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50~70年代的文学是中国左翼激进主义文学潮流逐渐发展到极至的呈现,它一方面浓缩了革命文学长期以来奋斗的成果,另一方面,又彰显着左翼倾向本身的偏激和局限.因此,对这一时期作家个人和他(她)们的文学表达当中凸显出来的革命气质,尤其是对在女作家身上及其创作当中的革命气质的存在状态的探究,就不仅关联着我们民族力图振作和兴旺自己的路径和特征,而且也纠结着我们民族的文化心理、性别观念等诸多方面的问题.  相似文献   
For those who have not recognized the disparate natures of tests of statistical hypotheses and tests of scientific hypotheses, one‐tailed statistical tests of null hypotheses such as ?≤ 0 or ?≥ 0 have often seemed a reasonable procedure. We earlier reviewed the many grounds for not regarding them as such. To have at least some power for detection of effects in the unpredicted direction, several authors have independently proposed the use of lopsided (also termed split‐tailed, directed or one‐and‐a‐half‐tailed) tests, two‐tailed tests with α partitioned unequally between the two tails of the test statistic distribution. We review the history of these proposals and conclude that lopsided tests are never justified. They are based on the same misunderstandings that have led to massive misuse of one‐tailed tests as well as to much needless worry, for more than half a century, over the various so‐called ‘multiplicity problems’. We discuss from a neo‐Fisherian point of view the undesirable properties of multiple comparison procedures based on either (i) maximum potential set‐wise (or family‐wise) type I error rates (SWERs), or (ii) the increasingly fashionable, maximum potential false discovery rates (FDRs). Neither the classical nor the newer multiple comparison procedures based on fixed maximum potential set‐wise error rates are helpful to the cogent analysis and interpretation of scientific data.  相似文献   
我国著名儿童文学作家冰心老人从自己一生读书写作的经历中总结出具有普遍意义的读书经验,即:读书好,好读书,读好书。它十分精当而传神地概括出了非凡的读书意义、痴迷的读书习惯、精明的读书选择的极其宝贵的读书真经,一语道尽了古今中外所有读书人的“悦读”审美感受。如果说“读书好”是事物发展的自然之“果”的话,那么,“好读书”与“读好书”则是事物发展的必然之“因”。三者之间,因果关系甚明。  相似文献   
《庄子·外物》是庄子后学阐述庄子思想颇为重要的篇章之一。在认识论方面,本篇指出人的认识器官诸如目、耳、鼻、口、心等应当与外客观世界沟通,否则就会“众害生”。这实际上将人的认识从自然中区别出来。在“德”论中,本篇提出了“德溢乎名”的命题,指出“德”实被“炫于形”的“名”所破坏。  相似文献   
《沧浪之水》在叙事上由于叙事目的过于功利而有简单化之嫌,作者成了叙事的僭越者和万能主宰。其对知识分子的前设与在文本中表现出来的所谓知识分子的行止的自相矛盾昭示作品本身的世故,没有超越维度。一个简单的故事弄成了世故的咏叹调。  相似文献   
孔子作为儒家创始人和伟大的思想家,其主要思想集中在《论语》一书中,《论语》不仅反映了孔子的人伦理想,也反映着其政治理想。在《论语》中,我们可以看到许多现代行政管理思想的相应萌芽及其基本价值观念,如德政的思想,任人唯贤的思想,仁者爱人的思想,正人先正己的思想等。学习借鉴这些思想,有利于现代行政管理的研究吸收古代行政管理思想的精华,推动现代行政管理实践的顺利进行。  相似文献   
Sam and his classmates despise ‘nerds’: they say working hard in school makes a student unpopular, and that they purposefully do only the minimum to pass. Research suggests that such ‘oppositional’ attitudes are prevalent among working class students and/or ethnoracial minorities. Like most of his classmates, however, Sam is white, hails from a privileged background, and attends a selective school in the Netherlands. Deeply ambivalent about working hard and ‘acting wise’, Sam and the others constituting his adolescent society are thoroughly caught up in peer dynamics which sanction success and promote mediocrity. We link these anti-school peer dynamics to the institutional configuration of education in the Netherlands, characterized by rigid tracking at the end of primary school and non-selective universities: state structures and policies contribute to these privileged students’ rationale for ‘taking it easy’ and doing poorly in school.  相似文献   
关于康乾盛世的出现,论者多强调是康、雍、乾三帝正确治国之策的作用,但实际上康乾盛世形成的原因有三:在明、清交替之际的长期动乱之后,人心思治是康乾盛世出现不可逆转的客观规律;历史为康雍乾盛世的出现准备好了必要的条件;康雍乾三代帝王正确的治国思想和方针政策是盛世出现的必要因素。康乾盛世的出现是明末清初社会历史发展的自然结果与康、雍、乾三帝实行的正确治国方策相结合的产物,是历史发展的必然性和偶然性共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
郭沫若是中国文化史上不可忽视的人物.他是一个类型的知识分子代表,而且他的一生充满传奇性.矛盾、荒诞是他晚期人生态度和创作方式的最好概括.作为最后一批接受严格儒家教育和最早一批接受西方文明的跨几个时代的文人,儒家思想对郭沫若的言行有不可忽视的指导作用.  相似文献   
We are considered with the problem of m simultaneous statistical test problems with composite null hypotheses. Usually, marginal p-values are computed under least favorable parameter configurations (LFCs), thus being over-conservative under non-LFCs. Our proposed randomized p-value leads to a tighter exhaustion of the marginal (local) significance level. In turn, it is stochastically larger than the LFC-based p-value under alternatives. While these distributional properties are typically nonsensical for m  =1, the exhaustion of the local significance level is extremely helpful for cases with m>1m>1 in connection with data-adaptive multiple tests as we will demonstrate by considering multiple one-sided tests for Gaussian means.  相似文献   
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