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We propose several new tests for monotonicity of regression functions based on different empirical processes of residuals and pseudo‐residuals. The residuals are obtained from an unconstrained kernel regression estimator whereas the pseudo‐residuals are obtained from an increasing regression estimator. Here, in particular, we consider a recently developed simple kernel‐based estimator for increasing regression functions based on increasing rearrangements of unconstrained non‐parametric estimators. The test statistics are estimated distance measures between the regression function and its increasing rearrangement. We discuss the asymptotic distributions, consistency and small sample performances of the tests.  相似文献   
Estimating a Convex Function in Nonparametric Regression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  A new nonparametric estimate of a convex regression function is proposed and its stochastic properties are studied. The method starts with an unconstrained estimate of the derivative of the regression function, which is firstly isotonized and then integrated. We prove asymptotic normality of the new estimate and show that it is first order asymptotically equivalent to the initial unconstrained estimate if the regression function is in fact convex. If convexity is not present, the method estimates a convex function whose derivative has the same L p -norm as the derivative of the (non-convex) underlying regression function. The finite sample properties of the new estimate are investigated by means of a simulation study and it is compared with a least squares approach of convex estimation. The application of the new method is demonstrated in two data examples.  相似文献   
This article tests a powerful value theory delineating dimensions of value systems on three generations of Japanese Americans. Value variation across these generations also is examined. With increasing assimilation, later generations of Japanese Americans were hypothesized to value individualistic and change - oriented values more than earlier generations . Earlier generations were expected to rate traditional and conformity values as more important than later generations. Data were obtained from a mail survey of a western U.S. city with a large Japanese American population , using Schwartz's Value Survey. The sample includes 1,271 Japanese Americans from the second, third, and fourth generations. The results show that the theory of value structure is fully supported in samples of third - and fourth - generation Japanese Americans , but not for the older second generation. In addition, value priorities did vary in systematic ways across these generations, but not to the extent expected. Implications of these findings for this theory of value structure and the nature of value variation are discussed.  相似文献   
According to many seasoned survey researchers, offering a no-opinionoption should reduce the pressure to give substantive responsesfelt by respondents who have no true opinions. By contrast,the survey satisficing perspective suggests that no-opinionoptions may discourage some respondents from doing the cognitivework necessary to report the true opinions they do have. Weaddress these arguments using data from nine experiments carriedout in three household surveys. Attraction to no-opinion optionswas found to be greatest among respondents lowest in cognitiveskills (as measured by educational attainment), among respondentsanswering secretly instead of orally, for questions asked laterin a survey, and among respondents who devoted little effortto the reporting process. The quality of attitude reports obtained(as measured by over-time consistency and responsiveness toa question manipulation) was not compromised by the omissionof no-opinion options. These results suggest that inclusionof no-opinion options in attitude measures may not enhance dataquality and instead may preclude measurement of some meaningfulopinions.  相似文献   
The last 50 years have seen a gradual replacement of face-to-faceinterviewing with telephone interviewing as the dominant modeof survey data collection in the United States. But some ofthe most expensive and large-scale nationally funded, long-termsurvey research projects involving national area-probabilitysamples and long questionnaires retain face-to-face interviewingas their mode. In this article, we propose two ways in whichshifting such surveys to random digit dialing (RDD) telephoneinterviewing might affect the quality of data acquired, andwe test these hypotheses using data from three national modeexperiments. Random digit dialing telephone respondents weremore likely to satisfice (as evidenced by no-opinion responding,nondifferentiation, and acquiescence), to be less cooperativeand engaged in the interview, and were more likely to expressdissatisfaction with the length of the interview than were face-to-facerespondents, despite the fact that the telephone interviewswere completed more quickly than the face-to-face interviews.Telephone respondents were also more suspicious about the interviewprocess and more likely to present themselves in socially desirableways than were face-to-face respondents. These findings shedlight on the nature of the survey response process, on the costsand benefits associated with particular survey modes, and onthe nature of social interaction generally.  相似文献   
Recent decades have seen dramatic changes in the global political arena, including shifts in geopolitical arrangements, increases in popular mobilization and contestation over the direction of globalization, and efforts by elites to channel or curb popular opposition. We explore how these factors affect changes in global politics. Organizational populations are shaped by ongoing interactions among civil‐society, corporate and governmental actors operating at multiple levels. During the 1990s and 2000s, corporate and government actors promoted the ‘neoliberalization of civil society’ and the appropriation of movement concepts and practices to support elite interests. Not all movement actors have been passive witnesses to this process: they have engaged in intense internal debates, and they have adapted their organizational strategies to advance social transformation. This article draws from quantitative research on the population of transnational social movement organizations (TSMOs) and on qualitative research on contemporary transnational activism to describe changes in transnational organizing at a time of growing contention in world politics. We show how interactions among global actors have shaped new, hybrid organizational forms and spaces that include actors other than states in influential roles.  相似文献   
Offshoring and outsourcing have become the buzzwords of the IT community and the popular media discourse about the current era of globalization in services. Acknowledging the geographic perspective expressed in these dominant terms, in this article I examine the processes and activities that are oriented in the opposite direction. Capturing this inversion, I develop the concept of ‘onshoring’ and use research material from fieldwork conducted with IT firms in St Petersburg, Russia and their affiliates, agents and clients in the USA to provide an empirical case study. Onshoring encompasses the corporeal, representational, material and legal practices of offshore firms developing a presence onshore, with Russia as offshore and the USA as onshore in this case. The lack of an established Russian professional diaspora in the USA created a context in which developing a recognizable onshore presence was necessary for firms based in Russia. By explicitly recognizing that the efforts, risk‐taking and experimental strategies of offshore firms to create connections, networks and contacts onshore in the USA are a constitutive part of offshore outsourcing, I document and examine the less acknowledged complex flows and practices of onshoring. I argue that although these actors and processes may seem marginal to the widely recognized narrative of offshore outsourcing, in fact, they are creative and strategic compensations that reveal how the globalization of services is enacted at the micro‐level.  相似文献   
The development and evaluation of a fuzzy graphic rating scale to measure work attitudes are outlined. Some examples of participants' fuzzy responses are included to illustrate the potential usefulness of this approach.  相似文献   
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