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Social categories need to be replicated to endure. Commentaries about social practices drive replication. Commentaries increase the number of signs emblematic of this category. In contemporary nation-states, mass education, bureaucratic processes, and mass media create large participation frameworks that facilitate replication. I term these participation frameworks ‘infrastructures for ethnicity’. This paper examines two types of infrastructures that have facilitated replication of emblems of ethnicity in Indonesia. My data is drawn from a soap opera, Internet commentaries about this soap, and news stories about clothing and culture. In looking at this data, I examine how old elements that point to ‘ethnicity’ are combined with new elements, how this new combination invites commentaries, how this process increases the semiotic density of these categories, and how all of this engenders diversity in Indonesia.  相似文献   
Research shows that return migrants have a higher propensity to set up an entrepreneurial activity or be self-employed compared to non-migrants. We take a multidisciplinary approach and empirically study the case of Latvia as a migration donor country to learn how re-migrants participate in entrepreneurship back at home. We are interested if return migrants can be seen as a vehicle for entrepreneurship development and if it is worth looking at them as agents of business growth and innovation. Not only we measure the fact of being entrepreneurial but also explore sources that contribute to the higher propensity, attitudes to creating own business venture, level of ambitions and population sentiment towards entrepreneurs. Based on a nationally representative adult population survey of 8000 observations, we find that early-stage entrepreneurial activity, established business ownership as well as intrapreneurship for return migrants exceed that of the non-migrant population. The self-perceived capabilities to start business is higher for those who have lived abroad, and fear of failure is lower. Return migrants also have better business networks and higher growth and export ambitions. Latvian return migrant entrepreneurship is not necessity driven but rather motivated by opportunities. Migration experience, length of stay aboard and capital accumulated abroad are found to be significant predictors of probability to become entrepreneur when controlled for socioeconomic and personal factors.  相似文献   
This paper teases out the interdiscursive relations between local and perduring signs of personhood and their recontextualization in situated talk. In doing so, I aim to provide further evidence of the utility of incorporating ethnography, linguistic anthropological work on semiotics and work on face‐to‐face interaction. My empirical focus is on two consecutive men's meetings that occurred in an urban Indonesian milieu. In particular, I draw upon work on semiotic register formation and processes of social identification to flesh out how signs from different temporal‐spatial scales figure in the social identification of a non‐present neighbor as deviant and Chinese. By taking an interactional view I also attempt to fill a gap in the scholarship on such inter‐ethnic relations in Indonesia, which has hitherto primarily been historical in nature.  相似文献   
This study examined whether dysfunctional correlates of relational bullying parallel those that have been found for physical bullying. We used data from the population of 2,494 respondents in grades 7–12 from a school district in Colorado to compare latent variables of self-esteem, attitudes toward school, delinquent behavior, physical injury, physical bullying, and physical victimization among 291 relational bullies, 303 victims, 213 bully-victims, and 1,687 neutrals. We used gender as a control variable. Neutrals had the best school attitudes, least problem behavior, least injury, and were less likely to be physical bullies or victims. Bully-victims reported worse outcomes on the latent variables than either neutrals or victims, and they were more likely to be physically victimized than bullies. These outcomes parallel findings among physical bullies in a similar sample. Results show the need for improved intervention, heightened awareness, and particular attention to relational bully-victims.  相似文献   
Gambling is fast becoming a public health problem in the United States, especially among emerging adults (18–25 year olds). Since 1995, rates have recently doubled with around 7–11 % of the emerging adult population having problems with gambling (Shaffer et al. in Am J Public Health 89(9):1369–1376, 1999; Cyders and Smith in Pers Individ Diff 45(6):503–508, 2008). Some states have lowered their gambling age to 18 years old; in turn, the gambling industry has recently oriented their market to target this younger population. However, little is known about the gender variation and the factors placing emerging adults at risk for getting engaged and developing problems with gambling. The purpose of the study was to determine the risk factors accounting for gender differences at the two levels of gambling involvement: engagement and problems. Mediation analyses revealed that impulsive coping and risk-taking were significant partial mediators for gender differences on engagement in gambling. Men took more risks and had lower levels of impulsive coping than women, and those who took more risks and had lower levels of impulsive coping were more likely to engage in gambling. Risk-taking and social anxiety were the significant mediators for gender differences in problems with gambling. Men took more risks and were more socially anxious than women, and greater risk-taking and more socially anxious individuals tended to have more problems with gambling. Implications for counseling preventions and intervention strategies are discussed.  相似文献   
We use time-series cross-section analysis to provide empirical validation for the existence of a specific American ethos and a specific European ethos with respect to economic policy. In our innovation, economic policy is proxied by “economic freedom” from the Fraser Institute database and constitutional “political institutions” are proxied by variables from the Database of Political Institutions (from the World Bank). Our results suggest that, once we control for political and institutional differences, the United States and Europe still pursue different economic policies.
Zane A. SpindlerEmail:

