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Correspondence to Julie Bull, Research Officer, Thomas Coram Research Unit, University of London, Institute of Education, 27/28 Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AA Summary This article presents the findings of the first stage of a studyundertaken by the Thomas Coram Research Unit at the Universityof London for the Department of Health. The study aims to monitorand evaluate the implementation of Parts III and X of the ChildrenAct, which relate to the provision of dhy-care and pre-schooleducation for children under eight. The article reports thefindings of the first stage of the study on the aspects of implementationinvolved in the regulation of children's services, which isone of the most significant of the changes heralded by the Actfor under-eights' services. Based on the findings of a studyin eighteen English authorities and eight Welsh counties, thearticle outlines the different approaches taken to regulationin terms of organizational structures, degree of consultationwith providers, and overall approach to implementing the newsystem. The response of providers as reported by local authoritystaff is also discussed. The findings of the study are set inthe context of the current policy debate about the role of regulationand the status of the recommendations in the Guidance accompanyingthe Act. As well as outlining the degree of vanation found amongauthorities and indicating some of the ‘pressure points’in implementation, the article raises issues of critical concernabout the role of regulation in the context of the private marketof day-care provision.  相似文献   
Young people with arthritis face a number of disabling barriers when negotiating their way through contemporary society. A national disability organisation, Young Arthritis Care YAC , has established a Contact network, whereby young people with arthritis provide support to similar others in the community. To improve the service, YAC initiated Contact Training Courses in the fields of advocacy and counselling. An appropriate research methodology was required that enabled the efficacy of this training to be examined in a disability framework. Focus group technique was selected as a research methodology set within an emancipatory paradigm that can in itself be an empowering experience for participants. Results illustrated that focus group technique enabled young people with arthritis to freely articulate their views concerning the efficacy of training set within the framework of self-help.  相似文献   
Abstract This essay explores 'social banditry' as a form of political practice in relation to distinct regimes of power; regional, national, and imperialist. The eastern region of the Dominican Republic experienced a rapid rise of land values and conversion of peasant smallholdings into sugar cane lields at the start of the twentieth century. Roving bands of 'outlaws' called 'gavilleros' appeared almost immediately, and came under increasing, and different, scrutiny during the years 1916–1924, when United States Marines occupied the Republic. This essay considers the political and social dimensions of gavillero conduct as it was transformed-and transformed itself-during the first quarter of the twentieth century.  相似文献   
We study the impact of information manipulation by a principal on the agent's effort. In a context of asymmetric information at the principal's advantage, we test experimentally the principal's willingness to bias (overestimate or underestimate) the information she/he gives to her/his agent on her/his ability in order to motivate her/him to exert more effort. We find that (1) principals do bias information, and (2) agents trust the cheap‐talk messages they receive and adjust their effort accordingly. Therefore, biased messages improve both the agent's performance and thus the principal's profit. This, however, does not increase efficiency. We also find that overestimation occurs much more often than underestimation. Making the signal costly in an additional treatment reduces this effect. (JEL D83, C92, M12)  相似文献   
Although footbinding ended quickly in urban China once campaigns to eradicate the practice were launched, we cannot assume that reformers' depictions of boundfoot women mirrored women's actual capabilities or their own understandings of the custom. The turn-of-the-century anti-footbinding platforms, which characterized the practice as lewd, wasteful, and nationally humiliating, are read against evidence suggesting that women saw values of beauty, morality and productivity embodied within their bound feet.  相似文献   
Older people have been the main social casualties of the collapse of the Albanian communist system and the ensuing mass emigration of younger generations since 1990. Some have had to forage for survival on a near‐starvation diet, making broth from grass and weeds. For others, remittances from emigrant children ensure adequate material well‐being, but a loss of locally‐based trans‐generational care and of intimate family relations occurs. Rates of emigration have been highest in the southern uplands, where our fieldwork took place. Migration has been mainly to Greece, but also to Italy and elsewhere. Interviews with elderly ‘residual households’ ‐ single people and couples ‐ reveal stories of loneliness and abandonment; cross‐generational rupture of hitherto tight family structures is seen as emotionally painful because of the impossibility of enjoying mutual benefits of care sustained by geographical proximity. Profoundly upsetting is the denial of the practice of grand‐parenting, which the older generation see as their raison d'être. Cost of travel, visa regimes and emigrants’ irregular status conspire to prevent international visits. Finally, we examine various strategies of overcoming the ‘care drain’ produced by this situation, one of which is for older people to try to join their migrant children and grandchildren abroad.  相似文献   
Abstract.  The Pearson diffusions form a flexible class of diffusions defined by having linear drift and quadratic squared diffusion coefficient. It is demonstrated that for this class explicit statistical inference is feasible. A complete model classification is presented for the ergodic Pearson diffusions. The class of stationary distributions equals the full Pearson system of distributions. Well-known instances are the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes and the square root (CIR) processes. Also diffusions with heavy-tailed and skew marginals are included. Explicit formulae for the conditional moments and the polynomial eigenfunctions are derived. Explicit optimal martingale estimating functions are found. The discussion covers GMM, quasi-likelihood, non-linear weighted least squares estimation and likelihood inference too. The analytical tractability is inherited by transformed Pearson diffusions, integrated Pearson diffusions, sums of Pearson diffusions and Pearson stochastic volatility models. For the non-Markov models, explicit optimal prediction-based estimating functions are found. The estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal.  相似文献   
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