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在江南文化的世界里,潘维是鲜明的诗性符号之一。作为潘维灵魂基因元素的外化,“江南雨水”、“少女”、“太湖”、“巨龙”等江南文化地理意象,既是潘维破译江南文化的诗意密码,又是读者破译潘维灵魂密码的钥匙。他宣称自己是“汉语诗魂的守护者”。他对于“汉语帝王”角色的自期,显示出他的诗学野心。  相似文献   
In this study, we consider an entropy-type goodness-of-fit (GOF) test based on integrated distribution functions. We first construct the test for the simple vs. simple hypothesis and then extend it to the composite hypothesis case. It is shown that under regularity conditions, the null limiting distribution of the proposed test is a function of a Brownian bridge. A bootstrap method is also considered and is shown to be weakly consistent. A simulation study and real data analysis are conducted for illustration.  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider the validity of the Jarque–Bera normality test whose construction is based on the residuals, for the innovations of GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic) models. It is shown that the asymptotic behavior of the original form of the JB test adopted in this paper is identical to that of the test statistic based on true errors. The simulation study also confirms the validity of the original form since it outperforms other available normality tests.  相似文献   
以2008-2015年沪深A股上市公司作为研究样本,探讨女性高管对企业绩效的影响,并检验权力集中度和市场化程度对于女性高管发挥作用的调节效应.结果显示:(1)提高女性高管比例有助于改善企业绩效;(2)权力集中抑制了女性高管对企业绩效的正向影响;(3)公司所在地区的市场化程度越高,女性高管比例越高,但女性高管对企业绩效的正向影响相对市场化程度低的地区有所减弱.结果说明:企业和政府相关部门都应该重视女性高管对于企业发展的特殊作用,制订相应政策为女性进入高管层提供一定的条件.  相似文献   
In this paper we consider the problem of testing for a scale change in the infinite order moving average process X j = i =0 a i j i , where j are i.i.d. r.v.s with E 1 < for some > 0. In performing the test, a cusum of squares test statistic analogous to Inclan & Tiao's (1994) statistic is considered. It is well-known from the literature that outliers affect test procedures leading to false conclusions. In order to remedy this, a cusum of squares test based on trimmed observations is considered. It is demonstrated that this test is robust against outliers, is valid for infinite variance processes as well. Simulation results are given for illustration.  相似文献   
彭湃是坚定的马克思主义者、伟大的无产阶级革命家、中国农民运动的先驱,为社会主义和共产主义事业献出了年轻、宝贵的生命,铸就了以"百折不挠、矢志不渝的坚定信念,心系祖国、关爱大众的博大情怀,敢为人先、开拓创新的宏伟气魄,立足实践、联系实际的求真态度"为主要内涵的革命精神,是中国共产党人精神谱系的重要组成部分.新时代我们要深入挖掘彭湃革命精神的当代价值,通过坚定理想信念、坚持人民至上、把握时代主题、发扬优良传统,自觉为中国特色社会主义事业奉献力量.  相似文献   
瓯骆族裔聚居区山岭连绵,沟壑纵横,雨水丰沛,林木茂盛,由此决定了瓯骆族裔的家居环境必须与热带和亚热带地区独特的生态环境相适应。瓯骆族群大多依山傍水择地而居,木结构的房屋、鼓楼、桥梁成为典型的建筑样式。随着生态环境的变迁,传统的瓯骆族裔村镇社区呈现悲喜交织的多元化发展态势,重新建构瓯骆族裔村镇家居文化成为一项紧迫的任务。  相似文献   
于坚早期的叙事性诗侧重通过呈现客观存在来进行睿智的讽刺,而近期的一些非叙事性诗脱去前期颠覆性的粗放凌厉,质朴地进入思想,以更加理性的思考来阐释诗人个体的人生哲理,同时艺术建构性更强,其《海上》组诗之一《看海》,以"有意味的生命形式"构建诗美的方式表达了他追求诗歌民间性的诗观。  相似文献   
The integer-valued autoregressive (INAR) model has been widely used in diverse fields. Since the task of identifying the underlying distribution of time-series models is a crucial step for further inferences, we consider the goodness-of-fit test for the Poisson assumption on first-order INAR models. For a test, we employ Fisher’s dispersion test due to its simplicity and then derive its null limiting distribution. As an illustration, a simulation study and real data analysis are conducted for the counts of coal mining disasters, the monthly crime data set from New South Wales, and the annual numbers of worldwide earthquakes.  相似文献   
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