Zane A. Spindler   born in 1941, has a Ph.D. in economics (Michigan State University, 1968) and has been a professor in the Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University, since 1967. His current research interests include constitutional foundations of economic freedom, central bank governance, and the evolution of land contests. His works have been published in the Canadian Journal of Economics, Constitutional Political Economy, Oxford Economic Papers, Public Choice, Public Organizational Review, and South African Journal of Economics. Xavier de Vanssay   born in 1961, has a Ph.D. in economics (Simon Fraser University, 1992) and has been a professor in the Department of Economics, Glendon College, York University, since 1990. His current research interests include constitutional foundations of economic freedom, monetary institutions, and trade policy. His works have been published in the Journal of Economic Education, Public Finance Quarterly, Constitutional Political Economy, Public Choice, and South African Journal of Economics. Vincent Hildebrand   born in 1970, has a Ph.D. in economics (York University, 2001) and has been a professor in the Department of Economics, Glendon College, York University, since 2002. His current research interests explore disparities in the distribution of wealth across gender, race and ethnicity. His works have been published in the Journal of Human Resources, the Review of Income and Wealth, Social Science Quarterly, Constitutional Political Economy and Environmental and Resource Economics.  相似文献   
This paper examines the relationship between wisdom and knowledge under globalization and the potential in Thailand to balance old knowledge traditions, Buddhist and rural, with new Thai and imported knowledge. It investigates the Theravadan Buddhist approach to the cultivation of wisdom and, in parallel, the engagement of the Kingdom of Thailand in its bringing of modern knowledge and capitalist economic practices into Thailand, and its efforts to find balance between the old and the new.

Consideration of the findings has facilitated the development of a theoretical understanding of how old and new knowledge regimes co-exist in Thailand. The findings suggest that there has been a shift in understanding of panjaathaangloog (worldly wisdom) and the various types of knowledge that supports it, from being strongly shaped by the religious framework of Buddhism to becoming a secular framework supported by a secular Thai education system and an unmediated influx of imported knowledge. The challenge for Thai people is how to negotiate such a shift. The pressing concern is that these newer understandings are, as yet, ‘unsettled’ as reliable signposts to enlightenment and to becoming a wise person, and the knowledge of the old pathway is in danger of being forgotten.

Este artículo examina la relación entre la sabiduría y el conocimiento bajo la globalización y el potencial en Tailandia para equilibrar las tradiciones del conocimiento antiguo, budista y rural, con el nuevo e importado conocimiento tailandés. Investiga el enfoque budista Theravadan al cultivo de la sabiduría y paralelamente, el compromiso del reino de Tailandia para traer el conocimiento moderno y las prácticas económicas capitalistas a Tailandia, y sus esfuerzos para encontrar el equilibrio entre lo antiguo y lo nuevo.

La consideración de los hallazgos ha facilitado el desarrollo de un entendimiento teórico, de cómo los regímenes del conocimiento antiguo y nuevo coexisten en Tailandia. Los hallazgos de que allí se ha dado un cambio en el entendimiento del panjaathaangloog (sabiduría mundana) y de varios tipos de conocimiento que lo soportan, de haber sido fuertemente configurados por el marco religioso del budismo, para llegar a un marco secular soportado por un sistema de educación secular de Tailandia y una entrada de conocimiento importado. El reto para la gente tailandesa es cómo negociar semejante cambio. La mayor preocupación es que estos nuevos entendimientos, por ahora, están ‘indeterminados’ como punto de referencia confiable para el esclarecimiento y para llegar a ser una persona sabia y el conocimiento de la senda antigua está en peligro de pasar al olvido.

