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在中国学术、思想史上,汉、宋两学关系问题是一重要问题,到清代嘉庆、道光之时尤为引人注目。围绕这一问题,时人聚讼纷纭,其中以江藩、方东树在各自著作中所表达的针锋相对的理念及其所引发的学术风波最具影响力。这固然标志着所谓“汉宋之争”已达高潮,同时它也说明这一时期学术格局有所变化,即汉学虽仍居主导,但宋学的空间已越来越大。宋学空间的得以扩大,与当时学界存在的汉宋调和、汉宋兼采之风密不可分,汉学家与宋学家之间既相互贬抑,又彼此调和,兼采对方之长为己所用。这一切,预示着学术嬗变的契机已显现,学术演进将有新趋势。 相似文献
Artifact in client satisfaction assessment is discussed and the results of a study of three factors thought to mediate client satisfaction ratings; (a) general life satisfaction, (b) mode of administration, and (c) psychological symptomatology, are reported. A standard client satisfaction questionnaire (CSQ) was modified to yield parallel forms and was administered orally and in writing to 92 clients in two mental health day treatment programs. Satisfaction ratings obtained from these clients were quite similar to out-patient ratings obtained in previous studies conducted in this setting and using the same measures. Oral administration of the CSQ produced 10% higher satisfaction ratings than written administration (p less than .05) and less missing data (p less than .01). Satisfaction ratings were also obtained using a simple graphic instrument. Graphic ratings were comparable to CSQ ratings. Satisfaction with life in general and level of psychiatric symptoms together accounted for 25% of CSQ variance. The implication of these findings for future client satisfaction research is discussed. 相似文献
Hapenney S 《Evaluation and program planning》1978,1(1):79-81
Federal legislation regarding health care in the U.S. has increased rapidly in the past few years. A major law with potential far-reaching effects was enacted as a result of increasing legislation and rising health care costs. This law,The National Health Planning and Resources Development Act,has created a network of over 200 local, mostly nongovernment units, called health systems agencies. These agencies are responsible for areawide health planning, plan implementation, review and approval of federal health care expenditures for local programs, and facilities review. They will affect health and mental health programs at the local level. The article is directed to local health and mental health care providers who will, of necessity, deal directly with the local HSA's. 相似文献
欧美藏学界关于“西藏问题”的叙事主题,似乎都对藏汉文明之历史性质注视不够①.亚洲腹地“三原文明”的融合,构筑了中国藏汉文明的共同根基;植根于藏汉文明共同体的西藏共享性发展理路,从来就不是主观人为的“预设”,而是客观历史的抉择. 相似文献
中国传统城市以其独特的营建传统,在世界城市建设史中占有十分重要的地位。通过对古代文人参与城市建设活动的梳理,并以北宋名臣范仲淹在延安期间的营建活动作为实例,对“谁是传统山水城市格局的创造主体”进行研究,认为文人士大夫对传统山水城市格局的形成有着重要影响,在此基础上对当代规划设计师的综合素养进行了反思。提出当代规划设计师应具备古代文人士大夫那样高尚的道德情操,广博的传统文化知识和深厚的乡土情怀。 相似文献
清代中朝文人交往的方式主要有三个方面:第一,留京期间,中朝文人宴游唱和,以画纪事,写真留影;第二,临别之际,两国文人常以画图题赠,表达相思怀念之情;第三,在分别后,中朝文人通过互赠和互寄书籍、器物、诗作等方式,表达问候,以慰相思。由此可见,清代以来中朝之间日益紧密的文化交流,增进了两国人民的了解和友谊,成为中外文化交流史中的佳话。 相似文献
杨剑锋 《郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版)》2008,27(6):20-24
20世纪80年代以来的陈三立研究可划分为三个阶段:发轫阶段、发展阶段、深入阶级。学术界在陈三立的诗歌艺术、文学理论、文化观、文学地位等方面的研究中取得了不少有价值的成果,但总体来说仍然相当薄弱。 相似文献
刘洪生 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》2008,48(1):127-131
在视死如生的古代中国,人的死亡不仅仅是个体生命的终结,而且也会引来极为复杂的宗法制度方面的社会矛盾.范仲淹及其母亲卜葬洛阳万安山下,就是一种艰难而无奈的选择.其中交织着范仲淹悲苦的身世、与母亲生死相依的深情、对先贤的追慕和他微妙复杂的宇宙哲学之思.事件本身也反映了那个时代极为复杂的社会伦理关系,彰显着范仲淹一代圣贤的崇高风范,也昭示了我国古代传统文化的复杂内涵. 相似文献
赵永源 《江苏大学学报(高教研究版)》2000,(2)
元代学者房祺所编《河汾诸老诗集》收录了河汾间八位诗人的诗篇 ,内容丰富 ,反映了当时的时代特征、社会现实以及文人心态。本文主要从房祺编录此集的角度、河汾诸老的游踪、河汾诸老具体的诗篇等几个方面来阐述这部诗集的地域特征 相似文献