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中国职业学校学生的命运究竟如何?本文根据南京市两所职业学校为期一年(2007-2008年)的民族志研究,借由韦伯的分析路径,描述了职业学校学生学习生活以及最终由半技术工人进入新型服务经济领域的过程。研究表明,在今天的中国城市中,职业学校是一个产生新社会阶层的优选场所。首先,职业学校从结构和意识层面上生产一个独立的年轻人阶层群体;其次,职业学校打造的相似学生背景和共同生活空间有助于催生一种新的社会阶层和文化;再次,职业学校构建的新文化积极作用于学生的选择和生活方式,促使他们流向服务行业,成为半技术工人。总之,职业学校学生正处于一个新社会阶层初级阶段:共享着相似的生活方式、生活机遇、市场地位和有限的社会流动。  相似文献   
Due to growing work-family demands, supervisors need to effectively exhibit family supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB). Drawing on social support theory and using data from two samples of lower wage workers, the authors develop and validate a measure of FSSB, defined as behaviors exhibited by supervisors that are supportive of families. FSSB is conceptualized as a multidimensional superordinate construct with four subordinate dimensions: emotional support, instrumental support, role modeling behaviors, and creative work-family management. Results from multilevel confirmatory factor analyses and multilevel regression analyses provide evidence of construct, criterion-related, and incremental validity. The authors found FSSB to be significantly related to work-family conflict, work-family positive spillover, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions over and above measures of general supervisor support.  相似文献   
分析写作和创造性思维的相互促进的关系,结合实际探讨怎样通过写作教学提高学生的写作能力和思维创新能力。  相似文献   
全球化背景下云南多样性民族文化的碰撞与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化多样性对人类来讲就像生物多样性对维持生物平衡那样必不可少,它是人类持续和谐发展的根本保证.云南是一个多民族的边疆省份,民族的多样性决定了其文化的多样性.经济全球化的发展为云南各民族不同文化之间的交流和交融提供了新的历史机遇,同时也加剧了各民族文化之间的碰撞.在此背景下,我们必须努力做到"文化自觉",尊重文化个性,加强文化的调适,推进文化整合,这样才能实现保护、传承和发展云南民族文化多样性的目标.  相似文献   
We determine the relative rewards to producers, private rent‐seekers, and bureaucrats and allocation of talent between them in a general equilibrium model. Unproductive activity creates a negative externality on the relative rewards to producers. If the size of bureaucracy is exogenously given, among the multiple equilibria, the one with fewer private rent‐seekers yields higher welfare. By choosing a small size of bureaucracy, the government can establish the superior equilibrium as the unique outcome, which also achieves the constrained optimum. If the population of bureaucrats is endogenously determined, however, a larger bureaucracy enhances production and welfare. The size of government and economic performance are jointly determined, and their relationship depends on the quality of government. Our result supports the view that the size of government may not matter much; what is important is the quality of government. (JEL E60, E61, H00)  相似文献   
课程文化的实质,是课程文化最根本、最深层、最终极的规定性.以往的研究侧重从课程的角度或文化的角度来理解课程文化的内涵,应该说这是理解课程文化内涵的一种视角.本文从课程与文化两个概念的共同属性来把握课程文化的内涵.它是主体发展的文化资源.  相似文献   
晚清数学的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晚清数学的发展主要是由技术进步的派生需求引导的,数学发展的目标与中体西用的要求之间存在冲突,这种矛盾最终导致中国数学的全盘西化。西学东渐改变了中算知识的结构却未能改变知识价值的结构,数学会通的效率受到考核技术的制约,考核技术的水平受到中体西用的制约。数学概念的进化因而受到阻碍,会通工作陷入效益递减的境地,最终导致中算被完全取代。  相似文献   
美国内战是美国历史上北方资本主义制度战胜南方奴隶制度的一场正义的、进步的战争。内战本属美国内部问题,但由于战争结局会影响到欧洲列强的既得利益,因而北方的林肯政府在内战中不得不面对当时极    其复杂的国际关系。我们认为,北方之最终获胜固然在于其正义性,但林肯政府灵活、有效的外交策略,同样功不可没。本文将重点探讨美国内战的国际关系及林肯政府的外支政策。  相似文献   

The Safety and Health Improvement Program (SHIP) was designed to increase workers’ safety and health using supervisor/leadership training. SHIP was implemented and evaluated in a cluster randomized controlled trial with 20 supervisors and 292 construction crew members representing a high-risk industry. The intervention had three components: (1) computer-based training to teach supervisors ways to better support worker safety and work-life challenges; (2) supervisor behavioural self-monitoring to facilitate transfer of training to practice; and (3) team-based discussions with supervisors and work crew members to identify challenges and opportunities for improvement with 30, 60, and 90 day follow-up check-in meetings. Main effects for the intervention on perceptions of family supportive supervisor behaviors, team effectiveness, and work-life effectiveness were not found, suggesting that the pre-intervention context could help explain the lack of intervention effects. We found that the intervention was more beneficial for work crew members who had poorer pre-intervention perceptions of their supervisor (lower leader-member exchange) and lower perceived team cohesion, suggesting the important impact of the organisational context on intervention effects. We argue that perhaps these work crews were more ready for change and improvements in functioning than were the crews that were already functioning well.  相似文献   
The extent to which the age of the offender or the victim influences respondents' respective evaluations of crime seriousness and punitiveness has rarely been studied. This study hypothesizes that evaluations of the severity of offenses with intrapersonal and interpersonal social implications and the estimation of their punitiveness will be more serious when the offenses are performed by younger than by older offenders and less serious when they harm younger as opposed to older victims. Results from 129 undergraduate students who were administered the Multidimensional Social Transgressions Scale (MSTS) confirm the hypotheses. The findings are discussed in light of crime theories, social theories, and ageism studies.  相似文献   
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