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企业成长性综合评价方法的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从盈利能力状况、资产运营状况、偿债能力状况、投资报酬状况、发展潜力状况五个方面选择了十六个财务指标评价我国上市公司的成长性;同时,选取2004年沪深两市的上市公司为研究样本,采用因子分析的方法对研究样本进行了分析,并得出了企业成长性综合评价模型。通过对研究样本按照EVA是否大于0分组,采用独立样本t检验的方法,验证企业成长性综合评价模型具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   
关于为人民服务的提出,人们的认识过程经历了一元到多元的变化,即一开始普遍认为"为人民服务"的明确表述始于毛泽东,后来随着有关资料的公布又出现了蒋介石提出说,近期又发现了更早的朱德提出说。但不管怎样,都无法改变这样一个事实,即毛泽东为人民服务的思想贯彻了其自身的一系列理念,并从《为人民服务》演讲开始逐渐将之明确为中共及其领导的革命军队的根本宗旨。这种内涵上的丰富和完善,以及将为人民服务作为党的宗旨的独特定位,是毛泽东留给后人的宝贵精神财富,是其他任何人都难以比拟的。  相似文献   
This article presents data from a five-year evaluation-research case study of a large urban schools district's internal Student Assistance Program (SAP). The district employed specially trained and licensed school-based counselors to implement an internal SAP expanded to include tertiary prevention, and modeled after an employee assistance program established for adults. From the population of more than 10,000 students who received some type of program assistance for at-risk behaviors, a stratified random sample of 2,238 cases, over a five year period, were reviewed. Results indicate a statistically significant decline (p < .05) in students' drug use and a significant improvement in internal locus of control occurred each year. While not statistically significant, the average number of student discipline referrals was less than the year prior to program admission; however, there was no significant change in academic performance. A significant correlation between students' drug use and the amount of time in program, the type of assistance received, and the student's custody status was also found.  相似文献   
当前西藏社会阶层分化对高等教育机会获得的影晌初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
不同社会阶层,因其所拥有的经济资源、文化资源和组织资源的差异,对高等教育入学机会的获得产生不同的影响.为此,文章正确认识当前西藏高等教育入学机会问题,并从理论和实践层面提出一些有益对策.  相似文献   
由于有限合伙制度对普通合伙人和有限合伙人在权责利益上各有特殊的规定,因而它作为一种制度安排,非常适合以风险投资为投资和管理模式的高科技产业的发展.  相似文献   
对中国少数民族人口城市化的研究是近年来关于中国城市化研究的一个新课题,许多学者进行了这方面的研究工作。总体上来说,主要有基于人口普查数据的少数民族人口城市化研究、区域性少数民族人口城市化研究、对城市少数民族流动人口的调查研究、城市化进程中的民族关系研究以及语言、宗教等与城市化的相关研究。  相似文献   
民国时期,随着政治实力的消长,各派势力像走马灯似的纷纷粉墨登场,其政策也一直处于频繁的游移与兴废之中。在这种社会大背景下,华北乡村的经济社会发展就处于一种极度不稳定状态,而租佃制实施过程中的一些弊端、农地的细化分割现象、农民离村多年后返村重新确认地产以及频发的自然灾害等因素直接导致了华北乡村土地纠纷的大量出现,这不仅折射了民国时期的土地经济实态,同时亦是华北乡村土地秩序的纷乱之源。在处理华北乡村土地纠纷、维系土地秩序的过程中,契约习惯具有重要作用,其所具有的特殊约束力不仅能使土地秩序自行调整,而且还可避免许多不必要的纷争,从而在一定程度上维系了土地秩序的较为稳定的格局。但契约习惯并不是万能的,当其无法维系土地秩序时,要使土地秩序免于纷乱、重新达于稳定,就必须求助于法律、依靠法院来裁决,而且这种裁决常常是强制性的。实践也证明,法院裁判在强制重构土地秩序以及稳定社会秩序方面的确具有不可替代的重要作用。  相似文献   
Using telephone surveys of business/financial journalists in the United States (n = 200), this research investigates the agenda-building role of social media content in journalists’ work. Understanding that more non-public relations content from user-generated and social network sites, like YouTube and Twitter, are fast becoming resources for journalists to get story ideas, break scandals, and find sources, we began this scholarly work to determine the frequency of such uses of social media. Overall, findings indicate very little use of social media by these business journalists. Results and implications for public relations practitioners are discussed in detail.  相似文献   
This article evaluates a program between students at a primary school and aged care residents. The aim of the program was to increase respect and appreciation between the groups. Visiting programs between children and the elderly are well documented, and assumes that the contact will benefit both groups. However the research is contradictory. To ensure that this program was achieving its goals, pre-post test data using the Children’s Perceptions of Aging and Elderly test was collected. Significant improvements in attitude were seen in two items. Overall, there was an improvement in attitude in 12 of the 18 instrument items.  相似文献   
Most cities, counties, and neighborhoods are not designed for an aging population. By providing a range of services to all residents, Lifelong Communities allow individuals to age in place. Although the Lifelong Communities Initiative is based on established guiding principles, little information exists regarding the realities of moving from policy to implementation. The Atlanta Regional Commission conducted a case study in Mableton, Georgia, and found successful implementation requires a combination of support from local citizen groups and government. The Atlanta Regional Commission is replicating these best practices in other communities and providing support to those aspiring to launch or expand Lifelong Communities.  相似文献   
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