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门塔韦人是尼亚斯岛以南门塔韦群岛的土著居民,1971年的人口为3.5万人。门塔韦群岛由4个小岛(西比路岛、锡波拉岛、南巴盖岛和北巴盖岛)及一些环形珊瑚岛组成,总面积达6000平方公里。东隔狭窄的门塔韦海峡与苏门答腊相望,西临印度洋水域。群岛位于潮湿的热带地区,空气湿度受季风左右。群岛中部自北向南有不高的山地或丘陵,连绵起伏,延伸到沿海地  相似文献   
在过去几年中,出版了许多不同种类的关于发展经济学概况的论著,但最值得一提的无疑是这两卷本的《发展经济学手册》。这两卷本的论著包括33章,它是对第二次世界大战以来发展经济学研究的一个总体回顾,世界银行在其1991年的《世界发展报告》中曾对这一巨著做了高度评价。《发展经济学手册》是在下述两个背景下产生的:第一,80年代第三世界国家出现了令人困扰的经济现实问题,即尽管亚洲的许多地区实现了经济的正常增长,但非洲和  相似文献   
明清时期科举制度下的政治、社会与文化更新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
序言对于明清时期的科举制度,以往大多数学术研究强调的是选种考试在明清社会中所容纳的社会流动性的范围。历史学家们也毫无例外地从欧洲和美国现代化进程的透视角度,来评价明清时期科举考试的作用。他们因而成功地揭示了儒家体系在推动科学技术的专门化和训练普及方面的失败。而对一个要超越其古代制度和专制政体的多民族国家而言,科学的专门  相似文献   
东欧正在经历一个变革过程,这一过程包括三个自然阶段:破坏、清理和重建。欧洲东部正处在第一阶段。显然还必须走一段最艰难的历程,这对欧洲大陆这部分地区的变革是至关重要的。这些国家正在“路途”中,尽管这条道路的出发点是清楚的,但是今天还无法说清楚这些努力的目标及其最终结果。这些国家变化的程度、规模和特征,它们同过去的关系以及在寻求自身的同一性时的选择标准都不尽相同。  相似文献   
1998年以前,欧洲国家的私有化、自由化、民主制度和经济增长状况得到了稳定的发展,宏观经济稳定。犬儒主义者曾说:一个国家距离布鲁塞尔越近对其越有益。然而现在的情况却是:离布鲁塞尔越远,经济发展越快。2000~2005年,同前苏联15国8%的年经济增长率相比,波兰、捷克、斯洛伐克和匈牙利的经济年均仅增长4%。即便在创纪录的2006年,中欧地区的经济增长了5%,而与此同时前苏联国家的增长率已接近9%。增长最快的国家是亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆和哈萨克斯坦。1989年以后,前社会主义阵营的不同地区的经济完全按照不同的方式发展。起初,各地的生产都急剧萎…  相似文献   
该书的姊妹篇《谁的正义?哪种理性?》于1988年出版,把探索的触角伸展到正义和理性概念上。作者本人对这两部书都曾著文介绍,前书介绍已由白锡堃先生译出,见《国外社会科学》1985年第5期。这里译出的是他对后一本书的介绍。  相似文献   
An estimated 200,000-500,000 men, women, and children work in prostitution in the Philippines in a variety of venues, including brothels, nightclubs, pubs, massage parlors, and other legitimate entertainment establishments. Few, however, are voluntary prostitutes. Many people who work as prostitutes have been recruited from the provinces, kept in conditions similar to slavery, and forced to earn money from prostitution to pay for their transportation, board, and lodging. Many prostitutes work in urban centers and tourist resorts in the countryside. During the 1970s, then President Ferdinand Marcos promoted tourism as a major industry, effectively marketing attractive Filipinas to tourists. Sex tourism has flourished in the country ever since. Thousands of prostitutes are also located in Olongapo and Angeles, 2 cities north of Manila, from where they serve the sexual desires of US military personnel. The presence of US military personnel in the Philippines has always been associated with prostitution. The country's social hygiene centers, prostitutes in Manila and Davao, and AIDS education are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
This article reviews conventional theories about different aspects of labor migration: its origins, stability over time, and patterns of migrant settlement. For each of these aspects, the authors provide alternative explanatory hypotheses derived from the notions of increasing articulation of the international system and the social embeddedness of its various subprocesses, including labor flows. A typology of sources and outcomes of contemporary immigration is presented as a heuristic device to organize the diversity of such movements as described in the empirical literature.  相似文献   
This paper examines the effects of introducing a variable dependency ratio in Dasgupta's (1969) model. We consider a case in which the probability of dying as well as the rate of participation in the labor force change with age. It is shown that the inclusion of those realistic demographic features slows down the optimal rate of population growth and increases the rate of consumption. In spite of the reduction in the rate of population growth, this rate can still be positive. The sensitivity of the solutions to changes in the demographic parameters of the model is examined.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to develop a typology of the demographic transition based on the experience of 23 European countries. The typology is then used to examine the characteristics of the demographic transition in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe.  相似文献   
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