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Jointly modeling longitudinal and survival data has been an active research area. Most researches focus on improving the estimating efficiency but ignore many data features frequently encountered in practice. In the current study, we develop the joint models that concurrently accounting for longitudinal and survival data with multiple features. Specifically, the proposed model handles skewness, missingness and measurement errors in covariates which are typically observed in the collection of longitudinal survival data from many studies. We employ a Bayesian inferential method to make inference on the proposed model. We applied the proposed model to an real data study. A few alternative models under different conditions are compared. We conduct extensive simulations in order to evaluate how the method works.  相似文献   
Box–Cox power transformation is a commonly used methodology to transform the distribution of the data into a normal distribution. The methodology relies on a single transformation parameter. In this study, we focus on the estimation of this parameter. For this purpose, we employ seven popular goodness-of-fit tests for normality, namely Shapiro–Wilk, Anderson–Darling, Cramer-von Mises, Pearson Chi-square, Shapiro-Francia, Lilliefors and Jarque–Bera tests, together with a searching algorithm. The searching algorithm is based on finding the argument of the minimum or maximum depending on the test, i.e., maximum for the Shapiro–Wilk and Shapiro–Francia, minimum for the rest. The artificial covariate method of Dag et al. (2014) is also included for comparison purposes. Simulation studies are implemented to compare the performances of the methods. Results show that Shapiro–Wilk and the artificial covariate method are more effective than the others and Pearson Chi-square is the worst performing method. The methods are also applied to two real-life datasets. The R package AID is proposed for implementation of the aforementioned methods.  相似文献   
Missing covariate data are common in biomedical studies. In this article, by using the non parametric kernel regression technique, a new imputation approach is developed for the Cox-proportional hazard regression model with missing covariates. This method achieves the same efficiency as the fully augmented weighted estimators (Qi et al. 2005. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 100:1250) and has a simpler form. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimator are derived and analyzed. The comparisons between the proposed imputation method and several other existing methods are conducted via a number of simulation studies and a mouse leukemia data.  相似文献   
This is a continuation to Part I toward our efforts for providing illustrative examples in the context of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models and related analyses of data. We discuss four more examples here, and these are derived from standard textbooks. We re-visit these examples with a view to suggest optimal/nearly optimal designs for estimation of the covariate parameter(s).  相似文献   
We propose a state-space approach for GARCH models with time-varying parameters able to deal with non-stationarity that is usually observed in a wide variety of time series. The parameters of the non-stationary model are allowed to vary smoothly over time through non-negative deterministic functions. We implement the estimation of the time-varying parameters in the time domain through Kalman filter recursive equations, finding a state-space representation of a class of time-varying GARCH models. We provide prediction intervals for time-varying GARCH models and, additionally, we propose a simple methodology for handling missing values. Finally, the proposed methodology is applied to the Chilean Stock Market (IPSA) and to the American Standard&Poor's 500 index (S&P500).  相似文献   
This paper adopts a Bayesian strategy for generalized ridge estimation for high-dimensional regression. We also consider significance testing based on the proposed estimator, which is useful for selecting regressors. Both theoretical and simulation studies show that the proposed estimator can simultaneously outperform the ordinary ridge estimator and the LSE in terms of the mean square error (MSE) criterion. The simulation study also demonstrates the competitive MSE performance of our proposal with the Lasso under sparse models. We demonstrate the method using the lung cancer data involving high-dimensional microarrays.  相似文献   
Following the development of the economy and the diversification of investment, mutual funds are a popular investment tool nowadays. Choosing excellent targets from hundreds of mutual funds has become more and more crucial to investors. The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) has been widely used in the capital cost estimation and performance evaluation of mutual funds. In this study, we propose a new two-phase approach to estimating the time-varying parameters of CAPM. We implemented a simulation study to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method and compared it with the commonly used state space and rolling regression methods. The results showed that the new method is more efficient in most scenarios. Meanwhile, the proposed approach is very practical and it is unnecessary to judge and adjust the estimating process for different situations. Finally, we applied the proposed method to equity mutual funds in the Taiwan stock market and reported the performances of two funds for demonstration.  相似文献   
A virologic marker, the number of HIV RNA copies or viral load, is currently used to evaluate antiretroviral (ARV) therapies in AIDS clinical trials. This marker can be used to assess the antiviral potency of therapies, but may be easily affected by clinical factors such as drug exposures and drug resistance as well as baseline characteristics during the long-term treatment evaluation process. HIV dynamic studies have significantly contributed to the understanding of HIV pathogenesis and ARV treatment strategies. Viral dynamic models can be formulated through differential equations, but there has been only limited development of statistical methodologies for estimating such models or assessing their agreement with observed data. This paper develops mechanism-based nonlinear differential equation models for characterizing long-term viral dynamics with ARV therapy. In this model we not only incorporate clinical factors (drug exposures, and susceptibility), but also baseline covariate (baseline viral load, CD4 count, weight, or age) into a function of treatment efficacy. A Bayesian nonlinear mixed-effects modeling approach is investigated with application to an AIDS clinical trial study. The effects of confounding interaction of clinical factors with covariate-based models are compared using the deviance information criteria (DIC), a Bayesian version of the classical deviance for model assessment, designed from complex hierarchical model settings. Relationships between baseline covariate combined with confounding clinical factors and drug efficacy are explored. In addition, we compared models incorporating each of four baseline covariates through DIC and some interesting findings are presented. Our results suggest that modeling HIV dynamics and virologic responses with consideration of time-varying clinical factors as well as baseline characteristics may play an important role in understanding HIV pathogenesis, designing new treatment strategies for long-term care of AIDS patients.  相似文献   
In many cases of modeling bivariate count data, the interest lies on studying the association rather than the marginal properties. We form a flexible regression copula-based model where covariates are used not only for the marginal but also for the copula parameters. Since copula measures the association, the use of covariates in its parameters allow for direct modeling of association. A real-data application related to transaction market basket data is used. Our goal is to refine and understand whether the association between the number of purchases of certain product categories depends on particular demographic customers’ characteristics. Such information is important for decision making for marketing purposes.  相似文献   
We consider a modelling approach to longitudinal data that aims at estimating flexible covariate effects in a model where the sampling probabilities are modelled explicitly. The joint modelling yields simple estimators that are easy to compute and analyse, even if the sampling of the longitudinal responses interacts with the response level. An incorrect model for the sampling probabilities results in biased estimates. Non-representative sampling occurs, for example, if patients with an extreme development (based on extreme values of the response) are called in for additional examinations and measurements. We allow covariate effects to be time-varying or time-constant. Estimates of covariate effects are obtained by solving martingale equations locally for the cumulative regression functions. Using Aalen's additive model for the sampling probabilities, we obtain simple expressions for the estimators and their asymptotic variances. The asymptotic distributions for the estimators of the non-parametric components as well as the parametric components of the model are derived drawing on general martingale results. Two applications are presented. We consider the growth of cystic fibrosis patients and the prothrombin index for liver cirrhosis patients. The conclusion about the growth of the cystic fibrosis patients is not altered when adjusting for a possible non-representativeness in the sampling, whereas we reach substantively different conclusions about the treatment effect for the liver cirrhosis patients.  相似文献   
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