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基维网以小额贷款取代捐赠,把市场原则的理性和国际援助的人道主义精神完美结合。  相似文献   

Social work has moved firmly into a need for partnership training models, as our newest Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards explicitly call for interprofessional education (IPE). Although IPE is not a new model, we have not been consistently involved in training partnerships. Three professional schools formed partnerships to provide IPE events for social work (n = 42), medicine (n = 108), and pharmacy (n = 49) students. Social work students showed positive change on a validated measure of attitudes and beliefs regarding interprofessional practice, and debriefing included rich discussions about challenges of communication and boundaries and perceptions of hierarchy and skills of other teammates in the context of case-based learning, guided by faculty from all three professions.  相似文献   
欧洲风力发电公司从美国对替代能源不断上涨的热情中看到商机,包括西班牙的lberdrola SA、Acciona SA和加美萨,德国的E.ON AG、Fuhrlander、Nordek、西门子,丹麦的维塔斯等等。  相似文献   
6月5日,西班牙最大的保险公司Mapfre发表声明,宣布完成对美国Commerce保险公司的收购项目。该项目于2007年10月正式启动,总共历时9个月。项目收购总价为22.1亿美元,是Mapfre公司75年历史中数目最大的一次投资,也是Mapfre在其国际化扩张道路上迈出的关键性的一步。  相似文献   
出口贸易公司利丰集团拥有世界上最庞大的采购与生产网络,并为知名品牌及零售商提供全球供应链管理。利丰贸易有限公司总裁布鲁斯-罗克威兹表示,“在美国,在任何一家商城里,都会有30%到40%的商家是利丰的客户。消费者们基本不会注意到我们公司,但在各类服装以及家庭用品背后,却是我们在提供服务。”  相似文献   
This paper analyses the experiences of women who work in residential real estate sales, to identify the factors that lead women to choose and keep this occupation. In-depth interviews provide the data for a case study of the importance of various job traits in determining job satisfaction for a specific category of workers. The more general question concerns workers' constructions of the emotional labor involved in interactive service work. Within a general queueing model, this paper focuses on job queues. Specifically, I examine workers' preferences for jobs and the factors that contribute to positive ranking of the job after workers' initial experiences with it. Findings show that although the women's experiences on the job have disappointed their expectations, most remain satisfied with their work and plan to stay in the field. The reasons for this high level of satisfaction are related to characteristics of the workers—the women's educational and skill levels, and the limited alternatives that they perceive for themselves, and characteristics of the job—its autonomous nature and the emotional labor it entails.  相似文献   
近几年来,美国金融界各类危机层出不穷。AIG、BearStearns、Fannie Mae以及Freddie Mac等金融巨头依靠政府援助侥幸挺过了难关;成立于1850年的老牌投资银行雷曼兄弟最终破产清算,著名的美林证券则难逃出售易主的命运。学者一致认为,这一系列令人震惊的金融企业事故的出现,只能说明金融服务领域内出现了极其重大的领导失误。领导者在关注公司业绩与自身利益的同时,忽视了企业所面临的风险和危机。  相似文献   
鲁本·马克现任高露洁棕榄有限公司主席,他在公司CEO的职位上已度过了长达二十三载的风风雨雨。在他看来,领导公司就好比一场体育竞技,要取得成功依靠的是许许多多较小目标的稳步实现,而并非某些举世瞩目的突破和进展。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The authors assessed associations between body weight perception and weight loss strategies. PARTICIPANTS: They randomly selected male and female college students (N = 38,204). METHODS: The authors conducted a secondary data analysis of the rates of weight loss strategies and body weight perception among students who completed the National College Health Assessment survey. RESULTS: Half of respondents (50%) were trying to lose weight, although only 28% of students were overweight or obese. Also, 12% of respondents had inaccurate body weight perception. Women and men with inaccurate body weight perception were significantly more likely to engage in inappropriate weight loss strategies than were those with accurate body weight perception. Of all students attempting to lose weight, 38% used both diet and exercise. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that college students are interested in weight loss and that body weight perception plays an important role in the desire to lose weight.  相似文献   
“钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。”这是戴比尔斯公司的营销理念和全球闻名的广告语。这个世界最大的钻石开采和销售公司,1888年成立于南非,在过去8年内对公司商业模式进行了彻底的变革。  相似文献   
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