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"This study compares the fertility patterns of foreign-born and native-born women in Canada and examines whether [the] same set of social characteristics accounts for differential fertility among both the groups. The study also assesses the importance of social characteristics and assimilation on immigrant fertility behavior. Two generations of currently married/cohabiting women with spouse present are analyzed using multiple regressions. The results reveal similar effects on fertility of social characteristics for foreign-born and native-born, while in the case of younger generations the effects are stronger."  相似文献   
A typology of migration is presented that extends the one originally developed by William Petersen, which was based on ecological push, migration policy, people's aspirations, and social momentum. The proposed typology considers both the migrant's state of mind and two points in time. Examples of 36 migrant types are provided using data for Canada and selected other countries. (SUMMARY IN FRE AND SPA)  相似文献   
We analyze a signaling game between the manager of a firm and an investor in the firm. The manager has private information about the firm's demand and cares about the short‐term stock price assigned by the investor. Previous research has shown that under continuous decision choices and the Intuitive Criterion refinement, the least‐cost separating equilibrium will result, in which a low‐quality firm chooses its optimal capacity and a high‐quality firm over‐invests in order to signal its quality to investors. We build on this research by showing the existence of pooling outcomes in which low‐quality firms over‐invest and high‐quality firms under‐invest so as to provide identical signals to investors. The pooling equilibrium is practically appealing because it yields a Pareto improvement compared to the least‐cost separating equilibrium. Distinguishing features of our analysis are that: (i) we allow the capacity decision to have either discrete or continuous support, and (ii) we allow beliefs to be refined based on either the Undefeated refinement or the Intuitive Criterion refinement. We find that the newsvendor model parameters impact the likelihood of a pooling outcome, and this impact changes in both sign and magnitude depending on which refinement is used.  相似文献   
In the partial degree bounded edge packing problem (PDBEP), the input is an undirected graph \(G=(V,E)\) with capacity \(c_v\in {\mathbb {N}}\) on each vertex v. The objective is to find a feasible subgraph \(G'=(V,E')\) maximizing \(|E'|\), where \(G'\) is said to be feasible if for each \(e=\{u,v\}\in E'\), \(\deg _{G'}(u)\le c_u\) or \(\deg _{G'}(v)\le c_v\). In the weighted version of the problem, additionally each edge \(e\in E\) has a weight w(e) and we want to find a feasible subgraph \(G'=(V,E')\) maximizing \(\sum _{e\in E'} w(e)\). The problem is already NP-hard if \(c_v = 1\) for all \(v\in V\) (Zhang in: Proceedings of the joint international conference on frontiers in algorithmics and algorithmic aspects in information and management, FAW-AAIM 2012, Beijing, China, May 14–16, pp 359–367, 2012). In this paper, we introduce a generalization of the PDBEP problem. We let the edges have weights as well as demands, and we present the first constant-factor approximation algorithms for this problem. Our results imply the first constant-factor approximation algorithm for the weighted PDBEP problem, improving the result of Aurora et al. (FAW-AAIM 2013) who presented an \(O(\log n)\)-approximation for the weighted case. We also study the weighted PDBEP problem on hypergraphs and present a constant factor approximation if the maximum degree of the hypergraph is bounded above by a constant. We study a generalization of the weighted PDBEP problem with demands where each edge additionally specifies whether it requires at least one, or both its end-points to not exceed the capacity. The objective is to pick a maximum weight subset of edges. We give a constant factor approximation for this problem. We also present a PTAS for the weighted PDBEP problem with demands on H-minor free graphs, if the demands on the edges are bounded by polynomial. We show that the PDBEP problem is APX-hard even for bipartite graphs with \(c_v = 1, \; \forall v\in V\) and having degree at most 3.  相似文献   
Certain motor vehicle safety standards stipulate a collision test speed and a set of performance criteria that vehicles must satisfy during or after the collision test. For example, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 301 requires a 30 mile per hour (mph) barrier collision and specifies a certain maximum allowable limit on the total spillage of fuel. Vehicle designs are required to meet this standard; however, when collision tests are conducted at speeds higher than the standard, vehicles do not always satisfy the performance criteria. This paper develops a mathematical model for estimating the probability of meeting the standard by using a Bayesian framework to incorporate engineering judgment with collision test results. The model is based on the idea that there are random features to a vehicle's ability to meet performance standards in a collision, especially at such elevated speeds. Example calculations are included to illustrate the estimation of the probability of meeting the standard and to compare it with a maximum likelihood approach.  相似文献   
Independent samples are drawn from control and treatment populations with normal and compound normal distributions respectively. We derive the locally best invariant (LBI) tests through Wijsman’s representation for the detection of mixture departures from the normal distribution. These tests may be viewed as tests for the equality of control and treatment populations. Further, they are optimally robust for the model considered by Durairajan and Raman (1994).  相似文献   
In the past most inventory formulations have utilized cost minimization or profit maximization as an optimizing criterion. When viewed from the standpoint of the owner or investor, maximizing the return on investment (ROI) is an appropriate criterion for many types of inventories. This paper proposes ROI as a criterion for inventory models and derives optimal reorder rules for some common assumptions. An economic order quantity that differs greatly from the traditional formulas is discussed. The paper also enumerates the conditions under which ROI is an appropriate criterion and contrasts it to the traditional cost minimization and profit maximization criteria.  相似文献   
Interspecies scaling factors (ISFs) are numbers used to adjust the potency factor (for example, the q1* for carcinogens or reference doses for compounds eliciting other toxic endpoints) determined in experimental animals to account for expected differences in potency between test animals and people. ISFs have been developed for both cancer and non-cancer risk assessments in response to a common issue: toxicologists often determine adverse effects of chemicals in test animals and then they, or more commonly risk assessors and risk managers, have to draw inferences about what these observations mean for the human population. This perspective briefly reviews the development of ISFs and their applications in health risk assessments over the past 20 years, examining the impact of pharmacokinetic principles in altering current perceptions of the ISFs applied in these health risk assessments, and assessing future directions in applying both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles for developing ISFs.  相似文献   
Urban Ecosystems - Urban vegetation is an essential requirement in cities for mitigating pollution, heat island effects and providing food and shelter to urban fauna. Efforts to conserve and...  相似文献   
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