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文章针对黄保罗教授质疑笔者讨论儒耶问题的意见做出响应,指出儒学是孔孟立型的理性哲学,不谈鬼神,只谈爱民治国与个人修养。儒学早已选择取消位格性至上神立场,在个人实践上儒学一切具足,在儒耶相处上彼此尊重,辩论高下在知识论上是不可能的,实践哲学的真理观就是家家都是有用的,但用途不同,各自作为即可。  相似文献   
牟宗三在《四因说演讲录》一书中,以亚里士多德四因说的哲学理论,来讨论中国的道家哲学,他牵强地认定,中国的道家是没有实体创生的意旨的,道家的道,是一个非实有以及非必然的理论模型。他还认为,老子的“无”概念,虽然有动力因的意思,但却只是一个作用的姿态,因此并没有真正的形上学意义的创造性,只是一套境界型态的形上学,而不是一套实有型态的形上学。其实,牟先生是把道家的工夫论命题,当作了形上学的命题在解读,因此导致了错解。在《圆善论》中,牟先生又借由郭象的“迹本圆融”之说,来诠释庄子书中的儒家圣王帝尧的形象,这种做法,从儒家立场来说是可以的,但却是违反道家庄子立场的。牟先生只是借非儒非道之郭象哲学,来建立儒家的哲学,并且曲解又贬抑道家哲学。  相似文献   
The conception of a product is closely tied to its adaptation level to the users. In this view, designers are increasingly oriented to survey the needs and features of the users. This paper aims at developing a diagnosis of employees working in high-complexity activities in a petrochemical company, in light of the physical and operating changes in the Integrated Center of Control; assessing the reception sensibility to changes; assessing the cognitive pattern of the group; and making suggestions that might eliminate or minimize the difficulties in the transition process of the change, in order to reduce the adaptation period. The field of study comprised 111 production, transfer and storage operators, forming 5 groups of desktop activities. The stages of the study followed the following flow: survey of the prescribed tasks and organizational structure; Concentrated Attention test; application of the Work and Disease Risks Inventory (ITRA, Portuguese acronym); and structured psychological interview. The ITRA results pointed to a serious cognitive cost (3.83) for all five groups, this being the largest intervention focus. The items: division of task contents (3.52), social professional relationships (2.93), quality of the physical environment (2.91), physical cost (3.24), emotional cost (2.71), freedom of expression (3.77), professional fulfillment (3.41); experience and suffering (2.75), lack of recognition (2.18) and physical injuries (2.07) were considered critical. Meanwhile, social damages (1.64) and psychological injuries (1.35) are bearable. As to the Concentrated Attention test, most workers registered average level. In the individual interviews, workers showed that larger involvement in the process of physical, organizational and operational change in the desktops and on field works was required, as well as the follow up of implementations, so as to reduce the adaptation process and prevent rework (furniture, equipment, noise, form of communication with the area and training for the changes). As a result of the findings handed to the management and returned to the workers, several actions were implemented on ergonomic non-conformities found in the analysis. It is possible to prove the importance of the insertion of cognitive and organizational ergonomics in the building projects of new facilities for high-complexity activities in petrochemical plants.  相似文献   
Organizational ergonomics refers to the optimization of social technical systems, including their organizational structures, policies and processes. The relevant topics include communications, management of resources, work projects, temporal organization of work, team work, participative project, new work paradigms, cooperative work, organizational culture, network organizations and quality management (IEA, 2000). The purpose of this study was the reorganization of the methods and processes of the occupational health sector (SMS/SO - Portuguese acronym of the area) of a petrochemical company. The work involved thirty professionals: a coordinator, two occupational physicians, one cardiologist, one occupational dentist, two occupational nurses, eleven occupational health technicians, one social worker, one nutritionist, one phonoaudiologist, one ophthalmologist, one biochemist, two ergonomists, three administrative assistants, one administrator and one psychologist, during a six-month period. The methodology that was used sought to establish a cooperative alliance focused on change, transformation and acquisition of skills, reflecting directly on the attitudes and performance of the leaderships and their work teams. In addition to the feedback practice, the following supporting tools were used for the study's success: "Functional Polyvalence Matrix", "Management of Failures", 5W2H", "6M", "5 Why" and "process mapping". The intended results after the organization ergonomics restructuring process will allow the leader to help his or her team to make a diagnosis of the problems, identify options, develop strategies, establish targets and action plans, remove barriers, review contexts and implement the business management fundaments: planning, organization, management, coordination and control. The transformation possibilities allow us to consider some hypothesis: Before: Focus only on results. After: Engage collaborators to create sustainable results. Before: Operating profile. After: Tactical/strategic profile. Before: Find errors. After: Value effort and development. Before: Listen to what is being said. After: Understand what is being said. Before: Create fears of the consequences. After: Create room for risk. Before: Be the one who approves and decides. After: Be the cooperative support.  相似文献   
Consider K(>2) independent populations π1,..,π k such that observations obtained from π k are independent and normally distributed with unknown mean µ i and unknown variance θ i i = 1,…,k. In this paper, we provide lower percentage points of Hartley's extremal quotient statistic for testing an interval hypothesisH 0 θ [k] θ [k] > δ vs. H a : θ [k] θ [1] ≤ δ , where δ ≥ 1 is a predetermined constant and θ [k](θ [1]) is the max (min) of the θi,…,θ k . The least favorable configuration (LFC) for the test under H 0 is determined in order to obtain the lower percentage points. These percentage points can also be used to construct an upper confidence bound for θ[k][1].  相似文献   
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