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Change within social work organizations is incessant. This has implications for senior managers and elected members who have to manage these changes. The Department of Health has introduced new guidance entitled the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families ( Department of Health 1999a ). The guidance is based on a number of principles that require an attitudinal shift in terms of assessing ways of safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. This paper describes strategic approaches to the effective introduction of the framework within social services departments and other child welfare organizations. Two models have been adapted from practice: the actual framework for assessing children and their families and the Protchaska and DiClementi model of change. These models complement each other. The adapted Assessment Framework provides a structure to assess the readiness of the organization for the implementation of the new framework. The model of change provides a schema for planning, implementing and reviewing the introduction and operation of the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families. Although the focus of the paper is the introduction of the new guidance , the models can be utilized by senior managers in any social care organization who are facilitating major changes in the organization.  相似文献   
While scholarly analysis of child protection and the media has grown substantially during the 1990s (Aldridge, 1994; Franklin and Parton, 1991; Kitzinger and Skidmore, 1995), studies have ignored a crucial dimension which forms the focus for discussion here. We wish to suggest that media reporting of children and child abuse may itself constitute an abusive activity. Media presentations of children and childhood, since press coverage of the Bulger case in 1993, have assumed a distinctive and sinister guise which, we argue, fundamentally revises the previously held perception of children and childhood. We suggest that this new understanding of childhood is damaging to children and, because of the impact of such media presentations on the public mood and policy climate, harms their interests. The discussion is in three parts. First, newspaper reporting of the Bulger case is analysed to reveal how coverage challenged the idea of childhood as a period of innocence and replaced it with a perception of childhood as essentially ‘evil’. Second, the characterization of Jake, the central figure in Alan Bleasdale's recent television dramaJake's Progress, is analysed to serve as an illustrative exemplar of this new construction of childhood. Finally, we consider the possible messages conveyed by such presentations to perpetrators and victims of abuse.  相似文献   
Challenging some of the current predominantly negative representations of the effects of religion on young people requires further research into faith and family life, particularly from the perspective of young people themselves. This article presents a preliminary report of a study of 40 young people, mostly Christians and Muslims, aged 13–15 years. Three themes – defining religion, religious parenting and life in a religious family – are illustrated with reference to data collected from discussion groups in six schools and recent research literature. We conclude that religion still provides a positive influence on family life and parenting from the perspective of young people.  相似文献   
This paper looks at two concepts central to effective child protection practice: partnerships and the core group system, which need to work together if we are to improve the worrying, ad hoc approaches to child protection work once a child's name has been added to the child protection register. These concepts emerged at around the same point in time, but little has been written about the core group, even though it has been given the key tasks of formulating, implementing and reviewing the child protection plan, and forging effective working partnerships with other professionals, parents/carers and their children ( Calder 1991, 1995 b; Calder & Horwath 1999 ). Whilst the concept of partnership has received considerable media and publishing attention, no previous paper has explored partnerships with families within the core group phase. This reflects the low priority currently afforded to activity following the initial child protection conference, and arguably sets the core group up to fail, even before it has started ( Calder 1996a, 1998 ). The authors draw on their national research into core group practice to explore the notion of partnerships between the core group and parents, carers and children, concluding with some recommendations on how Area Child Protection Committees can create the environment in which we can move from passive to proactive partnerships within a higher profile for this stage and focus of the work. The authors draw on some suggestions from Messages from Research ( Department of Health 1995a ) and from several small-scale research studies into core group practice.  相似文献   
In England, when a child dies as a result of suspected maltreatment, the Local Safeguarding Children Board is required to establish whether lessons can be learnt about collaborative working to safeguard children. These reviews usually include recommendations for both inter and intra‐agency training. In this paper, the authors argue that it is crucial, when planning and delivering training in this situation, to recognise the emotional impact on the workforce of the death of a child from maltreatment. This is particularly important when the child has died as a result of fabricated and induced illness (FII) by a carer and professionals may have inadvertently contributed to the child's suffering. Drawing on a case example of training following the death of a child from FII, this paper considers the challenges encountered by those responsible for commissioning and providing training. Attention is given to managing logistics, such as time delays between the death of the child and the eventual publication of the serious case review. The particular knowledge and skills required by trainers, not only in relation to the subject matter but also in managing complex group processes, are discussed. The support required by course participants and the trainers themselves is explored. The paper concludes with a checklist for those commissioning and providing training. