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随着中国经济的飞速发展和科学技术的不断创新,各个行业都在努力转型升级。研究传统产业的转型和升级,成为当前经济领域的热门课题之一。传统产业具有人力资源密集、能耗大等特点,如果不能在新的时代里谋求转变,必将被时代所淘汰。以传统产业为研究对象,从传统产业的特点入手,分析传统产业谋求转型升级的主要动力和主要原因,在此基础上提出传统产业实现战略转型的三条路径,为传统产业的优化升级提供借鉴。  相似文献   
中国A股公司市盈率、市净率与ROE水平的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用沪深两市1996年至2002年A股公司的数据,全面系统地研究了ROE水平与市盈率、市净率间的关系,分析了市盈率和市净率作为估值标准的合理性问题.检验结果表明,市净率与ROE水平间是非单调的函数关系,合理地反映了不同ROE水平公司未来业绩、风险和净资产的质量等基本面因素,是理想的估值标准;而市盈率受盈余管理影响很大,不是恰当的估值标准.  相似文献   
在新贸易保护主义思潮的影响下,国际海运业的竞争日趋激烈,海运服务企业也面对着激烈的国际竞争。而通过实证研究海运服务企业服务的质量、顾客满意度对海运服务企业经营成果的影响,结果发现,海运服务企业投资越大,获得的信任度就越高;往来企业之间的信任度越高,满意度就越高;海运服务业之间的信任度和满意度越高,其经营成果就越好。因此,海运服务企业必须不断提高顾客的信任度和满意度,以此来提高企业的经营成果。  相似文献   
This paper exploits an international bilateral data set over the period 1963–1998 to investigate the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign‐educated labor in an FDI host country. Workers educated abroad acquire country‐specific human capital that is more productive in the host country of study. A foreign subsidiary sharing a parent firm's technology will invest more if it has more foreign‐educated labor, since it can utilize this labor more productively because of the country‐specific human capital. Consistent with our predictions, our empirical findings show that foreign‐educated labor accounted for a sizable portion of growth in FDI flows. (JEL F21, F10)  相似文献   
Abstract. Let M be an isotonic real‐valued function on a compact subset of and let be an unconstrained estimator of M. A feasible monotonizing technique is to take the largest (smallest) monotone function that lies below (above) the estimator or any convex combination of these two envelope estimators. When the process is asymptotically equicontinuous for some sequence rn→∞, we show that these projection‐type estimators are rn‐equivalent in probability to the original unrestricted estimator. Our first motivating application involves a monotone estimator of the conditional distribution function that has the distributional properties of the local linear regression estimator. Applications also include the estimation of econometric (probability‐weighted moment, quantile) and biometric (mean remaining lifetime) functions.  相似文献   
This paper quantifies the cross-national spillover effects of government and private investment in research and development (ROD), using a panel data set of ten OECD countries. The results show that domestic private research is a significant determinant of both domestic and foreign productivity growth, and that foreign government research stimulates domestic private research. These findings are significant in that they provide empirical support for arguments in favor of international economic policy coordination, particularly in the area of international science and technology.  相似文献   
Abstract.  It is well known that major strength of non-parametric regression function estimation breaks down when correlated errors exist in the data. Positively (negatively) correlated errors tend to produce undersmoothing (oversmoothing). Several remedies have been proposed in the context of bandwidth selection problem, but they are hard to implement without prior knowledge of error correlations. In this paper we propose a simple estimator of error correlation which is ready to implement and reports a reasonably good performance.  相似文献   
新近发现的<三国志通俗演义>活字本一册(第八卷),可以纠正笔者此前关于流传韩国的<三国志演义>版本是周曰校甲本的见解,亦有助于对现藏于鲜文大学中韩翻译文献研究所的朝鲜刻本年代的认定.<朝鲜王朝实录>中<三国志通俗演义>所指应是朝鲜活字本,不是翻刻本,其所使用的是从1516年开始到壬辰(1592)抗倭战争之前一直使用的铜活字(丙子字),其原本在中国刊行后,于1560年初中期在朝鲜被重新印出,它是韩国现存<三国志演义>刊本中历史最悠久的一部.另外,从版式、纸张来看,丁卯年耽罗刊记的朝鲜翻刻周曰校本<三国志传通俗演义>并非翻刻于隆庆元年(1567,丁卯),而是60年后的天启七年(1627,丁卯).朝鲜活字本是以周曰校甲本为底本,参照了嘉靖壬午本,并进一步校勘的版本.  相似文献   
It is common knowledge that international students are a major conduit of international knowledge transfer and that they become transnational managerial elites and highly skilled migrants. However, few studies show how this transfer occurs. Moreover, people often assume that knowledge transfer is a smooth process. Drawing on in‐depth interviews of former and current Korean international students and non‐migrant Koreans in the United States and South Korea, my study shows that knowledge transfer can, in fact, be highly conflictual. I argue that conflicts in the country of origin between international students (the transferors) and non‐migrants (the recipients) mediate knowledge transfer. I see the conflicts as struggles over the conversion of cultural capital from the Global North into local power and wealth, which reworks Bourdieu's theory of cultural capital for transnational social fields. In so doing, I develop a framework that links knowledge transfer and transnational social reproduction.  相似文献   
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