》2011,29(3):103-104
自普通高等院校全国招生考试不断扩招以来,各个高校都相应做出政策调整,本文针对第三批录取本科生教学管理,就如何在降低入学门槛的情况下,构建有利于培养学生健全个性的平民教育和大众教育的实践教学体系,探讨如何适应社会需要并使之学而有成而尝试的点滴举措。 相似文献