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Recently, along with the enhancement of the argument for career of athletes, many researchers who major in sports psychology focus mainly on athletic retirement, a coordination of transitions in sport or and outside sport, social support and professional assistance in career transition, in the context of the second career concerning to professional athletes in Japan. However, when it comes to career transition of professional athletes, it is necessary to consider "career" from the whole perspectives of human life. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to clarify the career transition of professional athletes by the way of questionnaire and interview survey, which is approached from the view point of industrial/organizational psychology. For this purpose, we implemented the interview survey to professional athletes in 2008. In addition, we carried out the investigation to professional football players (interview survey: 5 players, questionnaire survey: 102 players) in 2009. Consequently, three following findings were led in conclusion. (1)Career intervention to professional athletes should be performed before the turning point of the career (career transition). (2)It is important to assess the career intervention to professional athletes. (3)It is an important stance to watch the processes when professional athletes open up one's career by oneself.  相似文献   
This paper contributes to the literature of suicide studies by presenting procedures and its estimates of the number of family members who lose their loved ones to suicide. Using Japanese aggregate level data, three main findings emerge: first, there are approximately five bereaved family members per suicide; second, in 2006, there were about 90,000 children who had lost a parent to suicide; and third, in 2006, there were about three million living family members who had lost a loved one to suicide. The direct production loss of bereaved family members in 2006 alone is estimated at approximately 197 million USD. These results are valuable in evaluating the cost-effectiveness of suicide prevention programs and in designing appropriate policy instruments.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect in the experience of TB among university baseball team from the view point of team-vitalization. We carry out one university baseball team (102 males, 6 female). The average age of the participants was 19.99 years (SD = 1.41). Then, using Check List of Team- Vitalization that was developed by consulting firm in Japan, we examined the degrees of team-vitalization. The answers of this investigation were collected from the participants at fifth times (before intervention of TB, immediately after TB, after three months of TB, before intervention of follow-up training of TB, and immediately after follow-up training of TB). This study for eight months provided the following three conclusions; 1) University baseball team was vitalized through the experience of TB. 2) Team-vitalization was higher than before TB experience, but this effect of the TB did not seem to be permanent. 3) To keep intervention of TB was very important.  相似文献   
Summary Experiments for analyzing the movement and dispersal of larvae ofC. pipiens molestus were made and preliminaly simulation models were constructed. The models were based on two distributions, the distance and direction of movements between 1 minute intervals. The distribution of distance is represented by a unimodal curve, and that of angle by a bimodal one. The results of simulation reasonably depicted the actual process of movements. Nevertheless, the simulated time-dispersal curves overestimated the number of dispersed individuals. This might be due to mutual attraction among the larvae. Contribution No. 68 from the Lab. of Entomol. Fac. Agric. Hirosaki Univ.  相似文献   
第二次世界大战后,日本的教师教育制定了"在大学中的培养"和"教师资格证颁发的开放制"两大原则,旨在谋求教师的量的确保和质的水准提升.20世纪70年代以后,日本出现了"从学习中的逃跑"的教育问题,针对这一问题的教师实践性应对能力和在对两大原则反省的基础上,日本在大学中进行了以教育现场中的体验与反思为基调的教师教课课程改革,并对进行教师培养的大学提出了提高教师专业水平和质量保证的要求.  相似文献   
Kinship amongClethrionomys rufocanus was investigated during the winter of 1992/93 in a 3-ha enclosure using both molecular and catch-mark-release techniques. Forty-six adult voles (22 males and 24 females) having high heterozygosities, which were collected from several natural populations, were released into the enclosure on 29 September 1992. Most fall-born individuals of both sexes stayed in their natal site during the non-breeding period (December–March), although reproductively active females dispersed during the fall breeding season (October–November). These philopatric individuals aggregated and formed an maternal family in the winter. Several females which failed to reproduce were solitary during this season. Some individuals which were derived from several families also aggregated into a mixed lineage group. Survival rate of fall-born voles from earlier litters was higher than that from later ones. Maternal families broke up soon after the onset of spring reproduction. Most females established a territory near the wintering site and made a kincluster, in which close relatives neighbored each other. Maternal families in winter bring about female kin-clusters in spring, which may influence reproductive output in the breeding season.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between commitment of club activities and the vocational readiness among juniors at university. In this study, organizational commitment questionnaire (Mowday, 1979) and vocational readiness scale (Wakabayashi, Goto, and Shinkai, 1983) were tested with 178 (120 men, 58 women) juniors at one physical education university in the metropolitan area. According to correlation analysis, the relation between commitment of club activities and the vocational readiness was positive significant correlation (r = .303, p < .01). Moreover, we executed t-test. As the combined results, this study provided the following three conclusions; 1) Vocational readiness score of students who belonged to the club were higher than that of other students. 2) Vocational readiness score of students who were committed to club activities were higher than that of students with low commitment to club activities. 3) Students who were committed to club activities tended to increase the score of vocational readiness. It was not able to be declared that there were positive influences of the club activities in university education from the viewpoint of vocational readiness acquisition. Therefore, it is necessary to consider what the club activities should be from the viewpoint of university student's career education.  相似文献   
Recent findings on the relationship between social interaction and demographic process in the gray-sided voleClethrionomys rufocanus are reviewed with reference to the findings in other microtine rodents. Social behavior was particularly focused on spacing and dispersal, and their effects on population dynamics are discussed. Female territoriality can limit a population abundance as a density-dependent factor, although its regulatory effect is controversial. Female philopatry and male-biased dispersal should bring about the clumped distribution of female relatives and genetically random distribution of males during the breeding season. The sexual difference in dispersal patterns can contribute to the mating behavior of the vole; promiscuous mating and low frequency of incestuous mating. However, effects of social structure, including kinship, on reproduction and survival of individuals still remains to be clarified. Molecular markers may help to solve these issues and provide new field of population ecology in microtine rodents.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to show that how the abolishment of company sports team influenced the organizational commitment in employees. In this study, Three-Component Model of Organizational Commitment (Meyer and Allen, 1997) was tested with 16 employees (10 males, 6 females) of T Company in NAGANO prefecture. The average age of the participants was 44, 50 years (SD=±0.85). And from 16 employees, 3 male employees were measured on organizational commitment with interview test. According to the analysis, the relation between organizational commitment in employees and the abolishment of company sports team was not positive significant correlation. Furthermore, results of interview test did not show the relation between organizational commitment in employees and the abolishment of company sports team. However, results of interview test showed the relation with organizational commitment of players in T Company sports team. Consequently, the goal to possess a sports team in T Company was not to boost organizational commitment in employees. In addition, it is necessary to reconsider the correlation among employees engaged in T Company in the future.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between collective efficacy and contextual performance among university athletes in Japan. We carried out 305 university athletes (201 males, 104 females) from 14 teams in various geographic areas in Japan. The average age of the participants was 19.91 years (SD = 1.01). The kinds of sports were soccer, basketball, baseball, volleyball, and so on. Then, using Collective Efficacy Questionnaire for Sports (CEQS; Sandra E. Short et al., 2005) and Contextual Performance Scale (Ikeda, and Furukawa, 2008), we examined the relationship between collective efficacy and Contextual performance. In conclusion, this study provided the following three remarks. 1) There are relationship between collective efficacy and contextual performance. 2) Contextual performance execution level improve collective efficacy. 3) It is important to always recommend contextual performance in own team to strengthen the collective efficacy more.  相似文献   
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