本文检讨全球化下的智慧和知识之间的关系,即在泰国的旧的知识传统,即佛教的和乡村的,平衡新的泰国的和进口的知识的潜在努力。我们调查智慧开发的Theravadan 佛教方式,并平行地研究泰国引进现代知识和资本主义的经济实践 ,以及其寻求旧的和新的之间的平衡的努力。本文的发现有助于在理论上理解泰国新旧知识规制的共生,已经有一种理解panjaathaangloog (智慧),加强各种支持其的知识类型的转向,原来这些知识主要是由宗教性的佛教框架塑造的,现在则变成了由世俗的泰国教育体系以及不可阻挡的外来知识来支撑。对泰国人民的挑战是如何中和这种转变。迫切的关切是,如果一个人要变成智者的话,这些相对来说新的理解“不容分说”(unsettled)被认为对启蒙来说是可靠的知识,而那些旧的获取知识的方式则陷入了被遗忘的危险之中。

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Статья рассматривает взаимосвязь между мудростью и знаниями в

глобализации и потенциалом Таиланда в сбалансировании старых традиций и знаний, буддийского и сельского, нового Тай и импортных знаний. Она исследует буддийский подход к культивированию мудрости - тхераваду и, параллельно, участие Королевства Таиланд в привлечении современных знаний и капиталистической экономической практики в страну, и его усилия в поиске баланса между старым и новым. Рассмотрение результатов способствовало развитию теоретического понимания того, как в Таиланде сосуществуют старые и новые режимы знаний. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что произошел сдвиг в понимании panjaathaangloog (житейская(мирская) мудрость) и различных видах знаний, которые ее поддерживают: от формирования строгих религиозных рамок буддизма к становлению светского государства, поддерживаемого светской системой образования, и непосредственному притоку импортных знаний. Задача тайского народа состоит в том, чтобы понять как вести переговоры о таких изменениях. Актуальной проблемой является то, что эти договоренности новые, пока еще «неурегулированны» как надежные указатели к просветлению и становлению мудрого человека, и знание о старых путях в опасности быть забытым.  相似文献   
There has been sustained argument for contextualization of leadership development, none more so than when working with Indigenous and other marginalized peoples. Leadership development programmes are predominantly conducted by ‘outsider’ educationalists and consultants and the question of contextualization, of how much or how little, is a decision that is ultimately made in classrooms around the world under conditions of alien tutelage. Employing an autoethnographic approach, the article examines three examples of leadership development programmes in order to think about generalization and/or contextualization. Overall, this study finds that arguments for and against ‘generalizability’ and ‘contextualization’ might depend more on the skill and experience of the teacher rather than the corpus of knowledge over which so many battles are fought. It suggests that the potential embedded in generalizable programmes can be realized if there is sufficient pedagogic engagement and space created by culturally competent teachers and facilitators for local testing of generalized knowledge claims for their adaptation: personally, organizationally, nationally and globally. It also finds that the people and outcome focus aspects of leadership development seem to be more influenced by culture than other aspects such as personal leadership style preference that would appear to transcend ethic cultural background.  相似文献   
This article shows that a perspective rooted in Bakhtin's dialogism between the fixed centripetal and fluid centrifugal forces of language and culture is useful in achieving a nuanced understanding of globalization in general and semiotic landscapes in Indonesia in particular. Drawing on data from Indonesia, this article shows dialogic interconnections between fixed and fluid notions of languages and cultures through a multimodal and indexical analysis of governmental and commercial signage in the urban center of Semarang, the provincial capital of Central Java. The analysis highlights the nuanced localizing and globalizing strategies in signage and how dialogicity helps shape the semiotic landscape.  相似文献   
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