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本文使用19982008年的韩国劳动面板调查数据,将期望薪资作为保留薪资的代理变量纳入Logit模型,分析韩国青年求职者期望薪资与潜在薪资之间的差异(即高眼光因素)对青年就业的影响。分析结果表明,青年男性求职者期望薪资越高于潜在市场薪资,就业概率越低。但这一结果不适用于中年求职者与女性求职者的就业问题。此外,年龄、学历、求职途径、求职地区、婚姻状态等也对青年就业产生影响。  相似文献   
以矿渣和水泥作为研究对象,采用汞分析器对其中的汞进行检测。水泥是一种建筑过程中广泛使用的高凝结材料。由于汞具有较大的毒性,因此必须严格检测建筑材料中汞的含量以降低其对人体的损害。作为水泥的替代物,矿渣具有许多的优点,例如价格低廉、毒性较小等。  相似文献   
A new control scheme is proposed by borrowing the idea of the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure for controlling the false discovery rate in multiple testing. It is shown theoretically that the proposed 2-span control scheme outperforms the Shewhart X-bar chart in terms of the average run length under any size of mean shifts. Some simulations are carried out to demonstrate that the proposed scheme having various span sizes always outperforms the X-bar chart in terms of the average run lengths.  相似文献   
大城市过高的房价使得很多适婚人群很难仅凭自身经济能力购买住房。因此,很多新婚夫妇向父母寻求经济资助,父母的经济能力和支持程度对新婚夫妇居住的住房条件以及婚房形式产生非常重要的影响。本文利用韩国劳动面板数据分析父母的收入和资产对子女新婚居住形式与费用的影响。分析结果显示,当不区分男女样本进行回归时,子女的收入、教育水平和地区变量等一般认为会影响住房费用的因素在统计上均不显著。这表明新婚夫妇在筹备婚房的过程中所承担的责任往往并不相同。将男女样本分别进行回归时发现父母资产水平对新婚夫妇居住费用产生显著影响。特别是新婚夫妇中男方的住房方式受到父母资产的影响程度高于女方。这反映出婚房筹备方面男性承担主要费用的实际社会现象。而且比起父母当前收入,父母居住的住宅价格对新婚夫妇住宅价格产生更显著的影响,说明父母资产在婚房筹备上起到重要作用。城市居民的住房状况不仅涉及年轻人生活质量,也通过代际关系影响老年人的资产与收入,是关乎民生的重大社会问题。我国政府也面对同样的问题,应该加快建立和完善多层次城镇住房供应体系,对不同收入家庭实行不同的住房供应政策。发展租赁市场作为补充,建立购租并举的住房制度。住房政策与供应模式的创新与改革将有助于解决城市居民购房能力不足的问题,对推动国内消费模式的变化与长期持续中高速经济增长都将产生深远影响。  相似文献   
A new process monitoring scheme is proposed by using the Storey procedure for controlling the positive false discovery rate in multiple testing. For the 2-span control scheme, it is shown numerically that the proposed method performs better than X-bar chart in terms of the average run length. Some simulations are accomplished to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme in terms of the average run length and the conditional expected delay. The results are compared with those of the existing monitoring schemes including the X-bar chart. The false discovery rate is also estimated and compared with the target control level.  相似文献   
We propose a variables repetitive group sampling plan under type-II or failure-censored life testing when the lifetime of a part follows a Weibull distribution with a known shape parameter. The acceptance criteria do not involve unknown scale parameter differently from the existing plans. To determine the design parameters of the proposed plan, the usual approach of using two points on the operating characteristic curve is adopted and an optimization problem is formulated so as to minimize the average number of failures observed. Tables for design parameters are constructed when the quality of parts is represented by the unreliability or the ratio of the mean lifetime to the specified life. It is found that the proposed sampling plan can reduce the sample size significantly than do the single sampling plan.  相似文献   
公元前3世纪,分布于中亚地区的阿尔泰语系乌孙族和后世的蒙古族中传承着狼和乌鸦双重信仰习俗和与之相对应的神话传说。该信仰习俗和神话传说的盛行现象,是狼和乌鸦在自然界里的“搭当”关系在古人头脑中的反映所致。此外,乌孙和蒙古的上述信仰习俗和神话传说与古代罗马相关信仰习俗和神话传说颇具共通性,这缘于远古时期欧亚大陆民族集团之间的文化交流。  相似文献   
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