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Empirical Bayes spatial prediction using a Monte Carlo EM algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with an empirical Bayes approach for spatial prediction of a Gaussian random field. In fact, we estimate the hyperparameters of the prior distribution by using the maximum likelihood method. In order to maximize the marginal distribution of the data, the EM algorithm is used. Since this algorithm requires the evaluation of analytically intractable and high dimensionally integrals, a Monte Carlo method based on discretizing parameter space, is proposed to estimate the relevant integrals. Then, the approach is illustrated by its application to a spatial data set. Finally, we compare the predictive performance of this approach with the reference prior method.  相似文献   
A correct detection of areas with excess of pollution relies first on accurate predictions of pollutant concentrations, a task that is usually complicated by skewed histograms and the presence of censored data. The unified skew-Gaussian (SUG) random field proposed by Zareifard and Jafari Khaledi [19] offers a more flexible class of sampling spatial models to account for skewness. In this paper, we adopt a Bayesian framework to perform prediction for the SUG model in the presence of censored data. Owing to the presence of many latent variables with strongly dependent components in the model, we encounter convergence issues when using Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithms. To overcome this obstacle, we use a computationally efficient inverse Bayes formulas sampling procedure to obtain approximately independent samples from the posterior distribution of latent variables. Then they are applied to update parameters in a Gibbs sampler scheme. This hybrid algorithm provides effective samples, resulting in some computational advantages and precise predictions. The proposed approach is illustrated with a simulation study and applied to a spatial data set which contains right censored data.  相似文献   
In spatial statistics, models are often constructed based on some common, but possible restrictive assumptions for the underlying spatial process, including Gaussianity as well as stationarity and isotropy. However, these assumptions are frequently violated in applied problems. In order to simultaneously handle skewness and non-homogeneity (i.e., non-stationarity and anisotropy), we develop the fixed rank kriging model through the use of skew-normal distribution for its non-spatial latent variables. Our approach to spatial modeling is easy to implement and also provides a great flexibility in adjusting to skewed and large datasets with heterogeneous correlation structures. We adopt a Bayesian framework for our analysis, and describe a simple MCMC algorithm for sampling from the posterior distribution of the model parameters and performing spatial prediction. Through a simulation study, we demonstrate that the proposed model could detect departures from normality and, for illustration, we analyze a synthetic dataset of CO\(_2\) measurements. Finally, to deal with multivariate spatial data showing some degree of skewness, a multivariate extension of the model is also provided.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the problem of increasing air pollution monitoring stations in Tehran city for efficient spatial prediction. As the data are multivariate and skewed, we introduce two multivariate skew models through developing the univariate skew Gaussian random field proposed by Zareifard and Jafari Khaledi [21 H. Zareifard and M. Jafari Khaledi, Non-Gaussian modeling of spatial data using scale mixing of a unified skew Gaussian process, J. Multivariate Anal. 114 (2013), pp. 1628. doi: 10.1016/j.jmva.2012.07.003[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]]. These models provide extensions of the linear model of coregionalization for non-Gaussian data. In the Bayesian framework, the optimal network design is found based on the maximum entropy criterion. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is developed to implement posterior inference. Finally, the applicability of two proposed models is demonstrated by analyzing an air pollution data set.  相似文献   
One of the most important agents responsible for high pollution in Tehran is carbon monoxide. Prediction of carbon monoxide is of immense help for sustaining the inhabitants’ health level. In this paper, motivated by the statistical analysis of carbon monoxide using the empirical Bayes approach, we deal with the issue of prior specification for the model parameters. In fact, the hyperparameters (the parameters of the prior law) are estimated based on a sampling-based method which depends only on the specification of the marginal spatial and temporal correlation structures. We compare the predictive performance of this approach with the type II maximum likelihood method. Results indicate that the proposed procedure performs better for this data set.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a control chart to monitor the Weibull shape parameter where the observations are censored due to competing risks. We assume that the failure occurs due to two competing risks that are independent and follow Weibull distribution with different shape and scale parameters. The control charts are proposed to monitor one or both of the shape parameters of competing risk distributions and established based on the conditional expected values. The proposed control chart for both shape parameters is used in certain situations and allows to monitor both shape parameters in only one chart. The control limits depend on the sample size, number of failures due to each risk and the desired stable average run length (ARL). We also consider the estimation problem of the target parameters when the Phase I sample is incomplete. We assumed that some of the products that fail during the life testing have a cause of failure that is only known to belong to a certain subset of all possible failures. This case is known as masking. In the presence of masking, the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is proposed to estimate the parameters. For both cases, with and without masking, the behaviour of ARLs of charts is studied through the numerical methods. The influence of masking on the performance of proposed charts is also studied through a simulation study. An example illustrates the applicability of the proposed charts.  相似文献   
The purpose of this work is to develop statistical methods for using degradation measure to estimate a survival function for a linear degradation model. In this paper, we review existing methods and then describe a parametric approach. We focus on estimating the survival function. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the estimating method and the method is illustrated using real data.  相似文献   
In spatial generalized linear mixed models (SGLMMs), statistical inference encounters problems, since random effects in the model imply high-dimensional integrals to calculate the marginal likelihood function. In this article, we temporarily treat parameters as random variables and express the marginal likelihood function as a posterior expectation. Hence, the marginal likelihood function is approximated using the obtained samples from the posterior density of the latent variables and parameters given the data. However, in this setting, misspecification of prior distribution of correlation function parameter and problems associated with convergence of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods could have an unpleasant influence on the likelihood approximation. To avoid these challenges, we utilize an empirical Bayes approach to estimate prior hyperparameters. We also use a computationally efficient hybrid algorithm by combining inverse Bayes formula (IBF) and Gibbs sampler procedures. A simulation study is conducted to assess the performance of our method. Finally, we illustrate the method applying a dataset of standard penetration test of soil in an area in south of Iran.  相似文献   
A generalization of the exponential distribution is presented. The generalization always has its mode at zero and yet allows for increasing, decreasing and constant hazard rates. It can be used as an alternative to the gamma, Weibull and exponentiated exponential distributions. A comprehensive account of the mathematical properties of the generalization is presented. A real data example is discussed to illustrate its applicability.  相似文献   
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