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成文乡约兴起于宋代蓝田,本为民间教化组织。清末宁波地区乡约的大规模兴办源于当地官员出于维护治安和筹办地方自治的需要以及当地绅士的积极配合。宁波地区的乡约在组织结构上具有分权制衡的特点,从职能上看近似于基层政权。乡约的举办使宁波地区绅士全面渗入到地方政治领域,为其进一步扩大影响打下了基础。  相似文献   
The National government implemented the “new county system”, pursued local autonomy actively and established public opinion organs at all levels. The government hoped to the County Council serving the role which assisted the government work and communicated the government and the populace. The County Council of the Ningbo area which found after the end of the war of resistance against Japan did not will to be like this. They assisted the government work, on the other hand, they supervised the county government using the authority conferred by law. It made the relationship between the two became intricate. The County Council had become independent authority along with the county government. Local social elites had expanded their influence on local politics with the help of local autonomy. The County Council of Yinxian county was one of the representatives  相似文献   
“以民制夷”是清政府面对新的中外形势所采用的一种外交手段。鸦片战争后,清朝的一些地方官员利用民意抵制条约,但中央政府在此问题上却游移不定。直至道光末年,在迫不得已的情况下清廷才下定决心用民“制夷”。咸丰初年“以民制夷”成为清政府制止“夷人”条约外侵权的强硬手段。第二次鸦片战争中,清政府“以民制夷”的方式更加激烈:它鼓动民众武力攻击“夷人”,自己则借此拒绝推翻列强强加的新的不平等条约。  相似文献   
1939年国民政府实行“新县制”后,县参议会积极参与地方事务管理之中。以1946年成立的鄞县县参议会为例,参议员们关注的重心在于地方的经济﹑教育建设和稳定社会秩序。其主要手段就是在县参议会通过相关的议案并力求落实,使其在地方事务中拥有一定的发言权。  相似文献   
第二次鸦片战争后,条约体系形成。在列强的威逼之下,清政府的守约意识增强,其"以民制夷"政策随之改变。在处理潮州反入城事件中可以看出朝廷在"守约"与"得民心"之间倾向于前者,该政策在处理天津教案中得到强化。与此同时,朝廷以民意为名抵制列强条约外的勒索。  相似文献   
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