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Multidisciplinary strategic collaborations are becoming increasingly commonplace. This is particularly evident in relation to safeguarding children. However, whilst there is a growing body of literature on both the effective leadership of collaborations and child protection there is little that combines the two. This means that senior managers, who are members of safeguarding partnerships, have a limited evidence-base to inform their collective learning and development. This paper seeks to add to the body of knowledge by first exploring both the literature on strategic collaboration and considering the implications for safeguarding partnerships. Second, by making an argument, that in order for members to engage in the effective joint leadership of collaborations they require opportunities for reflection and ongoing collective development. Third, providing an example of a way in which this can be achieved through the use of a self-assessment and improvement tool. Finally, considering the lessons learnt from the development of such a tool, focusing specifically on the implications for members of partnerships addressing complex problems such as the multifaceted issues associated with child maltreatment.  相似文献   
Summary Abuse of young people in out-of-home care has caused internationalpublic and professional concern over the last fifteen years.Although research has been undertaken to identify factors thatare likely to contribute to a safer environment for young people,little consideration has been given to the impact of abuse scandalson workers' perceptions of what constitutes abusive behaviour.This paper presents the findings of a study undertaken in threeresidential children's units in one local authority which soughtto explore this area and considers two key findings which raiseissues for the social work profession. These are, first, thatthe perception of abusive behaviour was in the main determinedin terms of the workforce's own vulnerability to allegations.Secondly, staff found it difficult to conceive of a colleagueas a potential perpetrator of abuse. The paper concludes byevaluating recent government policy documents in the light ofthe study findings.  相似文献   
Although child neglect is arguably the most prevalent form of maltreatment in the western world, studies of social work practice in cases of child neglect are limited. This paper seeks to add to the body of knowledge by describing a small‐scale study completed in the Republic of Ireland of social work assessments in cases of child neglect. The findings are based primarily on an analysis of case files, but reference is also made to practitioners’ and managers’ responses to a postal questionnaire and focus groups. The study findings highlight that social workers interpret the assessment task and process in different ways. Variations in the interpretation of the task appear to be influenced by workload pressures, resources and local systems, with teams focusing either on immediate safeguarding issues or on both safeguarding and the longer‐term welfare of the child. Individual variations amongst workers irrespective of team were more apparent in the way practitioners approached the assessment task. For example, practice varied regarding which professionals and family members were contacted as part of the assessment, the type of communication workers had with children and carers, and the use the social workers made of information on case files. The paper concludes with a discussion of the role of the team in determining the focus of assessments and the subjective factors which impact on the way the individual social worker works with children, families and other professionals.  相似文献   
Professionals encountering possible cases of child neglect facea complex task when judging whether a particular concern warrantsa referral to social work services. A study of referral practicein cases of child neglect, completed in the Republic of Ireland,highlighted that it is not just the nature of the concern thatinfluences referral practice but a range of other factors thatare not related to the needs of the specific child. Assessmentframeworks and tools, designed to assist practitioners makedecisions about potential cases of neglect, usually focus ontechnical–rational activity associated with assessingchildren’s needs, parenting capacity and family and environmentalfactors. The findings from the study described in this paperindicate that assessment practice is as much a practice–moralactivity as a technical–rational one. In other words,it is both a head and a heart activity. In this article, thefactors influencing practitioners’ approaches to the identificationand referral of cases of child neglect are explored. A rangeof factors appear to influence practice. These include the practitioner’sown perception of what comprises neglect and the extent to whichthey use ‘gut reaction’ or an evidence base to reachthis conclusion. Their interpretation of role and the viewsof their colleagues and team manager also influence practice.In addition, their perception of social work services and thebenefits of referral affect decisions to refer. Finally, theirown personal feelings such as fear, guilt, over-empathy andanxiety about the response of the community have an effect onpractice. The paper concludes by drawing together the findingsof the study to produce a ‘practitioner domain’alerting practitioners and managers to the head and heart activitieswhich influence referral practice.  相似文献   
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