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Two habituation experiments were conducted to investigate how 4‐month‐old infants perceive partly occluded shapes. In the first experiment, we presented a simple, partly occluded shape to the infants until habituation was reached. Then we showed either a probable completion (one that would be predicted on the basis of both local and global cues) or an improbable completion. Longer looking times were found for the improbably completed shape (compared to probable and control conditions), suggesting that the probable shape was perceived during partial occlusion. In the second experiment, infants were habituated to more ambiguous partly occluded shapes, where local and global cues would result in different completions. For adults, the percept of these shapes is usually dominated by global influences. However, after habituation the infants looked longer at the globally completed shapes. These results suggest that by the age of 4 months, infants are able to infer the perceptual completion of partly occluded shapes, but for more ambiguous shapes, this completion seems to be dominated by local influences.  相似文献   
In studies of farming, the age of the principal decision-maker (PDM) has been associated with numerous farm structural and managerial features and has been widely accepted as a good indicator of the influence of life-cycle factors on decision-making. As such, it has become an important aspect of many quantitative studies of agricultural change. However, contemporary studies of family farming demonstrate that the concept of a single PDM in family farms is becoming an anachronism as alternative enterprises, pluriactivity and the scale of family farms force more diffuse management/operating systems. This raises questions concerning whether the age of the PDM can still be taken as representative of farm structure, strategy or life-cycle stage? Using a study conducted in the Grampian Mountains region of Scotland in 2003 this note investigates the impact of using an alternative index—compiled by averaging the age of family members working on the farm. It suggests that PDM age is a relatively poor indicator of farm structural and managerial features compared to a family age index and calls for researchers to think about alternative approaches to measuring ‘age’ as an indicator.  相似文献   
Blockchain technology has received much attention in the media and there is an increasing interest amongst organizations within financial services due to the potential benefits. As blockchain-based systems are a nascent technology, the requirements of the technology need to be understood, to allow blockchain systems to be successfully integrated within financial service organizations. There are gaps in academic research in understanding how managers evaluate the value of a blockchain-based system. This study develops a model to explain manager resistance to implementing blockchain-based systems in financial services organizations. This research advances the theoretical understanding of managers’ perspectives on blockchain-based systems and models their resistance to blockchain technology.  相似文献   
中文网络客户评论的产品特征挖掘方法研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着互联网的广泛应用,在Blog、BBS、Wiki等网络站点中出现了大量的针对商品或服务的客户评论,这些客户评论中所包含的丰富信息,对企业管理具有重要的价值.通过数据挖掘算法对客户针对某一产品的大量评论进行分析,可以挖掘出这些产品的主要特征,并有望进一步发现客户对这些特征的意见和态度.在英文世界中已经有学者开始对这一研究进行探索,然而由于语言结构等方面的差异,英文的研究成果尚无法直接应用于中文客户评论的挖掘中.本研究针对中文的特点,提出了面向中文的客户评论挖掘方法.该方法基于改进关联规则算法实现了针对中文产品评论的产品特征信息挖掘.本研究采用通过互联网获得的针对手机、数码相机、书籍等5种产品的评论语料,对该方法进行了数据实验,实验结果初步验证了该方法有效性.  相似文献   
国家实施振兴东北老工业基地的战略,对內蒙古东部四盟市是一次难得的历史机遇。蒙东四盟市与东北三省山水相连、文化相同、人缘相亲,在人才、技术、自然资源等诸多方面有互补性,奠定了合作开发的基础。振兴东北,拉动内蒙,实现区域经济一体化,是应对区域经济一体化大趋势的必然选择,也是全面建设小康社会的战略要求。三省一区联合互动,必然会促进区域经济一体化进程,将会带动东三省和蒙东四盟市的新一轮共同发展。  相似文献   
原因自由行为是行为人因故意或过失而使自己陷于无责任能力或限制责任能力状态,且在此状态里导致某一犯罪构 成客观方面实现的行为。其可罚性在于它是“同时存在原则”的一种例外。主观方面可以是故意也可以是过失。  相似文献   
加快转变经济发展方式需要法治保障,这对我国的法治尤其是经济法治提出了更高的要求。为此,要把握好调控监管、市场经济与法治之间的辩证关系,在坚持政府为主导、市场在资源配置中发挥基础性作用的同时,摈弃政府动辄使用直接行政手段和"运动式"调控的做法,将其能动的调控监管纳入问责制,不能任其脱法。规划和产业政策法、财税法、金融法、资源和环境法等都是转变经济发展方式所需依托的主要法律制度。  相似文献   
邓小平对社会主义中国如何正确处理与资本主义的关系作了深入探讨,科学回答了利用资本主义文明成果加快社会主义现代化建设的内容、途径等一系列重要问题,极大地推动和促进了中国特色社会主义事业的胜利发展.中共第三代领导集体从理论和实践的结合上,继续丰富和发展了这一创造性的思想成果.  相似文献   
The concept of lean product development has attracted the attention of many scholars since its inception in the 1990s derived from practices at Toyota Motor Company. Key to this approach to new product development (NPD) are a few methods derived from lean production as well as longer established practices such as concurrent engineering. This makes one wonder whether lean product development is a new practice, a new method or an encapsulation of already existing methods at the time; this quest for the roots and tenets of lean product development, also in comparison with other methods for NPD, is the focus of this paper. This journey takes this propositional paper not only to the roots of lean product development and the context of its era of conception, but also to what this concept adds to other extant methods for NPD. In particular, this comparison draws out that other methods are trying to achieve the same objectives: the creation of products and services with value to the customer, the reduction of time‐to‐market and the efficient use of resources. This inference implies that managers of new product (and service) development can choose from a wider pallet of methods and approaches to enhance the performance of R&D and to connect better to manufacturing (including supply chains). Inevitably, this has implications for research on (lean) product and service development; hence, this paper sets out a research agenda based on the deliberations and gaps that have been uncovered in the discourse.  相似文献   
我国的精神损害赔偿制度主要是通过最高人民法院的司法解释建立起来的.作者通过对各个时期涉及精神损害赔偿的司法解释进行解读,梳理了这一制度的建立和发展的脉络,总结了相关的法治建设经验.此外,作者还对侵权责任法学者建议稿和官方草案中有关精神损害赔偿的条文进行了具体分析,在此基础上提出了修改侵权责任法草案二次审议稿的具体建议.  相似文献   
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