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秋天是一个收获的季节,而青海高原的秋天更是一个创造神奇、收获美丽与智慧的季节。在昆仑文化和西王母神话的神秘召唤下,我们怀着对东方文化的敬仰和热爱之情,带着如何在现代社会更好地保护和传承人类文明的深切思考,从中国和世界各地欢聚一堂,一起畅谈文化、交流思想、结交友谊。这是我一直期待的时刻。在此,我谨代表青海省委、省政府,也代表这片孕育神话的高原,向论坛的如期举行表示热烈的祝贺;特别对各位专家学者的到来表示诚挚的欢迎,因为你们带来了智慧的果实,让我们采撷与分享。  相似文献   
走向世界的彝族诗人吉狄马加吉狄马加自从调离故乡大凉山,到成都、北京、青海担任领导职务,担子越来越重,工作越来越忙,但不论公务如何繁忙,他始终钟情于缪斯。他是"一个始终把诗歌视为自己的生活方式和生命方式的人",凭着把"诗歌作为人类精神殿堂重要基石的一种坚信和肯定",他在做好本职工作的前提下,坚持写诗,而且越写越好。直到最近几年,他还在百忙之中连续推出《我,雪豹……》《致马雅可夫斯基》《大河》等长诗力作,在海内外引起强烈反响。30多年来,他在国内外获奖28次。他的作品集除在国内用汉文和彝文出版了24部之外,在国外已有几十个国家用40多种语言文字翻译出版90多个版本。  相似文献   
This essay provides a nonessentializing account of how gender affects the social construction of time in communicative interactions. Niklas Luhmann's systems theory serves as the theoretical framework for explaining how time is constructed through communication codes. Using Luhmann's model, the essay argues that gender is a communication code that operates to align social participants' perspectives towards a socially constructed “present.” However, the essay notes that participants' experience of that present will be contingent upon the specific cultural and historical criteria that constitute their use of the gender code. The criteria specific to Anglo-American culture are used to illustrate how this instanciation of the gender code might affect temporal experience.  相似文献   
This essay re-situates current neurological research on infant brain development in terms of a matrix of cultural practices and pre-occupations. It contends that infant ‘brain science’ functions – in conjunction with the marketing promises of developmental toy manufacturers – as a form of ‘ritual magic’ (Nelson-Rowe, 1994) that ensures the transformation of ‘normal’ infants into idealized entrepreneurial subjects. Simultaneously, the discourse and practices of brain science extend and legitimize the extension of (Foucauldian) governmentality over lower income populations, which are perceived as threatening social and state security.  相似文献   
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