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Thomas Frank's book poses a question: Why do working people in Kansas vote for Republican candidates when supporting them is antithetical to their economic interests? This article analyzes the statistical evidence for such alleged deviant voting and finds support for his thesis that the working class does vote Republican. Also supported is his principal causal suggestion for this hypothesized “backlash,” the decline in average county population. But both variables lack a supporting theory. A “structural ecological” explanation for both facts is introduced that claims that the fear that whites experience as the white population shrinks causes the backlash reaction and the Republican vote that Frank describes. Statistical tests support the alternative explanation and illustrate the difference between Frank's ethnography‐based arguments and the approach that most sociologists use.  相似文献   
民主政治是当代世界政治发展的潮流,而民主政治实现的形式可以不同.协商民主是同表决民主并列的一种重要的民主形式.社会主义中国具有更高级的协商民主发展水平.进一步发展社会主义协商民主,不能背离当代中国的基本政治形态.  相似文献   
新《公司法》第106条增加了累积投票制的规定,本文立足于该制度之立法宗旨和运作原理的基础上,通过对我国股权结构的特殊性、股东投票权行使过程中的经济抉择以及我国上市公司的具体实践效果的分析,指出累积投票制在维护中小股东权益、实现股东平等方面的内在缺陷及实际运行中的不足。  相似文献   
表决权征集制度是上市公司股权分散化、流动化的必然产物。本文立足实务,同时借鉴国外表决权征集制度的立法经验,从介绍我国上市公司表决权征集制度的立法现状着手,对我国表决权征集制度存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   
Malaysia is often touted as an exemplar of a peaceful multiracial country, with the tensions in inter-ethnic relations engendered by the 13 May 1969 race riots overcome. However, three decades of steady economic growth coupled with the New Economic Policy have helped to strengthen consciousness of ethnic identity and social polarisation in society. This paper discusses how tactical voting in the mixed constituencies has helped the National Front to secure its two-thirds majority in parliament and maintain inter-ethnic calm.  相似文献   
This paper extends the analysis of [Hanssen, A., Andersen, T., 1999. Has discrimination lessened over time? A test using baseball's All-star vote. Economic Inquiry 37, 326–352] using All-star votes from 1990 through 2000 to investigate customer-based discrimination in Major League Baseball (MLB). The previous findings of no evidence of customer-based racial discrimination against minority players are confirmed. However, the evidence suggests that after controlling for player and team characteristics, Blacks and Latinos were actually preferred by MLB All-star voters during the 1990s. Initial evidence suggests that over the sample period the bias for Blacks came from voters in the South and Midwest, the bias for Latinos came from voters in the Midwest and West, while there was residual bias for White players in the South.  相似文献   
投票行为研究的发展及范式转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选举研究中的投票行为研究从传统政治社会学中脱胎出来,经历了从行为主义到理性选择论的范式转换。这种进步和转换不是简单的淘汰和代替,而是不同视角的转换、不同观点和范式之间的相互作用、相互补充、相互完善的过程。  相似文献   
表决权代理征集制度是一项重要的公司治理法律制度。它就像一柄双刃剑,既可以成为保护公司和股东利益、优化公司治理结构的有力手段,又可能沦为投机人士争夺公司控制权、损害公司和股东利益的工具。我国目前尚未建立统一完备的表决代理权制度,但近年来我国上市公司治理实践中已经出现了运用这一制度的真实案例,由于缺乏法律规制,其行为颇不规范。因此,笔者针对存在的问题,借鉴先进国家和地区立法经验,从征集主体、征集行为、征集过程中的信息披露、表决权征集之民事责任四个维度,对完善我国表决权代理征集制度进行相关研究。  相似文献   
对公司控制权的判断标准实质上有主体判断标准和客体判断标准之分。主体判断标准是指公司控制权归属于股东、管理层、债权人等主体。客体判断标准是指通过是否拥有行使公司控制权的基础性权利———表决权,来判断公司控制权的归属,而无需考虑行使表决权的主体是谁。对于公司控制权归属的判断标准应由主体判断标准向客体判断标准转变,因此,表决权也就成为公司控制权争夺的核心。在以表决权为核心的控制权争夺过程中,通过对表决权行使方式的完善,继而规范公司控制权的争夺行为,为控制权争夺的主体创造一个公平的竞争环境。  相似文献   
民主选举制度是乡村中国村民自治最基础的部分,其核心是多数原则及投票行为。在考量部分乡村社会后发现,多数原则原本意义上的相对多数在一些乡村正异化为绝对多数,其追求的择优目的正生成择劣的效果;而投票行为应有的公共理性正被经济理性所取代。其主要原因在于乡村社会民主土壤的贫瘠,体现在:民主形成于理性主义而非经验主义的;缺乏以多元中心信息系统为特征的独立舆论环境;生活普遍贫困使得民主共识难以达成。因此,在乡村社会矫正民主选举原则,发展市场经济是当务之急。  相似文献   
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