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产生于1972年斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议的主要组织决定就是创建联合国环境规划署,其职能是在环境全球管治中协调联合国相关机构的环境活动并担当新政策创议的发动者。自那时以来,国际社会已经在环境全球政策(以及最近在可持续发展政策)方面付出了巨大努力,并创建了大量的条约、组织和机制。从总体上说,进展是积极性的,并日益指向一种不断扩展着的全球环境管治体系。但同样显而易见的是,尽管全球环境管治体系的规模和资金都在迅速扩大,但它在实现其实质性改善全球环境、走向可持续发展甚或扭转环境恶化趋势等目标方面并不是真正有效的,甚至可以说,恰恰是全球环境管治体系的演进本身带来了难以应付的制度性挑战。正因为如此,近年来一种渐趋一致的共识是,我们必须充分考虑如何改革这一现存体系,而且关于全球环境管治改革的讨论必须超越联合国环境署本身的改革,以便构建一种全新的体系,其中不同行为体能够更加高效和有效地相互作用,从而服务于环境保护与可持续发展的最终目标。  相似文献   
The subject of this paper is the political behavior of developing states (the South) on issues of population, environment and development. It attempts to understand why the South is so weary of international population policy in the name of the environment. It argues that the South's response is shaped by five inter-related concerns about responsibility, efficiency, efficacy, additionality, and sovereignty. That is, the developing countries, (a) do not want their population growth to be held responsible for global environmental degradation, (b) argue that a more efficient solution to the environmental crisis is consumption control in the North, (c) believe that development remains a necessary condition for efficacious population control, (d) are weary of the population priorities of the North distracting international funds from other developmental goals of the South, and (e) are unprepared to accept any global population norms which challenge their fundamental political, cultural or religious sovereignty. It is maintained that these concerns have historically guided the positions of the South and remain valid and relevant today. Although, over the last two decades of North-South debate on the subject the nuances within these concerns have evolved, the concerns themselves remain valid and were apparent again at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development. Finally, it is proposed that although a grand North-South bargain around population-environment-development issues remains unlikely, both sides can gain much from trying to understand - even where they do not agree with - the other's concerns. The purpose of this study is not as much to defend the South's position, as to present it and the rationale behind it.  相似文献   
All over the world, we see trends of increasing interaction between governments and the third sector. Is this the “start of a beautiful friendship” or are they already “too close for comfort”? This article argues that the nature of these complex relationships is poorly understood and often simplified. It proposes a four‐C framework based on institutional interests and preferences for policy ends and means—cooperation in the case of similar ends and similar means, confrontation in the case of dissimilar ends and dissimilar means, complementarity in the case of similar ends but dissimilar means, and co‐optation in the case of dissimilar ends but similar means.  相似文献   
A key aspect of civil society worldwide is the emergence of thousands of nongovernmental organizations that operate on a global scale. The special challenges of organizing and managing these organizations include massive communications problems and the need to accommodate a wide diversity of interests. In this paper, we ask what kinds of organizational structures and management strategies are utilized by globally oriented nongovernmental organizations involved in the development of civil society, and we consider the advantages and disadvantages of alternative structures. From 15 case studies, we find that three principal types of structures are utilized: corporate partnerships, federations, and membership associations. We also find that management challenges are addressed in various creative ways within these structures, and that the federation form appears to be generally effective and avoids some of the risks associated with other forms.  相似文献   
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