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In this paper, a linear mixed effects model is used to fit skewed longitudinal data in the presence of dropout. Two distributional assumptions are considered to produce background for heavy tailed models. One is the linear mixed model with skew-normal random effects and normal errors and the other one is the linear mixed model with skew-normal errors and normal random effects. An ECM algorithm is developed to obtain the parameter estimates. Also an empirical Bayes approach is used for estimating random effects. A simulation study is implemented to investigate the performance of the presented algorithm. Results of an application are also reported where standard errors of estimates are calculated using the Bootstrap approach.  相似文献   

Augmented mixed beta regression models are suitable choices for modeling continuous response variables on the closed interval [0, 1]. The random eeceeects in these models are typically assumed to be normally distributed, but this assumption is frequently violated in some applied studies. In this paper, an augmented mixed beta regression model with skew-normal independent distribution for random effects are used. Next, we adopt a Bayesian approach for parameter estimation using the MCMC algorithm. The methods are then evaluated using some intensive simulation studies. Finally, the proposed models have applied to analyze a dataset from an Iranian Labor Force Survey.  相似文献   
Time-course gene sets are collections of predefined groups of genes in some patients gathered over time. The analysis of time-course gene sets for testing gene sets which vary significantly over time is an important context in genomic data analysis. In this paper, the method of generalized estimating equations (GEEs), which is a semi-parametric approach, is applied to time-course gene set data. We propose a special structure of working correlation matrix to handle the association among repeated measurements of each patient over time. Also, the proposed working correlation matrix permits estimation of the effects of the same gene among different patients. The proposed approach is applied to an HIV therapeutic vaccine trial (DALIA-1 trial). This data set has two phases: pre-ATI and post-ATI which depend on a vaccination period. Using multiple testing, the significant gene sets in the pre-ATI phase are detected and data on two randomly selected gene sets in the post-ATI phase are also analyzed. Some simulation studies are performed to illustrate the proposed approaches. The results of the simulation studies confirm the good performance of our proposed approach.  相似文献   
In this paper, we develop a conditional model for analyzing mixed bivariate continuous and ordinal longitudinal responses. We propose a quantile regression model with random effects for analyzing continuous responses. For this purpose, an Asymmetric Laplace Distribution (ALD) is allocated for continuous response given random effects. For modeling ordinal responses, a cumulative logit model is used, via specifying a latent variable model, with considering other random effects. Therefore, the intra-association between continuous and ordinal responses is taken into account using their own exclusive random effects. But, the inter-association between two mixed responses is taken into account by adding a continuous response term in the ordinal model. We use a Bayesian approach via Markov chain Monte Carlo method for analyzing the proposed conditional model and to estimate unknown parameters, a Gibbs sampler algorithm is used. Moreover, we illustrate an application of the proposed model using a part of the British Household Panel Survey data set. The results of data analysis show that gender, age, marital status, educational level and the amount of money spent on leisure have significant effects on annual income. Also, the associated parameter is significant in using the best fitting proposed conditional model, thus it should be employed rather than analyzing separate models.  相似文献   
In many longitudinal studies multiple characteristics of each individual, along with time to occurrence of an event of interest, are often collected. In such data set, some of the correlated characteristics may be discrete and some of them may be continuous. In this paper, a joint model for analysing multivariate longitudinal data comprising mixed continuous and ordinal responses and a time to event variable is proposed. We model the association structure between longitudinal mixed data and time to event data using a multivariate zero-mean Gaussian process. For modeling discrete ordinal data we assume a continuous latent variable follows the logistic distribution and for continuous data a Gaussian mixed effects model is used. For the event time variable, an accelerated failure time model is considered under different distributional assumptions. For parameter estimation, a Bayesian approach using Markov Chain Monte Carlo is adopted. The performance of the proposed methods is illustrated using some simulation studies. A real data set is also analyzed, where different model structures are used. Model comparison is performed using a variety of statistical criteria.  相似文献   
Existence of missing values is an inseparable part of longitudinal studies in epidemiology, medical and clinical studies. Usually researchers, for simplicity, ignore the missingness mechanism while, ignoring a not at random mechanism may lead to misleading results. In this paper, we use a Bayesian paradigm for fitting selection model of Heckman, which allows the non-ignorable missingness for longitudinal data. Also, we use reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo to allow the model to choose between non-ignorable and ignorable structures for missingness mechanism, and show how the selection can be incorporated. Some simulation studies are performed for illustration of the proposed approach. The approach is also used for analyzing two real data sets.  相似文献   
In this article, an ECM algorithm is developed to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of parameters where multivariate skew-normal distribution is used for analyzing longitudinal skewed normal regression data with dropout. A simulation study is performed to investigate the performance of the presented algorithm. Also, the methodology is illustrated through two applications and the results of proposed methodology are compared with ECM under multivariate normal assumption using AIC and BIC criteria. Standard errors of parameter estimates are obtained by asymptotic observed information matrix.  相似文献   

Weighted distributions, as an example of informative sampling, work appropriately under the missing at random mechanism since they neglect missing values and only completely observed subjects are used in the study plan. However, length-biased distributions, as a special case of weighted distributions, remove the subjects with short length deliberately, which surely meet the missing not at random mechanism. Accordingly, applying length-biased distributions jeopardizes the results by producing biased estimates. Hence, an alternate method has to be used such that the results are improved by means of valid inferences. We propose methods that are based on weighted distributions and joint modelling procedure and compare them in analysing longitudinal data. After introducing three methods in use, a set of simulation studies and analysis of two real longitudinal datasets affirm our claim.  相似文献   
Typical joint modeling of longitudinal measurements and time to event data assumes that two models share a common set of random effects with a normal distribution assumption. But, sometimes the underlying population that the sample is extracted from is a heterogeneous population and detecting homogeneous subsamples of it is an important scientific question. In this paper, a finite mixture of normal distributions for the shared random effects is proposed for considering the heterogeneity in the population. For detecting whether the unobserved heterogeneity exits or not, we use a simple graphical exploratory diagnostic tool proposed by Verbeke and Molenberghs [34] to assess whether the traditional normality assumption for the random effects in the mixed model is adequate. In the joint modeling setting, in the case of evidence against normality (homogeneity), a finite mixture of normals is used for the shared random-effects distribution. A Bayesian MCMC procedure is developed for parameter estimation and inference. The methodology is illustrated using some simulation studies. Also, the proposed approach is used for analyzing a real HIV data set, using the heterogeneous joint model for this data set, the individuals are classified into two groups: a group with high risk and a group with moderate risk.  相似文献   
Joint modeling of associated mixed biomarkers in longitudinal studies leads to a better clinical decision by improving the efficiency of parameter estimates. In many clinical studies, the observed time for two biomarkers may not be equivalent and one of the longitudinal responses may have recorded in a longer time than the other one. In addition, the response variables may have different missing patterns. In this paper, we propose a new joint model of associated continuous and binary responses by accounting different missing patterns for two longitudinal outcomes. A conditional model for joint modeling of the two responses is used and two shared random effects models are considered for intermittent missingness of two responses. A Bayesian approach using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is adopted for parameter estimation and model implementation. The validation and performance of the proposed model are investigated using some simulation studies. The proposed model is also applied for analyzing a real data set of bariatric surgery.  相似文献   
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