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Research has demonstrated that infants recognize emotional expressions of adults in the first half year of life. We extended this research to a new domain, infant perception of the expressions of other infants. In an intermodal matching procedure, 3.5‐ and 5‐month‐old infants heard a series of infant vocal expressions (positive and negative affect) along with side‐by‐side dynamic videos in which one infant conveyed positive facial affect and another infant conveyed negative facial affect. Results demonstrated that 5‐month‐olds matched the vocal expressions with the affectively congruent facial expressions, whereas 3.5‐month‐olds showed no evidence of matching. These findings indicate that by 5 months of age, infants detect, discriminate, and match the facial and vocal affective displays of other infants. Further, because the facial and vocal expressions were portrayed by different infants and shared no face–voice synchrony, temporal, or intensity patterning, matching was likely based on detection of a more general affective valence common to the face and voice.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on preferences for specific characteristics in a potential partner using data from 1993 to 1999 provided by a French marriage bureau. We perform an econometric analysis of the various traits either sought or rejected in a potential partner, respectively by men and women. Our results are consistent with investment in marriage. On the one hand, men tend to reject vulgar and unfaithful women, meaning that they are likely to suffer serious fitness costs from infidelity. On the other hand, women dread meeting potential partners who are alcoholic, selfish or violent.  相似文献   
Summary Standard statistical analyses of distributions of individuals from contingency tables are generally invalid if the individuals are not distributed independently of each other. In this paper, we discuss a method of testing hypotheses about classification category occupancy rates for overdispersed population or for population whose individuals are distributed by groups rather than lonely. These methods are based on population redistribution simulations and provide valid, exact and powerful tests in situations for which classical methods are not appropriate. Illustrations are given from the European Corn Borer eggs data.  相似文献   
Summary Spatial distributions of individuals may be considered in two ways: Firstly, individuals are situated on a continuum. Secondly, individuals are situated on discrete units, for example, insect eggs on plants. The aim of this paper is to show that sometimes, in the latter case, sampling methods based on infestation runs can be of interest in estimating population density. Analytical results are obtained under complete spatial randomness hypothesis and alternative hypotheses. Sampling procedures with limited cost are discussed and the European corn borer (ECB) case is mainly considered.  相似文献   
The efficiency ofTrichogramma brassicae inundative releases in biological control of the European corn borerOstrinia nubilalis was analyzed in seven plots of 504 plants, each situated in a corn field naturally infested by the European corn borer. Different strategies ofTrichogramma releases were defined on the seven plots. These inundative releases were concluded to be highly efficient even on plots where there were either no parasitoid release or only one parasitoid release at the beginning of the egg mass laying period.  相似文献   
“The plight of the ageing and the truly aged person (for plight it is) does not start in the nursing home, it only ends there. How does he get there? What is the path to the door? Generally, there is a gradual progression of losses, diminution of strengths, decreasing opportunities for meaningful and restorative personal and social experiences and increased isolation. As self-sufficiency decreases, there is less opportunity for continued living in the community. Society has not yet stepped in to replace and provide those supports and services which once came from the family and the neighbourhood. . . . When the long-term care institution is chosen as alternative to continued living alone or with his family, it is often not the best solution, but the only one.”1  相似文献   
Based on focus groups and in-depth interviews with young leftist political party activists in Uruguay, this article analyzes the dilemmas faced by young people as they use images from the past to interpret and orient their situation in the present and their aspirations for the future. They are the heirs to a highly romantic image of what it means to be a political activist on the Left; in this sense, the shadow of the radical Sixties and the omnipresent image of armed struggle and military dictatorship define them. But the reality of politics in contemporary democratic Uruguay is that of pressing for incremental and routine social reform inside a ‘Broad Front’ where ideological definitions for the future have become hazy. This paper explores the various ways that young Uruguayan Leftists work to reconcile these different senses of time and how these mediate their relationships with ‘significant generational others’. In so doing, I place the concept of time, of the perceived and socially constructed sense of acting in the current of a particular historical time, at the center of analysis.  相似文献   
This study evaluates how non-performing loans and different types of board turnover—which we link to performing directorship (natural turnover) and non-performing directorship (forced turnover)—impact the economic performance (ROA) of banks. The proposed model and hypotheses, based on the conformance and performance roles of boards, are tested on a rich sample that includes all banking firms operating in Costa Rica between 2000 and 2012. The results indicate that the negative effect of non-performing loans on ROA is significantly greater in banks with non-performing directorship associated with high rates of unexpected changes in the board. The findings of the study highlight that the competence of boards matters. The results also give evidence of the importance of balancing financial and non-financial goals if superior governance and economic performance are the objectives pursued by organisations.  相似文献   
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