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We analyze a signaling game between the manager of a firm and an investor in the firm. The manager has private information about the firm's demand and cares about the short‐term stock price assigned by the investor. Previous research has shown that under continuous decision choices and the Intuitive Criterion refinement, the least‐cost separating equilibrium will result, in which a low‐quality firm chooses its optimal capacity and a high‐quality firm over‐invests in order to signal its quality to investors. We build on this research by showing the existence of pooling outcomes in which low‐quality firms over‐invest and high‐quality firms under‐invest so as to provide identical signals to investors. The pooling equilibrium is practically appealing because it yields a Pareto improvement compared to the least‐cost separating equilibrium. Distinguishing features of our analysis are that: (i) we allow the capacity decision to have either discrete or continuous support, and (ii) we allow beliefs to be refined based on either the Undefeated refinement or the Intuitive Criterion refinement. We find that the newsvendor model parameters impact the likelihood of a pooling outcome, and this impact changes in both sign and magnitude depending on which refinement is used.  相似文献   

The prominence of market orientation as a core organizational concept, as well as recent discussions about its contributions and shortcomings, suggest that it is time to assess the large and expanding body of research surrounding the construct. Our research takes a systematic qualitative approach to assessing extant research on market orientation, identifying problems, patterns, and paradoxes in the literature. Specifically, we provide an integration of the burgeoning empirical research on market orientation, based on a thorough synthesis of articles published over more than 25 years of inquiry. Bringing together the different strands of inquiry that have guided knowledge accumulation on market orientation, we are able to identify major theoretical gaps and omissions in the literature. We also find that while market orientation research has made considerable strides over the years, much work still needs to be done as voids remain that need to be addressed in future investigations.

State is often involved in the challenging process of judicious allocation and apportioning of resources for an inclusive growth through creating infrastructure and ensuring accessibility- the “ability of the people to reach and engage in opportunities and activities”. The issue at the heart of the debate concerns with the “opportunities” available in a geographic area and the inhabitants’ use of those opportunities in terms of their “behaviour”. The extant literature suggests that the dominant component of the accessibility is mobility infrastructure. The present paper argues that the impact of the human development and the information infrastructure should also be considered. This paper uses the Indian census data of 2001 and develops the methodology for creating an accessibility index for a geographic unit. The paper also discusses the use of the accessibility index (AI) as a tool for evaluating the efficacy of a public policy initiative towards decreasing the exclusion of geographic units. Validation of the tool is done using the patient inflow data at a large charitable hospital in Central India and household level employment data from National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS).  相似文献   
In this paper, the three-decision procedures to classify p treatments as better than or worse than one control, proposed for normal/symmetric probability models [Bohrer, Multiple three-decision rules for parametric signs. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 74 (1979), pp. 432–437; Bohrer et al., Multiple three-decision rules for factorial simple effects: Bonferroni wins again!, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 76 (1981), pp. 119–124; Liu, A multiple three-decision procedure for comparing several treatments with a control, Austral. J. Statist. 39 (1997), pp. 79–92 and Singh and Mishra, Classifying logistic populations using sample medians, J. Statist. Plann. Inference 137 (2007), pp. 1647–1657]; in the literature, have been extended to asymmetric two-parameter exponential probability models to classify p(p≥1) treatments as better than or worse than the best of q(q≥1) control treatments in terms of location parameters. Critical constants required for the implementation of the proposed procedure are tabulated for some pre-specified values of probability of no misclassification. Power function of the proposed procedure is also defined and a common sample size necessary to guarantee various pre-specified power levels are tabulated. Optimal allocation scheme is also discussed. Finally, the implementation of the proposed methodology is demonstrated through numerical example.  相似文献   
In this article we present a simple bootstrap method for time series. The proposed method is model-free, and hence it enables us to avoid certain situations where the bootstrap samples may contain impossible values due to resampling from the residuals. The method is easy to implement and can be applied to stationary and nonstationary time series. The simulation results and the application to real time series data show that the method works very well.  相似文献   
We study a sourcing problem faced by a firm that seeks to procure a product or a component from a pool of alternative suppliers. The firm has a preference ordering of the suppliers based on factors such as their past performance, quality, service, geographical location, and financial strength, which are commonly included in a supplier scorecard system. Thus, the firm first uses available inventory from supplier 1, if any, then supplier 2, if any, and so on. The suppliers differ in costs and prices. The buyer firm seeks to determine which suppliers to purchase from and in what quantities to maximize its total expected profit subject to the preference ordering constraint. We present the optimal solution to this problem, and show that it has a portfolio structure. It consists of a sub‐set of suppliers that are ordered by their underage and overage costs. This portfolio achieves a substantial profit gain compared to sourcing from a unique supplier. We present an efficient algorithm to compute the optimal solution. Our model applies to component sourcing problems in manufacturing, merchandizing problems in retailing, and capacity reservation problems in services.  相似文献   
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