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Systematic Multiple Level Observation of Groups (SYMLOG) was applied to studying images of political leaders. Three left wing and three right wing Israeli leaders were evaluated by left and right wing voters along the SYMLOG's three dimensions—friendliness, task orientation, and dominance. It was found that right wing voters rated right wing leaders higher on friendliness and task orientation than left wing leaders. In a similar fashion, left wing voters viewed left wing leaders as more friendly and task-oriented than right wing leaders. Leaders of the right were viewed as more dominant than leaders of the left by left and right wing voters alike. Right and left wing voters assigned different SYMLOG types to right and left wing leaders. The dimension that distinguished between the various images was the dimension of friendliness. Whereas for right wing voters, all images of right wing leaders included a component of friendliness, none of these three images included an accented component of friendliness when rated by left wing voters. In a similar fashion, left wing voters saw two out of the three left wing leaders as including a component of friendliness, whereas none of the three left wing images included this component for right wing voters. Respondents from the right and the left rated their “ideal leader” as reflecting values of “dominance”, “friendliness,” and “task-orientation”. However, respondents saw leaders affiliated with their own political camp as closer to their image of the ideal leader on friendliness and task-orientation than leaders of the opposite political camp. Both right and left wing voters saw all political leaders as equally similar to their image of “ideal leader” on the “dominance” dimension regardless of that leader's political affiliation.  相似文献   
尼采认为 ,历史是人的生命意志的反映 ,它是英雄人物在瞬间的艺术创作冲动的产物。人的历史开始于“个人具有创造性的自我解放欲望之际” ,这是尼采历史观的原始起点和意义支撑。他认为真正的历史应该有利于人的创造力的发挥和个体生命的解放 ,而现在的历史已经背离了历史的本来意义 ,成了生命发展的桎梏和障碍。现代历史教育是错误历史观与错误人生观相结合的产物 ,是一种摧残人性的教育 ,它使受教育者变得虚伪、迟缓、猜疑、抵触 ,并以软弱的人格、麻木的心态期待着刺激性“事件”的发生 ,哪怕它危及自己的生命。  相似文献   
巫术作为一种社会现象 ,在历史上曾起过一定的积极作用 ,如可以增强人类控制客观世界的意识 ,扩展人类控制客观世界的领域 ,增强人类战胜敌手的信心 ,此外还具有组织作用、道德教化作用、精神安慰作用、交流娱乐作用等。但一方面由于巫术的荒谬性 ,巫术一再失败 ,使人们对它失去了信心 ;另一方面 ,巫术的抽象功能被后来发展起来的宗教所代替 ,实用功能被科学所代替 ,因而 ,巫术在主流文化中的历史作用已经终结 ,但仍在文化的细枝末节中广泛存在着  相似文献   
改革顶层设计不仅是一个政治新词汇,而且具有促进思想进一步解放的重要作用。改革顶层设计既不同于战略谋划与确定,也不同于战术制定与实施,它是介于二者之间而又联系二者的关键环节。对于加强改革顶层设计这一课题应结合改革历史进程进行深入研究,从而进一步明确加强改革顶层设计需要重视和把握的重点和难点问题,即突出导向性、体现规律性、强化统筹性、明确主体性、具有操作性、重视动力性。  相似文献   
对元阳县箐口村哈尼族在民族旅游场域中的中外跨文化交流与认知情况的实地调查分析表明,在民族旅游的场域中,外国游客与东道主之间存在一定形式的交流互动,但是对双方认知获得和交流影响有所区别。基本来讲,这种旅游场域中的跨文化交流对东道主的影响要大于对外国游客的影响,但交流对双方的认知都有积极的意义。  相似文献   
人与自然和谐发展是人类社会进入到生态文明阶段的显著标志,也是解决当今环境问题的生态伦理基础。从用火观念、饮食文化、丧葬习俗、建筑风格、命名习俗、宗教观念、游牧方式、法制观念8个方面论述蒙古族传统文化中人与自然和谐发展、保护生态环境的有关内容,重点探讨蒙古族生态文化中与森林文化有关的内容,系统地挖掘民族文化中合理、有价值的成分,以期保存和发扬优良的传统文化,丰富森林文化研究的内容,为当今的森林环境保护与森林资源可持续发展提供有益的启示。  相似文献   
We present a citation-based analysis of the most important journals on real estate and real estate finance over a time period from 1986 to 2010. For each year, those three articles with the highest number of citations according to Google Scholar are identified. A thorough analysis of all 75 selected articles reveals that the focus of interest has been on (1)empirical research, (2) mainly using data ofresidential real estate, with (3) the primary objective of evaluating real estateinvestment until the midst 1990s. In order to derive reliable risk-return relations for real estate investment, (4) asset pricing as the main task of real estateappraisal is in the centre of attention, too. Appraisal issues have relatively gained importance for the last fifteen years in comparison to investment issues. Interdisciplinary aspects and sustainable issues are only very rarely integrated in appraisal methods, the focus is primarily on maximizing economic returns. Therefore, our citation analysis confirms that the Financial Management Approach of Dasso and Woodward (1980) is the predominant approach particularly in the United States. Our findings regarding our basic sample of articles are cross-checked by several robustness tests. For future research activities, it seems to be quite promising to focus on the one hand on interdisciplinary aspects and on the other hand to contribute to the theoretical foundation of real estate with the aim of developing a common body of knowledge.  相似文献   
蒙古族先民们在长期的游牧生活中创造了辉煌的草原文化。蒙古族草原文化中的自然观是一种内在的回归自然、追求朴素的生态伦理观。也正是在这种自然观的引导下,草原自然环境长期以来得以保持其原貌——蓝天、碧草、清水、净土。蒙古族草原文化的自然观既符合当代人热爱优美环境,渴望实现人与自然和谐发展的美好愿望,又对治理和保护目前日益恶化的人类生存环境具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   
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