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Who volunteers?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The 1990 NHS and Community Care Act outlined an extended rolefor volunteers and voluntary organizations in the provisionof services for disabled adults and older people. In broad terms,the Act assumed an untapped pool of volunteers, ready to contributeat little additional cost to the provision of care. More recentpolicy developments, including Millennium Volunteers (ScottishOffice 1997) have made similar assumptions. For organizationswhich involve volunteers, the expectations of their increaseduse in service provision present considerable challenges, notleast in attracting new recruits and retaining existing volunteers.The research presented in this paper builds on previous workto explore the current practice and organization of volunteeringand to examine critically how far the reality matches the politicalrhetoric about the role of volunteers in the mixed economy ofcare. The paper begins with a critical review of recent policyand practice in volunteering to set the context which providedour key questions. The research methodology is briefly describedand the findings from a survey of 117 active volunteers workingwith adults with learning difficulties, mental health problemsand physical disabilities, and with older people in the Northof Scotland are presented. The research examines the demographyand personality profiles of the volunteers. It examines theirperceptions of volunteering as these relate to motivation, recruitment,selection, training, support, rewards and reasons for leaving.Finally, it examines volunteers' perceptions of the organizationof volunteering. The results are reviewed in relation to thepolicy assumptions about volunteering in the mixed economy ofcare.  相似文献   
论姚燮的山水词   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚燮山水词有多种面貌和寄寓.居所、园林环境的山水词,多词章婉丽、情致懿雅之作.游观、羁旅中的山水词,有的写景气象阐大,展示了壮阔的境界和襟怀;有的写景清雅,心境恬适;较多的词则以写山水景物慰客愁、证鸿爪,寄偃蹇、羁旅的人生况味,骚雅微婉.题写画意的山水词,再现了画境,并在非现实的词境中展示了人格和生活理想,具有清旷、萧然、闲适之美;词中有画,擅长意象取用和意象组合,讲究色彩效果和远近高低虚实等构图技巧,并重视整体浑融的效果.  相似文献   
解放50多年来,以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民为核心的党的三代领导人十分关注西部地区的发展。为了推动西部地区的经济发展和现代化建设,他们进行了艰辛的探索和伟大的实践,在不同的历史时期,采取了不同的政策措施,提出了不同的发展战略,时西部地区的经济发展产生了深远的影响。以江泽民为核心的第三代中央领导集体作出西部大开发的战略决策,将会进一步推动西部地区经济的腾飞。  相似文献   
浙江作为长江三角洲的重要组成部分,在吸收利用台资方面具有独特的优势,为促进浙江经济和长江三角洲区域经济发展做出了应有的贡献。通过分析台商投资浙江的特点与发展趋势、台商投资对浙江经济发展的影响,就如何提高利用台资水平、加强浙台经济合作提出了建议。  相似文献   
Aim. This study analysed variations between different regions of the world in diagnosing and treating testosterone (T) deficiency.

Methods. Physicians were interviewed in Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom, in Brazil, in Saudi Arabia and South Korea. Items in the survey: 1) reasons/motivation to use or not to use T; 2) what category of patients would not receive T on the basis of these concerns; 3) concerns about prostate pathology in the decision not to provide T treatment; 4) phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) inhibitors are efficacious, but T treatment makes a comeback.

Results. Between 5% and 10% of consulting patients suffered from T deficiency. The fear to induce prostate cancer appeared very powerful. About 68% of physicians associate the use of T more with risks than benefits, more so in Europe than elsewhere. As a result about 35% of hypogonadal men do not receive treatment. The PDE-5 inhibitors are very prominent in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Of patients suffering from erectile dysfunction, 18% to 29% have T deficiency which is not always diagnosed and treated.

Conclusion. World-wide physicians require more education on diagnosing T deficiency, on the role of T in erectile dysfunction and the relative safety of testosterone treatment.  相似文献   
This study tested 60 men, aged <40 years, with a BMI 27–35 kg/m2 to determine whether they had metabolic syndrome. The three definitions used to test this were from the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). Further, the relationship between a positive definition and plasma testosterone (T) and calculated free T was analysed.

Using the above three definitions of metabolic syndrome (MetS), there was a large degree of overlap of identifying obese men as having the syndrome, but there were quantitatively significant differences as well. So, it is relevant in studies to identify which of the present definitions of the syndrome has been used. With aging there is an increasing prevalence of the syndrome and age itself might be a factor in the lower T levels encountered in these men. But low plasma total T and calculated free T were also consistent features of men <40 years with metabolic syndrome, regardless of which definition had been applied. Including low T levels in the definition of metabolic syndrome, may be helpful.  相似文献   
This paper is based on a presentation given at the 2nd World Congress on the Aging Male, Geneva, Switzerland, February 2000  相似文献   
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