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范春燕 《太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2002,20(1):84-86
通过对足球运动员实施不同训练负荷方案后心率、血乳酸、血尿素氮的检测与分析研究 ,发现该三项指标随运动负荷强度的增加而增加。因此采用血乳酸、血尿素氮不仅能够客观评定足球训练和比赛的运动负荷强度 ,而且也是控制运动负荷强度以及促进运动疲劳恢复的有效监测指标 ,其方法简单易行 ,从而为教练员加强医务监督、合理安排训练负荷提供科学理论依据。 相似文献
The study reported describes Efe (pygmy) forager one-, two-, and three-year-olds' involvement with males. The Efe of northeastern Zaïre were chosen because their social organization allows us to examine hypotheses based on studies in Western, technologically complex societies about the distinctive role fathers play in the lives of their young children. Behavioral observations of Efe children's day-to-day activities with fathers, men and boys were recorded using a focal subject sampling technique (Altmann, 1974). Two behavioral measures were created to capture the extent to which males were involved with children: Social engagement describes males' involvement with children and social attention describes eavesdropping by children on males' everyday activities. Eight one-year-olds, 7 two-year-olds and 8 three-year-olds were each observed for six, one-hour observation sessions that were distributed evenly over the daylight hours. Data were analyzed using the traditional measure of involvement (e.g., adult males) and using a newly developed measure of the involvement of the average individual (e.g., average adult mate). Comparisons at each of the ages showed that fathers were consistently like other men in the extent to which children participated in social activities with them and watched their activities. Only fathers' level of social engagement declined significantly as children grew older. Boys' role relative to other males became increasingly distinctive as children aged. The findings suggest that Efe fathers may not be unique in the same sense assumed by Western study ideals, and raise questions about the special status given to fathers in Western theory and data. The patterning of mate involvement with children is discussed in terms of Efe community life, and in terms of Efe children's developing understanding of their relationship with fathers and other males. 相似文献
道德内化与大学生思想品德教育 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
许冬玲 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2003,5(2):78-80
大学生思想品德教育的过程,实质上就是将一定社会的思想、道德内化为大学生自身道德品质和信念的过程。道德内化一般是通过角色扮演来实现的。根据道德内化理论,在大学生思想品德教育过程中,我们要把灌输机制与接受机制结合起来;把角色指导与角色训练统一起来;把连续性与系统性结合起来,以使思想品德教育富有成效。 相似文献
李琳 《三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2002,24(4):89-90
钢琴演奏者必须具有良好的心理素质。如何克服演奏过程中的不良心理 ,使演奏者的实际水平得以充分发挥 ,本文作了较系统的探讨 相似文献
Judith Stein 《Clinical Social Work Journal》2002,30(2):145-156
It is hypothesized that trauma and early object loss result in the arrest of the normal and healthy progression of a child's development and also disrupts a child's capacity to engage in symbolic play. In therapy, over time, with a constant object, a latency-aged child was able to re-enact early trauma and loss, make substantial gains in development, and begin to play in a symbolic and expressive way. 相似文献
黄莹 《南京邮电学院学报(社会科学版)》2008,(2):41-43
约翰·福尔斯的小说《魔法师》和《法国中尉的女人》在结构上模仿了莎士比亚《暴风雨》的“剧中剧”设置。这种设置给小说中的人物提供了一个“寻找自我”的舞台,福尔斯借此探索了人的自我本质以及个体自由,表达了存在主义人文关怀的创作思想。 相似文献
侯俊宇 《重庆文理学院学报》2018,37(3):8-13
作为非物质文化遗产,锦州皮影随着社会发展而不断出现新的变化:皮影道具的制作由牛皮、塑料等材料取代了驴皮,皮影戏表演由多人取代了单人,皮影戏表演内容由“熊出没”“小苹果”等现代题材取代了“仙鹤斗乌龟”等传统节目。分析锦州皮影的创新发展之路,对保护与传承非物质文化遗产、促进民间艺术发展具有重要意义。 相似文献
芦世林 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2008,35(2):120-124
文明的进程始于游戏,立于审美,成于教育:人和动物的区分在于动物的一切活动都只是为了维系简单的生存,而人则在维持生命活动的同时能开展一种创造性的游戏活动。正是这种游戏活动使人逐渐摆脱了生命的动物性轮环,使人在简单的物质生活之上拥有丰富的精神生活,在自然的生殖力之上拥有超越现实的想象力和创造力——一种人类所特有的能将人的感性和理性有机地结合起来的审美判断力。 相似文献
民主党派参与北部湾经济区开放开发不仅非常重要,而且具有很强的优势,民主党派应从围绕中心、服务大局、体现特色方面积极发挥作用。 相似文献
赵寅 《贵州工业大学学报(社会科学版)》2002,4(3):48-51
关汉卿是元杂剧的奠基人 ,他在中国戏曲喜剧、悲剧、正剧和历史剧的创作中 ,全面营造了中国戏曲艺术的典范文体模式 ,为后来的艺术家提供了宝贵的经验 相似文献