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This paper suggests a direction for the exploration of the causes of family violence. Explanatory models of family violence were considered in this regard, with the recommendation that a multi-determined model should be considered to ensure the most accurate explanation. We suggest that family violence will be best understood and prevented or alleviated, if a model is used that considers the interaction of structural violence and the personality features of all the family members.  相似文献   
Rubinstein (1982) considered the problem of dividing a given surplus between two players sequentially, and then proposed a model in which the two players alternately make and respond to each other's offers through time. He further characterized the perfect equilibrium outcomes, which depend on the players time preferences and order of moves. Using both equal and unequal bargaining cost conditions and an unlimited number of rounds, two experiments were designed to compare the perfect equilibrium model to alternative models based on norms of fairness. We report analyses of final agreements, first offers, and number of bargaining rounds, which provide limited support to the perfect equilibrium model, and then conclude by recommending a shift in focus from model testing to specification of the conditions favoring one model over another.  相似文献   
We introduce and study optimization problems which are related to the well-known Subset Sum problem. In each new problem, a node-weighted digraph is given and one has to select a subset of vertices whose total weight does not exceed a given budget. Some additional constraints called digraph constraints and maximality need to be satisfied. The digraph constraint imposes that a node must belong to the solution if at least one of its predecessors is in the solution. An alternative of this constraint says that a node must belong to the solution if all its predecessors are in the solution. The maximality constraint ensures that no superset of a feasible solution is also feasible. The combination of these constraints provides four problems. We study their complexity and present some approximation results according to the type of input digraph, such as directed acyclic graphs and oriented trees.  相似文献   
The paper investigates various nonparametric models including regression, conditional distribution, conditional density and conditional hazard function, when the covariates are infinite dimensional. The main contribution is to prove uniform in bandwidth asymptotic results for kernel estimators of these functional operators. Then, the application issues, involving data-driven bandwidth selection, are discussed.  相似文献   
How do people know which family member is trustworthy? In this study, the authors tested the hypothesis that people use their perception of a family member's self‐control as an indicator of his or her trustworthiness. Eighty‐four Dutch families consisting of 2 parents and 2 children completed questionnaires assessing each family member's trust in and perceived self‐control of the other 3 family members. This full‐family design enabled the authors to examine their hypothesis in horizontal relationships, between family members of equal status (i.e., parent–parent and sibling–sibling relationships), and vertical relationships, in which partners have unequal status (i.e., parent–child and child–parent relationships). Consistent with the hypothesis, Social Relations Model analyses showed that being perceived as having higher self‐control is related to greater trustworthiness among adults and children in the large majority of horizontal and vertical relationships (10 out of 12). These findings highlight that perceived self‐control is an important factor by which to gauge trustworthiness in families.  相似文献   

Sustainable landscaping programs are voluntary initiatives that recommend a set of practices to improve the environmental quality of urban ecosystems by providing landscaping materials, guidelines, and educational resources. Our goal was to examine the recommendations and outcomes of these programs in the United States and their value for encouraging conservation practices in residential ecosystems. We conducted a comprehensive web search and identified 193 sustainable landscaping programs in the United States. Programs aim to increase native species richness, affordably manage stormwater runoff, and offer residents meaningful experiences with nature. Sustainable landscaping programs present many opportunities to engage people with local ecological knowledge and conservation practices, provide accessible spaces for environmental education, cultivate interdisciplinary research collaborations, and advance inclusion in conservation. However, assessments of their ecological value are rare, leaving many questions surrounding the benefits to biodiversity and water quality afforded by participation. Many programs also require investments in landscaping materials and certification fees that might limit participation by some households. Future work should examine how recommended practices influence urban biodiversity, identify and address barriers to participation, and generate social-ecological knowledge that can inform future programs.

