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Summary.  As a part of the EUREDIT project new methods to detect multivariate outliers in incomplete survey data have been developed. These methods are the first to work with sampling weights and to be able to cope with missing values. Two of these methods are presented here. The epidemic algorithm simulates the propagation of a disease through a population and uses extreme infection times to find outlying observations. Transformed rank correlations are robust estimates of the centre and the scatter of the data. They use a geometric transformation that is based on the rank correlation matrix. The estimates are used to define a Mahalanobis distance that reveals outliers. The two methods are applied to a small data set and to one of the evaluation data sets of the EUREDIT project.  相似文献   
This paper clarifies and interprets some basic quantitative concepts of value, utility and utility function from a utilitarian point of view. First, I discuss the question as to whether value is objective or subjective. I hold that value is subjective and statistical in nature (although from the various subjective values of a certain object a norm can usually be obtained). Second, I emphasize the distinction between use value and exchange value in relation to utility. Third, I propose a law of diminishing incremental interest, which refers to the incremental (marginal) utility of money. Fourth, I identify the utility of money with the von Neumann-Morgenstern utility. Fifth, I question the necessity of the usual normalization of utility functions and the restricted linear transformation (and the consequent concept of strategic equivalence). Sixth, I discuss in detail the terminal values and utilities of a utility function from a philosophical rather than mathematical point of view, particularly the boundedness of a utility function and the magnitudes of V 0 and U 0. Finally, I conclude that, in order to be able to have interpersonal comparisons of utility, utility should have the same dimension as value rather than no dimension, and the normalization problem should be reconsidered in the light of terminal values and utilities.  相似文献   
土地是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础。近二十年来,土地单纯作为自然资源的价值发生了深刻的变化,已成为影响经济和政治活动的重要因素。基于土地的经济和社会价值的与日俱增,土地政策的重要性也越来越受到学者的重视,因此关于土地改革的政策研究也成为热点。  相似文献   
张居三 《求是学刊》2007,34(3):107-111
在中国文学史上,《国语》一向不被人重视。其实不论是从史学角度,还是从文学角度,《国语》都是很值得深入研究的。本文通过对《国语》编撰意图的分析,认为其文学史料不是简单的拼凑,而是紧紧围绕礼治、民本、忠恕、正名等思想选择的。此外,《国语》一书结构的安排,也不只是遵循周王室与各诸侯国关系远近、先华夏后蛮夷的原则,而是另有深意,即反映礼乐崩坏的前因后果。《国语》一书因此成为有机的整体,文学和史学价值也进一步提高。  相似文献   
将服务主导逻辑的思维范式引入老字号企业中来,结合消费文化和社会情景价值理论探讨该领域中品牌价值的共创机理,基于理论假设构建研究框架。以北京、上海、福建三个地区的不同行业老字号品牌企业为实证研究对象,对企业员工和消费者进行访谈和问卷调查。通过修正的初始量表,基于PLS-SEM方法对收集的309份有效问卷调查数据应用SPSS22.0和Smart PLS2.0进行分析,验证消费者情感价值共创的中介作用及互联网媒介交互的调节作用。分析结果表明,消费者与老字号企业共同创造价值,历史悠久的老字号品牌企业关注基于互联网媒介下不同利益相关者的互动和协同才能创造品牌价值共创的最理想点,最后为老字号品牌管理提供有益的建议和应对策略。  相似文献   
将王充闾的散文创作置于文学历史的发展过程之中,从思想含量、文化价值、文学意义、主体特征四个方面,展开梳理、归纳和阐释,就中凸现其历史与美学的特殊贡献。  相似文献   
在我国,环境污染及其造成的损害日益严重,客观上对损害救济的相关法律提出了变革与发展的要求。然而,传统环境侵权诉讼在原告资格、诉讼事由和诉讼主体——环保团体的诉讼资格方面面临诸多困境。环境公益诉讼在原告的起诉资格、诉讼标的、诉讼事由以及诉讼性质等方面,弥补了传统环境侵权诉讼的缺陷,在实现环境正义、保护环境公益、救济环境损害方面起到了不可替代的作用。  相似文献   
时间是一种重要的资源。时间价值观是个体以自身的需要为尺度对时间重要性的稳定态度和观念。时间价值观含有时间资源观、时间效率观、时机观、时间顺序观等方面的意义。时间价值观的结构可以有不同的划分。时间价值观受社会文化传统、个体的年龄因素、个体性格、社会环境等因素的影响。心理学对时间价值观的研究在理论上和应用中都有着重要的意义  相似文献   
The most popular approach in extreme value statistics is the modelling of threshold exceedances using the asymptotically motivated generalised Pareto distribution. This approach involves the selection of a high threshold above which the model fits the data well. Sometimes, few observations of a measurement process might be recorded in applications and so selecting a high quantile of the sample as the threshold leads to almost no exceedances. In this paper we propose extensions of the generalised Pareto distribution that incorporate an additional shape parameter while keeping the tail behaviour unaffected. The inclusion of this parameter offers additional structure for the main body of the distribution, improves the stability of the modified scale, tail index and return level estimates to threshold choice and allows a lower threshold to be selected. We illustrate the benefits of the proposed models with a simulation study and two case studies.  相似文献   
For a segmented regression system with an unknown changepoint over two domains of a predictor, a new empirical likelihood ratio statistic is proposed to test the null hypothesis of no change. Under the null hypothesis of no change, the proposed test statistic is shown empirically to be Gumbel distributed with robust location and scale estimators against various parameter settings and error distributions. A power analysis is conducted to illustrate the performance of the test. Under the alternative hypothesis with a changepoint, the test statistic is utilized to estimate the changepoint between the two domains. A comparison of the frequency distributions between the proposed estimator and two parametric methods indicates that the proposed method is effective in capturing the true changepoint.  相似文献   
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