The paradox of new members occurs when the addition of one or more new members to a weighted voting body increases, rather than decreases, the voting power of some of the old members. Extending the computational work of Brams and Affuso (1976), the mean size of the paradox and the relative frequency of its occurrence are presented for small and moderate-size weighted voting bodies. Computational results are presented and conclusions are drawn for the two power indices of Shapley-Shubik and Banzhaf, three different decision rules, and voting bodies with or without dictator. Although the paradox cannot be dismissed as either contrived or improbable, its mean size in moderatesize voting bodies is sufficiently small to question its practical significance.  相似文献   
Summary and Conclusion The present paper addresses the problem of comparison of models ofpayoff disbursement in coalition formation studies which make point,line, or area predictions. A satisfactory solution to this problem is criticalfor model comparison, which has been the major focus of research oncoalition forming behavior during the last decade. The goal of this paperis to devise and subsequently apply a test procedure which, in comparingthe models to each other, offsets the advantage that the less specific modelhas over its competitor. In addition, the test procedure should employmeasures of error which yield intuitive results and are consistent with theprinciples underlying present coalition theories.It was contented that both the error measure of Bonacich and the netrate of success of Selten and Krishker suffer from serious deficiencies.Bonacich's approach allows for degrees of confirmation of a model butemploys an index of error which yields counterintuitive results. Theapproach of Seken and Krischker also defies intuition and commonpractice by treating all payoff vectors that do not fall in the model'sprediction set in exactly the same manner. The test procedure proposedin the present paper allows the prediction set of a model to expanduniformly in all the directions (dimensions) of the outcome space untilit encompasses all the observed payoff vectors which lie in this space. Indoing so it generates a function, called a support function, which relatesthe cumulative proportion of observed payoff vectors within the expand-ed set of predictions against the relative size of this set. By comparing toeach other the cumulative proportions for two different models when therelative sizes of their expanded predictions sets are held equal, theprocedure offsets the advantage possessed by the less specific modelwhich initially prescribes a larger or more dispersed prediction set.Like the index of error E devised by Bonacich, the procedure proposedin the present paper incorporates the intuitive idea that differentoutcomes diffentially confirm a theory if they are not contained in itsprediction set. Error is allowed to be continuous even if the theory underconsideration is algebraic. Statistical tests of algebraic theories in otherareas of psychology are almost always based on this assumption. Theprocedure also incorporates the shortest rather than the mean squareddistance between a payoff vector and a set of predicted payoff vectorsas the appropriate measure of error. The shortest distance is appropriatebecause coalition theories are mute with respect to the degree of importance, representativeness, of 'typicality' of the predictions they make.The procedure seems to yield satisfactory results. When applied to thetwo studies by Rapoport and Kahan (1976) and Kahan and Rapoport(1980) it has not favored models making line predictions over modelsmaking point predictions. It has established either strong or weak domi-nance relations between all pairs of models tested in these two studies.And it has confirmed the major conclusions of the two studies, which hadbeen originally reached by less rigourous tests of a smaller number ofmodels.  相似文献   
Two-person sequential bargaining behavior with exogenous breakdown   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine bargaining behavior in a noncooperative game in which players alternate in making and responding to proposals over the division of a given surplus. Although the number of bargaining periods is unlimited and time is not discounted, the bargaining is subject to exogenous breakdown at each period with a fixed probability which is common knowledge. We manipulate three probabilities of break-down in a between-subjects design that allows comparison with previous studies of two-person bargaining with time discounting. Assuming that subjects maximize expected utility, and this utility is measured by monetary payoffs, our results reject both the subgame perfect equilibrium and equal split solutions. Data analyses reveal that a substantial percentage of subjects behave adaptively in that they systematically search for the highest acceptable demands.  相似文献   
Over the last decade the health and environmental research communities have made significant progress in collecting and improving access to genomic, toxicology, exposure, health, and disease data useful to health risk assessment. One of the barriers to applying these growing volumes of information in fields such as risk assessment is the lack of informatics tools to organize, curate, and evaluate thousands of journal publications and hundreds of databases to provide new insights on relationships among exposure, hazard, and disease burden. Many fields are developing ontologies as a way of organizing and analyzing large amounts of complex information from multiple scientific disciplines. Ontologies include a vocabulary of terms and concepts with defined logical relationships to each other. Building from the recently published exposure ontology and other relevant health and environmental ontologies, this article proposes an ontology for health risk assessment (RsO) that provides a structural framework for organizing risk assessment information and methods. The RsO is anchored by eight major concepts that were either identified by exploratory curations of the risk literature or the exposure‐ontology working group as key for describing the risk assessment domain. These concepts are: (1) stressor, (2) receptor, (3) outcome, (4) exposure event, (5) dose‐response approach, (6) dose‐response metric, (7) uncertainty, and (8) measure of risk. We illustrate the utility of these concepts for the RsO with example curations of published risk assessments for ionizing radiation, arsenic in drinking water, and persistent pollutants in salmon.  相似文献   
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